All I Ask of You


Charlie Simons (you): Black hair, gray eyes, pail skin, 5'5, thin.
You like Rock, Punk Rock, Light Rock, Old Rock, Metal, and 80's music.
You're 22 you'll be 23 on October 31. You live with your friend in Belleville, New Jersey.

Samiri Carter(friend): dark blue hair, blue eyes, tan skin, 5'9, thin.
She has the same taste of music as you do.
She's 23 she'll be 25 on September 9.

January 1 2005 ~moving into your apartment in New Jersey~

"Here's the last box," called Samiri from the door.

"Let me help you with that," you called coming out of your new room where you had been busy looking through your boxes, trying to decide where the best place to start was.

You and Samiri moved to New Jersey to go to the collage in New York. Finding the cheapest one in the next state over you both jumped for it.

"That's okay! I got it," she walked over to the table and placed the box down, the sound of inexpensive china being rattled shattered the silence in the once empty room.

"I'll help you unpack then," you said ripping open the box.

"Thank you."

Samiri grabbed a stack of faded yellow plates with intricate white designs along the edges and placed them on the table.

"We need to find an organizing system that will work," you said, "Unlike last time." you both laughed.

Back in your last apartment that you shared with Samiri, you had never had an organizer, so you resorted in throwing the silverware into a drawer together, and so on and so forth. This time, you were determined to be a lot more organized, and if not, then you would at least dedicate a drawer to one eating utensil.

"We could go shopping for kitchen supplies," suggested Samiri opening a cupboard.

"Sure," looking at the clock it read 5:00pm, "Wanna go now?"

"Sure," you both grabbed your coats and ran out the door, locking it after you.