Status: Sequel to the devils pet

New Life


The next day Tilly was sad. She wasn't goin out to play today. She was lying down in the living room with her head in her paws.

A lead was hooked onto her collar and was tied to a ring on the wall. Shadows was angry that Tilly had run off without telling him. She was ordered to stay home today.

Not only that but syn wa lying next to her. He was in wolf form but was asleep. He was guarding her, making sure she didn't try to go anywhere.

He was asleep though and was snoring.


Copper was waiting for Tilly but she never came. So e decided to look for her. He wandered around before coming to a house.

He saw this was the house she lived in and went up to it. He jumped on a ledge and saw Tilly inside.

He jumped off it and landed on the door handle which made it turn and open.

He walked in and went up to Tilly who was lying down, her back to him.


Tilly heard someone sat her name and she took a small glance up and saw copper then laid back down.

But she then realised that copper was here and jumped up and turned around.

"Copper" she said and he smiled.

"That's me, why are you all tied up" he asked.

"Shadows says I have to stay home today, I'm grounded" she said sadly and looked down.

"Oh well we can play here" he said.

"Copper what are you doing here, if anyone sees you they'll be mad" she said.

"Ahh no they won't, no one could be mad at me" he said.

"Whoa, who's that" he said referring to syn.

She turned to look at the direction he was pointing in. He started to walk to syn who was still snoring and sleeping.

"No copper don't, you'll wake him and he'll be mad" he said.

"Who is he" he said gettin nearer.

"That's syn, he also looks after me, you have to go" se said getting worried.

"Whoa look at him, look at those teeth" he said lifting his lip.

Syn started waking up and sniffing copper. He jumped back while he sniffed him.

Finally he opened his eyes and got mad and barked. Copper ran for it and syn chased after him barking and growling.

Shadows came out storming.

"WHAT IS GOING ON" he shouted.

Syn changed into his human form and picked copper up by his neck.

"This little pup was intruding in our house" he said

"Wait your the wolf Tilly met, who she went out with yeasterday" he said.

Copper whimpered and shadows and syn left the house going to the car. Tilly tried to go over but couldn't because of the lead.

She howled but no one heard her.


Shadows and syn stormed up to coppers house and banged on the door. Matt tuck, coppers dad opened the door.

"Hey shads" he smiled.

"Don't hey me, your stupid son just broke into my house" he said and syn held copper up.

"Yeah right" he snorted.

"Yeah he did and yeasterday he got tilt in trouble because se snuck out to go play with him" he said getting angry.

"Whatever" he said as grabbed his son. Shadows and syn walked off and went in the car and drove away.


Back at home Tilly was waiting for them to come back. When they did they came in and said nothing to Tilly but walked past and into the kitchen.

She laid down and sighed.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Tilly got told off and copper broke in.

What might happen next

Sorry if its short

Comment and enjoy xxxxx