‹ Prequel: Lie and Tie
Status: in the works <3

Tied Together


Ashley’s POV
I had about two and a half days left to make sure everything was perfect (and to get myself to calm down) for when Tyler’s family came down. I couldn’t believe that just about two weeks ago Tyler and I had gotten back together after a short breakup. I was rushing around running errands and picking up last minute groceries so that Tyler wouldn’t have to when he got back from his road trip. As I sat in his apartment’s kitchen writing down everything he didn’t have (he literally had nothing, his fridge was a dried up desert with the occasional tumbleweed or cactus) I realized that I didn’t want to go grocery shopping alone. So I called up Trisha who quickly agreed saying, “Anything to get me out of this apartment. I can’t handle it anymore I’m like a caged animal.” I threw my shoes and jacket on and grabbed my purse and keys and left to pick Trisha up.
As we were walking around the store Trisha decided that today would not be the day she would help me get over my nerves. Meaning that she spent the entire time quizzing and questioning me and making me more nervous (obviously she didn’t realize that that’s what she was doing). I dropped Trisha off before heading back to Tyler’s apartment to put the groceries away.
I walked into my apartment an hour later. I threw my keys and purse on the counter, my jacket over the chair and kicked off my shoes before falling onto my couch with a sigh. I closed my eyes and finally relaxed only to be interrupted seconds later by the harsh ring of my phone. With a groan I got up and hurried into my kitchen to dig through my ourse for it. I clicked answer without even looking at the caller id, “Hello?”
“Hey babe it’s me. How are you?” came Tyler’s soothing voice from the other end of the line. I relaxed back into my couch before replying.
“Pretty good. Your fridge and cabinets are fully stocked with food.”
I could tell he was grinning when he responded, “Aw baby that’s the true sign of love.” I rolled my eyes even though I knew he couldn’t see me.
“Well anyways I was just calling to say I love you and I miss you. And I can’t wait to be home tomorrow night.”
“I love and miss you too. I can’t wait to see you.”
“Oh and Ash, stop worrying about my family. Everything will be just fine and they will love you.” I sighed and he hung up. I pulled the phone away from my head and put it on my coffee table and laid back on my couch. Before I knew it I was sound asleep.
Tyler’s POV
I felt so bad leaving Ashley alone to her worries but I had a road trip and I was in the midst of an awesome goal scoring streak. I knew she would stress the entire time up until she met my family. And then she would stress the entire time they were here and then maybe even for a while after they’ve left. Hopefully it wouldn’t extend past that. I decided that I should give her a call and see how she was doing. Not to mention I desperately needed to hear her voice.
Once I had hung up I knew that my assumptions about her stress level were pretty accurate and decided that I better make sure Trisha is there keeping her calm until I get back.
She picked up on the third ring, “Tyler what’s up? Did Ashley not pick up her phone?”
“No. no. I just was hoping that you could keep Ash from stressing too much before I get back to Boston tomorrow night?”
She laughed “Sure thing. I’ll go harass her at her apartment now and make her paint my nails and watch movies with me or something. Maybe I’ll make her so bored that she falls asleep. That’s the best cure for dealing with a stressed person, get them to sleep. Then you don’t have to deal with them and they don’t have to deal with their stress. It’s a win-win situation!”
I chuckled at her enthusiasm, “I’ll take it you’ve been stuck in your apartment too long?”
She sighed, “Yeah, besides going to the grocery store earlier with Ash, I’ve been all caged up. Thanks for the excuse to get back out!”
“Thanks for keeping an eye on her.”
After hanging up with Trisha I turned my phone to silent mode and left my hotel room to meet up with some of the boys for dinner.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so to everyone who read Lie and Tie and has followed over to this second part of it, Thank you. to everyone new to the story, you may want to read Lie and Tie first so that you understand Tied Together.

so basically this is chapter seventeen of Lie and Tie except its under a different title.​​

please subscribe, comment, rate, and everything!
