Status: Sequel to the devils pet

New Life


The next day lily was going to put her plan into action. She wanted to get rid of this pup. She woke up and found her master not in bed.

She go up and stretched her legs and yawned. She shook herself and walked out the room. She went to the living room and sat on the couch.

Christ and rev were already there. A couple of minutes after shadows walked in with vengeance in wolf form and he had Tilly in his mouth. She growled a little and shadows came over.

He sat down and lily out her head on him and he stroked her.

Vengeance sat her down on the floor and she laid down. She didn't have her muzzle on today. Syn came in with a bottle of milk and she was picked up by Christ.

He got the bottle in her mouth and fed her. She sucked on the bottle. When she was done she was put back on the floor. Lily rolled her eyes and laid on shadows lap.

Vengeance sat there and Tilly came over to him and cuddled into his chest. He leaned down and licked her head and she laid down and yawn.

She fell asleep soon.

Shadows petted Lily's head and then got up. He ushered the guys to go with him. They all did and now it was just lily and Tilly.

She smirked and jumped down from the couch and went to Tilly. She sniffed her and Tilly woke up and whimpered. But lily leaned down and licked her and sniffed her nose.

Showing she wasn't going to hurt her. Tilly sat up and went on her back legs and put her paws on Lily's face and she smiled.

Lily picked her up and went to the frog door and managed together it open with her paws.

Tilly looked out and she nudged her to go outside. Tilly automatically ran and was happy. She ran and ran.

Lily went back to laying in the couch with her eyes closed hopeimg they would think she was asleep.

They guys came back and looked confused. "Hey lily where's Tilly" shadows said and lily said nothing. They looked over to the door.

"Oh no" they said and they all ran out changeing to their wolf forms. They ran to find Tilly.

Tilly trotted in the woods and she heard a twig snap.she turned and saw nothing.

She carried on trotting when she heard a low growl. Se stopped and whimpered and a big wolf came out. He was grey with green eyes.

The wolf walked up to her and smirked and growled at her. She coward into herself and whimpered. He stepped forward his jaw open and ready to bite her.

When the sound of paws running came and 5 big wolfs came out and stood in front of Tilly. They growled at the wolf and barked and it turned running.

Shadows turned around and growled a little at Tilly before turning right around and walking away. She watched him walk away and was picked up into someone's mouth.

She went limp in his mouth and let him carry her.

Soon they got home and they all change into their human forms.
Vengeance picked Tilly up and they walked in. They walked into the kitchen and slammed the door.


Lily walked down the hall. She saw the kitchen door closed and heard shouting. She k we they were back and they were mad at Tilly.

She smiled and ran to the kitchen door and sat down and put her ear to the door.

She could head shadows shouting.

"What the hell were you thinking Tilly you could have been killed" shadows shouted.

Tilly was sat on the kitchen table with shadows in front of her and the guys behind her.

Shadows was mad at her. "Anything could have happened to you, you could have been taken or even killed"

"God your only a few weeks old which means you still learning" he shouted even more.

He was pacing back and forth with his hands on his hips.

"You should have come told me if you wanted to go out" e shouted.

Tilly sat with her head down and she whimpered and whined. She knew what lily had done. She set her up.

"Your lucky we got there in time" he growled.

"So what do you want to do with her" said the rev.

Shadows stopped pacing and stood in front of her. He had his hands on his hips and sighed.

"Take her to her cage and lock her in there. She can stay in their for a well until she learns and can be trusted again.

Tilly lifted her head and was picked up by syn and rev. The all walked out the kitchen and lily stood up to see the rev and syn take Tilly to her cage.

The walked down the hall and into her room. They walked to her cage and syn opened it. The rev placed her in and she sat at the door.

Syn shut it and locked it with a small padlock and they walked out. She sighed and sat down and put her head on her paws.
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Aww so lily set Tilly up again.

So what will happen dew think.

Comment and enjoy xxxxxx