All I Ask of You

part 10

-~- Gerard's P.O.V -~-

"Ray, I need you to take Samiri out for like two hours. Do you think you can do that?" I asked.

"Well, yeah sure.... Tell me why again?"

"I have an idea. While you're out with Samiri, I'll take Frank over to Chalie's and they can be together to talk freely for how ever long you stay out. Rent a fucking hotel room for all I care. Just do something that will give them a hell of a lot of time."

"Will do." Ray went off and knocked on Samiri's door. I didn't expect him to start this early. I dialed Frank's number on my cell phone.




"Come down to Chalie's apartment."

"I can't. Remember? Samiri and her order."

"Well, Ray is taking Samiri out for a while. And while she's out, Charlie will be all alone in her apartment with no one to call the cops in case you come, and besides. What Samiri doesn't know won't hurt her."

"Gerard are you fucking serious?"

"Hell yeah. I can't stand to see you two like this."

"I'm on my way."

"Don't walk fast. Samiri is changing and telling Charlie where she's going. It'll take a while."


I hung up and waited around the corner. In about half an hour, Frank was at my side and Ray and Samiri were in the elevator headed to where ever they were going. Frank looked smashing in a red top, black pants, and a black tie. His hair was pushed to one side and he wasn't wearing any eye liner. Shocking to me. He looked at me and gave a weak smile before slowly approaching Charlie's door. He knocked.

"Hello?" asked a voice from the apartment.

"Charlie?" Frank asked shyly. The door opened and Charlie gasped. She instantly latched onto Frank and gave him a kiss. I smiled to see that I've done my good deed for the day.

-~- Normal P.O.V -~-

You were in your room when you heard a knock at your door. You got up and leaned against it.


"Charlie?" the voice sounded familiar. You unlocked the door and opened it, letting out a gasp as you saw Frank standing there. Your heart skipped several beats as you threw yourself at him kissing him passionately.

You gripped his face as you held him close to you, your lips working each other's as your tongues slipped in and out of each other's mouths. You only pulled apart when you could no longer breath.

"What are you doing here? You're not supposed to ever see me again?"

"If that's what you want I can leave."

"Wait! Samiri and Ray are out, she said something about spending like two nights in a hotel room some where out of town. Would you like to come in?"

"And why would I say no?" Frank said smiling as you stepped away from the entrance. He came in and you locked the door.

"How are you?" you asked softly wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Hopelessly in love with someone the law says I can't have."

"Screw the law," you whispered. You placed your lips over his and his tongue entered your mouth. You pulled away as a sharp pain hit your belly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just getting kicked at." you said. Frank chuckled.

"Have you named them yet?"

"I've named one," you answered. " I thought it fair that Mikey got to name one, since after all they are his kids."

"Please don't remind me," grunted Frank as he pulled you down onto the couch, "What did he name it?"

"Well, we had a well fought argument and decided that we should name the girl after her uncle Gerard."

"I like that. Very creative." Frank gave your shoulder a squeeze.

"Mikey also suggested that you name the other one," you mentioned, looking up at him, "He said that what ever you name it he will fully support no matter how horrible it is."

"He said that?"

"No. I just added it." You stuck out your tongue and Frank took it into his mouth. Pulling away, he thought.

"How about Marius." he said after a while.

"A vampiric name." you said.

"Just like you." he teased.

"Hm... Just like me," you agreed, "I love it." Frank smiled.

"What are you going to do about Mikey and me?"

"I still don't know," you admitted, "It's so hard. Every thing I think of.... always has a bad ending to it."

"I see."

"I was thinking that I could not marry and then there really wouldn't be a problem."

"If you don't marry me, I will go completely out of my mind." Frank kissed your forehead. The phone rang and you leaned for the coffee table to answer it.




"Charlie, I'm at my apartment."


"Mikey's locked himself in the bathroom with three bottles of pure vodka and a razor."

"What!" you bolted up and headed for the door.

