Damaged Goods


Shawn and I had been dating for a little over a year now. He had been the next guy I dated after my last boyfriend, and the only other person on the planet that knew what happened to me during that relationship. He was the only person I trusted with those haunting memories, and was always there to wake me up from those flashback nightmares I had more often then not.

It was Thanksgiving weekend; we were traveling to upstate New York to visit his family for the holidays. The snow was coming down pretty well around our car, our headlights illuminating ever single falling snowflake that fluttered down in front of us. My eyes searched out the windshield, and my passenger window of the SUV traveling down the back highway. We had to be in Vermont, or at least just into New York by now. With the GPS reading our arrival time being somewhere around one in the morning, and the dashboard clock displaying eleven thirty I could safely assume we probably hadn’t crossed the boarder yet.

I felt bad for Shawn, I really did. I was broken, I had been broken and now I was in his care and he had to deal with all this shit.

Unbeknown to these feelings in my head Shawn reached a hand over and held onto mine, running a thumb over my fingers.

“Smile sweats.” His velvet words embraced me in a verbal warm hug. “You’re safe now. I promise nothing like will ever happen to you with me by your side.”

I knew Shawn had this whole plan of his life already; married before 27, kids before 32. Living in upstate New York, a nice house with a big yard, and a state trooper car in the drive. He had it all planned out, and I was more then delighted to help make that entire dream a possibility. More or less, we had the same dreams.

I got lost in the snow, thinking of our wedding day, our first house, our children playing out in the drive. This was the life I wanted, that I dreamt of all the time, and had planned on having, and I wanted Shawn to be the guy that would take me away from all of the bad dreams, and whisk me into this fairytale.