All I Ask of You

part 15

You make an appointment to go down to the police station and try to remove the restraining order. The only problem is, you have to get Samiri to go with you and Frank. You don't have to worry about trying to get Frank to go. He wants to be with you more than you do.

"Mikey, what am I going to do about Samiri," you asked pacing the room, "She's the one who hates Frank."

"Well, maybe if she sees your ring, she will change her mind. Besides," he stood and wrapped you in his arms, "she doesn't live with you anymore. You need someone besides Gerard and Marius to keep you company. And they need a father who will always be there. Not just every time Ray decides it's time to go out for dinner," you smiled, "Do want me to go with you?"

"And Gerard." you added.

Mikey smiled and called his brother and told him what was happening. You could hear him telling Frank, and there came a series of whoops from the other end as they rejoiced. Mikey laughed and hung up.

"He'll be over in a moment." not even two minuets latter, there came a knock on Mikey's door, and Gerard was standing there out of breath.

"Ready to do this?" he said, pulling himself together.

"As ready as you are," answered Mikey. The three of you went next door, and opened the door.

Samiri was on the couch with Gerard and Marius in the playpen off to the side. She saw you all come in, and stood up.

"Hey!" she greeted you. You all answered back. "What's wrong?"

"Samiri," you started, "I'm removing the restraining order."

"What!" Samiri looked shocked.

"It's taring me apart," you said, "What you did was interfering in my life, and it was wrong. I love Frank, and he loves me. In fact, we're going to get married." you held up your hand, and both Gerard and Samiri gaped at you.

"You've been seeing him behind my back?" she demanded.

"How else do you think I've been able to remain sane?" you said, your voice slowly raising.

"Why would you endanger yourself like that?"

"Endangering? you call seeing the one I love endangering! He would never hurt me and you know that. You're just trying to be a good friend, when really it's taring the other friend to pieces right in front of you and you're to proud of yourself for thinking you did the right thing to notice!" Mikey placed a hand on your arm, and Gerard took a step forward to get ready to hold back Samiri. She looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"What do you want me to do," she asked calmly, "Do you want me to leave you alone? Huh? Just avoid you so you don't have to see me? Do you just not want me to exist anymore!" as tear slid down her cheek.

"Just sing the release papers and everything will be back to normal."

"Just sign the release papers," she asked, you nodded, "Fine. But after that, you can count on me never taking a step to your doorway." you looked at her as she stalked out of the apartment, slamming the door as she went.

-~-December 3, 2005-~-
-~-At the police station-~-

You, Frank, and Samiri sit in front of a little table listening to the young lady explaining what will happen if by any chance, Frank tries to hurt you again. You're not listening to a single word. You're just thinking about what Samiri said. Would she really not talk to you ever again? She's done a good job of it already. She hasn't even said hi to you when you pass her in the hallway.

The young lady, pushes a piece of paper in front of you and points to a line with an X by it. You except her pen, and sing your name. She then passes the paper on to Frank, then to Samiri. She then tells you that the restraining order is off and that you and Frank are free to be together. Joy fills only half of your heart as you look over a Samiri.

You and Samiri have been friends ever since the day you were born. You did everything together. You were in the same class since kindergarten, and you two were your only friends. Nothing went between you two. That is, until you moved to Belleville. Now she wanted you to become her biggest enemy. You hated it being this way, but you knew there was nothing to do to change her mind.