All I Ask of You

part 9

-~-April 14, 2005-~-
-~-Gerard's P.O.V-~-

Charlie was 2 months pregnant with twins which no one here could expect. Frank's been worried about Charlie as well as Samiri and her restraining order. Every one knows that she left that day, but no one thought that she would actually do it. I was on the couch, watching a movie that I really liked (Jaws) when the phone rang.

"Hello," I asked.

"Yes, this is Connie at the Newark Police Department, may I speak to a Mr. Gerard Way?"

"Speaking. What may I help you with?"

"A few months ago, a young lady named Samiri Carter came in asking for a restraining order against a Frank Iero. She told me a story that was unbelievable, so she told me that I could call you and ask you some questions." I went white.

Samiri what the fuck did you do?

"Ask away."

"She told me that her room mate is was in love with Mr. Iero."

"Please call him Frank. And yes, she still is."

"Is it true that... Frank harmed Charlie by pushing her into a couch that toppled over?"


"Is it true that the victim was put in a coma for a week."

"Please don't call her a victim.... It makes me nervous."

"Sorry. Please answer the question."

"Yes. She was in a coma for a week. It scared the hell out of every one who knew her."

"Is it true that she slept with...your brother Mikey Way?"


"Is it true that while she was in the coma, the doctors found that she was pregnant?"


"Was Frank there at the time the information was given?"


"Miss. Carter tells me that on one of Charlie's month pregnancy anniversary, I she entered the room to find her room mate crying, and Frank in the room with her looking angry. Do you think that Frank would hurt Charlie again?"

"No. He would never hurt Charlie when he knows she's a mother to be."

"Thank you Mr. Way."

"Gerard, um...before you go, how far is Frankie going to have to stay away from Charlie, if the order goes through?"

"Oh the order will go through, he will have to stay 500ft or more from her."

"Thank you."

"Thank you." I hung up the phone. I just helped Samiri pull the order through court. Anger rose in me. Mikey wasn't home so I wasn't nagged with the question of 'Who was that?' A knock came from my door. I got up to answer it.

"Hello." I said coldly, it was Samiri.

"Good evening to you too." she said with a worried smile. "Is Mikey home?"

"No." I tried to scare her off, but my tone wasn't hard enough.


"What do you want?"

"I was going to borrow a cup of sugar."

"I'm not letting you in by the hair of my chinny chin chin," I said. My eyes narrowed as she laughed.

"No really. I'm making sugar cookies and I need a cup of sugar. We're all out. I would have sent Charlie out to get some for me, but she has to stay in bed for an other two weeks."

"And how does this involve Mikey?"

"Well, since he's the one that cooks a lot, I thought you had some sugar."

"I'm sorry, I have no clue where Mikey keeps the sugar."

"Oh! That's okay. I know where it is. If you let me in I'll just help my self," I stepped aside. I hate it when people don't get the message. "So, have you had any interesting conversations lately?" she asked from the kitchens.

"Yeah actually, not too long before you came. A girl from the police I think, called and asked me some questions about Frank." there was a loud clank from the kitchen.

"O-oh really?" she asked, sounding nervous. I entered the kitchen and towered over her.

"Why would you do such a horrible thing," she didn't say anything, "'Doesn't love mean anything to you,'" I quoted from Frank, who yelled that at her the day he tried to stop her, "'How would you feel if I filed a restraining order on you? You would have to stay away from Ray for the rest of you life.'"

The quotes worked. They hit her hard.

"How would you feel Samiri? During those long lonely nights. Knowing that you would never be able to hold Ray ever again, never be able to kiss him, to hear his laughter, to gaze into his eyes. How would you feel?"

"Gerard, stop," she said, "I'm just doing what is right."

"What is right is going down to the police station and stopping that restraining order."

"You should have filed one in the first place." she said, I was amazed that her voice wasn't rising. "He harassed her, he abused her, he nearly killed her and all you do is have him sit next to her in the hospital?"

"I didn't want to break something that could actually have a perfect ending!"

"A perfect ending wouldn't have placed my friend in a coma. Even if it was for a week."

"You're calling yourself a friend," I was trying to keep from yelling, "A friend who tares apart relationships! What the hell kind of a friend keeps you away from the one you love? Huh! What kind of friend is that!" I was yelling at end of it. A tear rolled down her cheek.

"I can't believe that you would dare call your self a good friend," I pointed at my door, "Get the fuck out of my house! I can't stand to have any type of bitch in here knowing that she thinks that she's doing something good when she's really doing it only to keep someone's life secluded. Get out!" Samiri slammed the sugar can on the counter and headed out the door. Ray, Bob, Frank, and Mikey - who just came back from the store and was listening outside - were standing with puzzled looks. "Do us all a favor and Leave Charlie and Frank alone!"

"Well it's too late now ass hole!" she yelled.

"It's never to late bitch!" I yelled back as she closed the door on all of us.

"What was that about?" asked Ray.

"You're girlfriend placed a restraining order on Frank. Today I answered questions for the police that would help make that order official."

"You what!" exclaimed Frank, a shocked look came over his face.

"I didn't know what I was doing until the end of the questioning. If I knew what she was up to, I would have lied. Believe me, I don't want this to happen as much as you do." Frank backed up against his door, sorrow filled his eyes along with anger, and fear.

"Did you find out what the part is?"

"'s....500ft or more." My voice was soft now. Frank's eyes were 100% fear. He gripped the front of his hoodie, as he stared at me. Tears found their way into his eyes.

"I can't do it Gerard, I can't." he said, never breaking eye contact with me.


"I can't stay that far away from her! I can't do it! I love her too damn much to let the law tell me what the hell I should do." he took a breath and continued, his voice softer now. "You know me probably better than anyone Gerard. You know what I'm capable of."

"Frankie, no. We can fight this. We will find ways," I was holding his shoulders at this point. I don't even remember moving forward, "Frank, don't you do anything stupid," he nodded, "Could I stay over for a while?" he nodded. I went inside and got packed a duffel bag. I had a feeling I was going to stay with Frank for a while.

-~-April 29, 2005-~-

After going to court three times in 15 days, the restraining order was finally official. Frank moved to another room on the floor just so he was far enough away from her. He was quiet and pale. He never talked during band practices, when he played, it wasn't full of emotion like it used to be. He never sang. The thing that scared everyone the most, was that he was rapidly losing weight, and he wasn't that fat to begin with. Charlie just started walking again, but she's spent most of her time in her bed room crying. Samiri has had a sudden change of heart, and is starting to feel bad for her, but that doesn't change her mind. I couldn't take it anymore.

I was still with Frank in his new apartment. Mikey was on his own for now. He was quieter too. When ever we were in Charlie's apartment, he was always glancing at the door, as if waiting for her to come out. It's almost like he and Frank are ghosts. It was pathetic. Then I had an idea.

"Ray," I said into my cell phone as I made my way down the twisted halls of the apartment building.


"Meet me outside your apartment and the end on the hall."

"Sure," he was there before I was, "What's up?"

"I have an idea that will get Frank and Charlie together."