All I Ask of You

part 12

-~-November 05, 2005-~-
-~-Normal P.O.V-~-

You got out of the hospital, along with Samiri's help. She found out about you from Gerard, who felt it wrong to hid such a thing from her. You and the twins Gerard and Marius were at home. You were singing a lullaby as Samiri was over a Ray's apartment talking to him about only God knows what when there was a knock on the door. Making sure that neither of the twins would wake up, you answered the door.

"Hello Mikey," you said softly opening the door, "Come in," you stepped a side as Mikey came through the door.

"How are you," he asked.

"Just fine....You," you almost didn't want to answer the question.

"Gerard should have called me to tell me what he had planned." you looked at him puzzled.

"Why don't you sit down." you lead Mikey to the couch.

"I couldn't take it any more," he said, "It was killing me to see how you two were acting. You were depressed and the only reason Gerard was with Frankie was because....he was afraid that he might commit suicide."

"No. But you tried."

"I couldn't help but blame myself. If I hadn't... kissed you... hadn't slept with you, none of this would have ever happened. You would marry Frank, you two would live together, everything would be normal."

"If you hadn't kissed me, if you hadn't slept with me, Gerard and Marius wouldn't even be alive. I'm not mad at you for what you did. I'm... almost actually glad you came into my life. You are the father of two beautiful babies. They wouldn't be here if it weren't for you." you raised your arm to rap around Mikey, when Samiri slightly opened the door. She saw you two and then closed it. That pretty much ruined your moment.

"Could I...." said Mikey nervously, "Could I...."

"Would you like to see them," you asked. He smiled lightly and nodded. You got up, linked arms with him, and lead him into your bedroom where a crib sits alone holding two babies.

A small child dressed in blue, and an other one slightly larger girl dressed in pink. They laid on their backs their tiny hands up to their mouths. Their tiny eyes closed against the blackness of night. Dreaming their tiny dreams of what ever their imagination conjures up. Mikey gave a silent gasp when he looked down into the pin.

"Samiri and I think that Gerard looks like you," you said softly. You looked up and saw tears in Mikey's eyes. "What's wrong?"

"This isn't right," he said softly, he brought his hand up to his eye and wiped away his tears.

"Mikey. What's done is done. There's nothing you can do about it. Please try to understand. Be proud. You're a father now. A father of two beautiful children who will love you no matter what happens between us," you turned to Mikey and enveloped him in your arms, "Please try to understand that."

"I do," he whispered. He let go of you and looked into your eyes, "You're so beautiful," a coat of blush came over you, "Frankie is lucky to have someone like you."

"Yes but even though, we can never be together legally. It's just....unfair. Unless if I can find a way to get Samiri to release the restraining order-" you stopped.

"What? What is it?"

"I... am... an idiot," you exclaimed, "I can remove the order. It's for me against Frank. Since I am the one who's really the victim here, then I can remove it! Why didn't I think of that before?"

"You were probably under too much shock to think about it."

"I have to call the police station right away," you ran to the phone.

"No! No," called Mikey. "You can't. Not now," you looked at him puzzled, "Give them a reason to remove it. See if Frank will do something."

"What are you saying? Wait until he proposes? He'll never do it. He can't do it. No unless I take this order off."

"Give it time. If Frank doesn't do anything in... a month. Then call. Do you think you can handle that?"

"Yes," you turned your back on the phone.

"Now....What do you want to do?"

"Talk to Frankie," you said softly. For some reason, a tear strolled down your face.

"Hey, hey, hey.... Why are you crying?"

"Over reactive glands? I don't know. It's just... all of this... you almost killing your self, the restraining order, the twins, it's all too over whelming."

"But just a second ago, you said that you were happy to have the twins."

"I am, but... this is.... Oh it's too hard to explain. Everything is in chaos," you looked at your room, "You, Frank, Gerard, and those kids are the only thing in this mess that are keeping me going. I feel like slitting my own wrist sometimes. I can't do it," Mikey pulled you into his arms and let you cry into his chest. Samiri came in and saw you crying.

"What happened," she asked. She came forward, "Charlie what's wrong?" she placed a hand on your shoulder, but you shrugged it off, "Charlie?"

"You know exactly what the hell is wrong," you said pulling away from Mikey, "This was all you from the beginning."

"Are you saying that I'm the one responsible for you misery?"

"Yes. You and that dumb restraining order. Frank didn't hurt me the second time. He was talking. You know I have over reactive tear glands. You know I can't control my facial expressions. That's probably what happened to Frank. It wasn't his fault! He didn't do anything!," you were sobbing by the end of your sentence. Mikey looked scared and Samiri looked hurt. You turned your back on all of them and headed back into your room.