Status: one shot

Anchor Down


Wheezing and coughing, Alex lays down on his couch. It's been three days and Jack was right, Alex was sick.

His throat felt itchy and his nose was stuffy and overall, he felt like shit.

"Babe, you have to go to the doctor." Jack tells him as he puts the requested blanket on top of his boyfriend.

"No." he replies stubbornly. Scooting deeper into the couch cushions, because every time he would sniff his nose Jack would try to suggest going to the hospital and Alex hated the goddamn hospital. He pulls the blankets closer to him, his eyes were drooping but he couldn't get himself to fall asleep.

"You look like death Alex, the doctor will only give you medicine so you can feel better, come on dude don't be a baby." Jack says, leaning down to rub Alex's shoulder.

"I swear Jack, if you don't leave me alone I will cough on everything you love." he says pulling the blanket over his head and stuffing his face into his pillow. It was so damn cold in this apartment and Jack keeps on telling him that the heater is on full.

But the taller man leaves the room rolling his eyes at Alex, but he couldn't help but believe that Alex would actually get up and cough on his laptop and phone without the other knowing, and he did not want to catch whatever the hell the smaller man had.


It was at 1:30 am that Alex woke up to magically being in his bed, either: 1. He got up himself and was half conscious or 2. Jack took the biggest risk of his life and carried him to the bed, but seriously Alex could careless right now because he wakes up to his two nostrils clogged and he can’t breathe out of his nose and he wants to cry because it's the worst fucking feeling ever.

Exiting the bedroom Alex turns on the lights to the hallway and runs into the bathroom, too lazy to go hunt down the tissue box he pulls some toilet paper and blows his nose as hard as he can. Alex feels the tears of irritation coming from his eyes as he stomps on the floor and yells:

"Fuck this! Fuck this stupid fucking sickness!" which is normal for the other boy because when he's tired he's grumpy as hell and considering it was 1:30 in the morning and he has been getting up during the middle of the night four days in a row, he was pissed off beyond anything.

Jack appears at the doorway of the bathroom hearing the shorter boy screaming his lungs out.

"Alex stop! The neighbors are going to kill you." he hisses, trying to stretch his back because he was sleeping on the other couch (not the one that Alex was sleeping on.) But then he sees the other boy with tears in his eyes and he feels his heart hurt and he doesn't even care if he can get sick he goes to him and hugs him tight.

"You're definitely going to the doctor tomorrow."


In the waiting room, Alex has his arms crossed over his chest a huge pout on his face. It was only fifty degrees outside and he has a coat on top of his hoodie. He was also bored out of his mind because it’s been an hour since they've arrived and he’s pretty sure the nurse is skipping his name and is calling everyone else. But the fact that Jack is smugly reading his magazine instead of comforting/ paying attention to him and that makes Alex want to grab the magazine and throw it across the room, but he’s pretty sure the other will react in no other way then to grab another magazine from the neatly stacked pile on the table next to him.

“It’s been like three days since we came here, and they still aren’t calling my name. This is a waste of time. You’re a waste of my time.” Alex mutters loud enough for Jack to hear him. He hears the other laugh and he points at the magazine while saying:

“This is hilarious.”

The smaller boy glares at the other until finally he hears his name being called from the doorway.

“You’re coming with me, aren’t you?” he asks in-between a cough.

“Of course I am you knuckle-head.”
“I fucking told you so! I should become a doctor because I’m smart and I knew it, you could have just listened to me instead of being an idiot and wasting your money on an appointment.” Alex says as they head back from the doctors into the apartment. Jack just rolls his eyes because he knows
how the other gets when he’s sleep deprived. He’s cranky and will not stop calling him an idiot.

“Okay Alex.” Jack says.

Alex takes his jacket off and falls onto the couch, wrapping the blanket from the other day around himself.

“Put on Finding Nemo and cuddle with me.” He says.

“Eww no, you’re sick and disgusting.” Jack replies and he laughs when he feels a pillow hit his head.

Sick Alex, is a bitch.
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Just something I wrote because I'm bored.