"What's wrong?" asked Frank following you to your neighbors.

"Mikey's trying to kill himself!"


You entered Gerard and Mikey's apartment and found Gerard standing in front of a closed door pounding madly on it.

"Stand back!" called Frank. He stood back then rammed himself into the door. It burst open. Mikey was on the floor blood all around him. His eyes closing. Gerard had his cell phone out and was talking to someone from the hospital.

"God dammit! He's fucking dying and all you can say is that you'll be here in no less than three minutes? Three minutes my brother will be dead!" Gerard sighed in frustration and hung up. "They're coming as fast as they can." You knelt down in the pool of blood and held Mikey's limp blood stained hand.

"Sleep now my baby,
Be still love don't cry.
Sleep as your rocked by the stream.
Sleep and remember, my last lullaby.
So I will be there when you dream.

It was a soft quick lullaby that you're grandmother used to sing to you when you were younger. Mikey was slipping. You thought of another song. Not being able to think of any, you started to hum the main sorrowful tune of Lord Of The Rings. Mikey was trying so hard not to close his eyes. The front door bust open and the paramedics came in and took care of Mikey.

You, Frank, and Gerard all went to the hospital together. You arrived there when you suddenly had a wet sensation. You let out a painful gasp.

"What, what is it?" asked Frank.

" water...."

"Oh my God!"

"What?" Gerard turned to look at you.

"Gerard we have to get her inside now!"

"Right." Gerard didn't quite understand why, but he did as he was told.

"May I help you," asked a lady at the front desk.

"Yes, my....wife, her water broke, where can I find a doctor?"

"Right here," said a young lady behind the counter. She let you sit down in a wheel chair and she ran off to a room.

"Frank!" called Gerard. He spun around. "What about Mikey!"

"You go check on him! I have to stay with Charlie!" Frank ran after you and the doctor.

-~- Frank's P.O.V -~-

I sat out side her room listening to her scream. I heard the sound of a baby crying and the sound of the nurses and doctors telling her when to push, or if it's a boy or a girl, or if she's doing alright. I waited and waited. Finally, two nurses ran out of the room. Each were holding a small bundle in their arms. The doctors came out and told me I could see her.
I steeped into her room, to find her exhausted form on a bed. Her face was covered in sweat and her hair stuck to her face. She was a mess, but still looked incredibly beautiful. I walked over to her and held her hand.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," I answered.

"Happy Birthday," she whispered.

"Happy Birthday," I answered, "Perfect give 'aye?"

"Couldn't have asked for a better one," she smiled the nurses came back with the bundles only this time they were moving. One dressed entirely in pink was handed to Charlie, and one dressed in blue was handed to me.

I looked down to see a pair of big blue green eyes looking at me. Tiny out stretched arms with tiny fingers moved around in the air. The tiny light human I was holding was Mikey's son. Marius. Marius. I couldn't believe it. I looked up at Charlie to see that she too was admiring a small infant a small tear rolling down her cheek. Gerard. Gerard was a little larger than Marius, but looked the most like her father. Charlie looked up at me and then at Marius.

"I love you." I said softly to her.

"I love you too." she answered. There was a knock on the door and a nurse walked in with Gerard following her.

"This young man wishes to see you." she said.

"Thank you." I said as she left.

"Holly hell," whispered Gerard. He looked down at the two small bodies. I stood and made a move to give him Marius. Gerard held out his arms and gently held the tiny baby.

"Gerard," I said, "I have to make a run. Do you mind staying here? I can walk." Gerard nodded, "How's Mikey?"

"Not so good," I nodded.

"I'll call you if I need a ride." I said and made my way to the entrance.

I walked to the nearest jewelry store and entered.

"Hello!" I was greeted.

"Good evening," I said. I scanned the glass cases for what I had my eye one, "Do you have any engagement rings?" I asked. A young lady dressed in a black button up dress nodded and lead me to a class case in the center of the room. I started eliminating. It had to be perfect if it was going to be for Charlie.