All I Ask of You

part 14

-~-November 15, 2005-~-

It's been ten days, since the night you slept with Frank. The twins are fine, and Samiri - after finding out what had happened between you and Frank - blamed herself for actually believing that he could be trustworthy. You have had enough of her and her whining, so you kicked her out of your apartment.

Frank is back in his new apartment, and is getting back into his depressed mode again. Gerard is doing all that he can for him and Mikey, for he doesn't want another suicide attempt on his hands.

Ray and Bob are feuding over a game of Chinese checkers. Yes, Chinese checkers. Ray said that he won the first match, but Bob says that he won. Both you and Samiri suggested that they have a rematch, but they won't have it.

"That shows that he's right and I'm wrong," says Ray.

"That means that he won the first match, and I lost. I'm not going to put up with that!" complained Bob. You both give up.

Ray and Samiri - she moved into his apartment - are closer than ever. Samiri made him clean his apartment, fix his bed, get the shower unclogged, vacuum the carpet, sweep off the leaves from the balcony, and do the laundry, but he knows that she's only doing this so he won't be like this forever. Ray took her out for the evening, and the next day, Samiri had a huge rock on her finger. You took notice to it, and apologized for kicking her out.

"Oh it's okay, I would have ended up leaving any way," you both giggled, and made up. Samiri moved across the hall with Ray leaving you alone with Marius and Gerard.

They have grown a lot since you brought them home. You have gotten into a routine that you think is great until you have to get an other job. You wake up, feed the twins, feed yourself, take a shower, get dressed, change and dress Marius and Gerard, then let Samiri over to watch them while you go shopping for food, clothes, diapers, and a job.

One day, after you get out of the shower, and get dressed, there was a knock on the door. Thinking it was Samiri, you yelled that they could come in. The door opened and closed. You bent over Gerard to take her out of the crib when you felt an arm wrap around your waist, and a hand press against your mouth. You let out a muffled scream, as a voice whispered into your ear.

"Shh.....Calm down," it was Gerard. He let you go, and you spun around smacking him across the chest, "What the hell was that for?"

"For scaring the living shit out of me."

"Well, that is impossible, for you see, shit doesn't live," you smiled and hit him again, "What was that for?"

"For being a smart ass," you said. You bent back down and picked up Gerard. "What are you doing here?"

"Frank wants to see you," he said.

"I want to see him too," you admitted.

"Well, I'm not supposed to tell you this but, he's going to be in the park today. Maybe just maybe, he could bump into someone he has feelings for," you smiled and nodded.

"I'll be there in ten minuets," Gerard smiled and ran to the door, "Gerard!" you called and ran after him.

"Yeah babe?"

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For all that you've done to keep Frank and me going. That's on of the many qualities that the men back home don't have." Gerard smiled, and you to leaned in and kissed each other. Samiri came in through the door.

"Hey! I her-" she saw you kissing Gerard. You heard her and pulled away.

"I'll see you later," said Gerard as he made his way to the door, "Good morning Samiri."

"Good morning Gerard," answered Samiri with a smile. He closed the leaving you and Samiri alone, "What was that?"

"A thank you kiss," you answered, "He's done so much for me during this time."

"What ever. So what needs to be done?"

"Well, Gerard and Marius need to be changed, have their baths, and then dressed."

"Will do!" Samiri smiled, and hugged you goodbye. "Hurry back. These kids are making me want some." you smiled and hurried off to the elevator.

-~-In the Park-~-

Frank was on a bench drinking a cup of coffee. He had a note pad, and was scribbling down guitar tabs and chords for no apparent reason. You stood off to the side and took a deep breath. You walked up to him as sat down.

"Hey," you said. He looked up and smiled.

"Hey! What are you doing here?"

"I was just in the park and saw you," you lied.

"It's great to see you," he said and leaned in to kiss you. You kissed back and then pulled away.

"What are you doing?"

"Writing Guitar chords."

"For what?"

"Gerard wants to start a band, well, actually, in high school we started a band, but he wants to make an album," you nodded.

"I'll buy every one of your Cd's," you said, "You guys are going to be great."

"You haven't herd us play."

"I don't need to hear you play. I know you're goo just by looking at you," he gave you a I-know-you're-just-saying-that-but-whatever look, "I'm serious."

"Whatever." You both laughed, and silence came over you. "Charlie."


"If I ask you something, will you say 'yes'?"

"It depends on the question." Frank didn't look at you. He just stared out in front of him. "Frank?"

"I'm just thinking of how I'm going to say this," he got up, "You'd think I'd have this prepared or something," you looked at him with a puzzled expression, "Charlie," he bent down on one knee, and pulled a box out of his pocket, "Will you merry me?" he opened the box reveling an orange stone mounted between two black stones cut to look like roses. You gave a gasp.

"Oh! Yes! Frank I will!" Frank smiled, and hugged you. You looked into his eyes, and kissed him passionately. Pulling away from this kiss, Frank held your hand and slipped the ring your finger. "It's beautiful. I love it."

"I thought you would," you kissed again, "I guess you should be getting home."

"Yeah, I guess I should." you both walked to your apartment building and made your way up.

You reached the top, and you departed when you reached your door. But instead of going in, you went to Mikey's.

"Hello?" Mikey opened the door.

"Hey." you said.

"Come on in!" he opened the door wider. You stepped in and gave him a hug. When you pulled away, he noticed your ring. "Where did you get that?"

"Frank proposed to me!" you exclaimed.

Mikey smiled. "That's wonderful!" you hugged again. "Hey! You should call the police office and see if they could take off the restraining order."

"You think they will?"

"I know they will," you smiled, "If you want to, you can use my phone."

"Thank you," you walked over to the phone and sat on Mikey's couch next to Mikey, and dialed the number.

"Hello, Belleville Police Department. How may I help you."

"Yes, I was calling about a restraining order. I was wondering if you could remove it."
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, so I'm going on vacation and I don't know if there's going to be any internet, so if not, I'm not going to be posting anything for a while.
I'm sorry....
I'll post a part as soon as I get the chance though!

Comments = a happy writer!