All I Ask of You

part 1

"So, do we need... pots and pans," asked Samiri, looking down each isle, "Damn! I hate moving. You have to get used to everything.... AGAIN!"

"But look on the bright side," you said smiling.

"What bright side."

"At least we're away from the jerks back home," Samiri laughed, "See? Brightside!"

"What ever you moron." you and Samiri found all that you really needed, "Hey! Lets go look at the movies."

"Sounds good to me!"

You and Samiri made your way over to the electronics and found the DVD section. You both looked through them and found the ones you wanted. You bought Edward Sissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Ed Wood, Secret Window, Ninth Gate, A Nightmare On Elm Street, The Ring 1&2, Saw, Friday the 13th, and many more horror and suspense movies. You went up to the counter to pay for all of this when you were pushed aside by a group of boys.

"Sorry," said one of them, "My brother has no manners at all. He's such a dumbass," he yelled so no one but his brother could hear it. He spun around.

"I'm not a dumbass, dumbass."

"What ever.... dumbass," you and Samiri looked at each other.

"Yo Gerard," called a short guy in the back leaning agains those little pop machiens at the end of each check-out stand that are almost always empty or don't have the drink you want, "Get a pack will ya!"

"The usual," asked the man called Gerard.

"Sure why the hell not," replied the man longing for a pack of cigarrets.

He was wearing all black, hand black hair, and had red eyes, almost as if he scrubbed something off rather hard. He had black nail polish, and piercings at the bottom left corner of his lips, his right nostril or his nose, and in his ears.

"What are you looking at," he demanded.

It was only then did you realize you were staring, "Sorry," you mumbled looking down.

"Frankie, be nice," said a boy with a red afro.


"Hey! Why are you so moody?"

"None of your buisness Ray. So bud out!"

"Fine! Be that way," Ray turned around to help empty the cart.

You and Samiri waited for them to finish their shopping and then moved forward.

"Is this all," asked the woman behind the counter.

"Yes," she rang everything up and you went out to you car. As you walked out, you met up with that group of guys again.

"Hey," said Frank, the one who yelled at you before, "Hey," he ran over to you and grabbed your arm, "Do you have a problem with me?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Do you have a problem?"

"No. But I think you do," said Samiri, grabbing ahold of his hand and yakning it off of your arm, "So go piss off and fix it." you both turned and walked back to your car, "Wow, what a...."

"Jerk," you said looking down at your feet.


"Well... we can't keep them all out."

"I know, but what are we going to do?"

"Avoid him?"

"I highly doubt that we'll ever see him again anyway."

"Good point," you looked down at the bags you were carring, "Come on, let's load these into the car."

Depositing everything in the backseat or the trunk of your car, you drove back to the apartment building that you now lived in. As you pulled into your parking lot, an other car followed you and took the spot you wanted.

"What the-" said Samiri slamming down the brakes, "Hey! watch it!" she yelled out the window. All car doors opened and the same group of boys stepped out.

"Oh great," you mumbled, "Not them again."

Samiri began to back up when the man known as Frank slammed his hand on the car, "Hey! What is your problem ," asked Samiri undoing her buckle and getting out of the car. You did the same, "Do you always act like a dick?"

"Sorry if I damaged your car princess. I'm sure your daddy can buy a new one if you're afraid I damaged it."

"Ouch. Frankie... that was uncalled for," said a guy with glasses who stepped forward.

"Shut the hell up, Mikey," Frankie yelled, "You're too caring to understand."

"You're right, but I'm caring enough to not let you hurt another person, so come on Frankie help us get this shit inside."

"Whatever," Frank took his hand off the car hood and followed Mikey to the front door. He entered and turned around to give you a middle finger.

"What an ass," said Samiri getting back in the car.

"I'll take most of the stuff in, okay?"

"Sure. Go a head," you grabbed some bags and ran into the building.

"Hold the door," you yelled running to the elevator. Mikey held his hand in front of the door until you ran in, "Thank you," you said out of breath.

"No problem," Mikey smiled and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Well.... Since this is the third time we've met, I think it's time for an introduction. My name is Michale Way. They all call me Mikey. This is my brother Gerard a.k.a the dumbass."

"Hey," Gerard looked up from the floor and punched his brother in the arm.

"Then this is Ray Toro, Bob Bryar, and Mr. Attitude himself.... Frank Iero," everyone laughed except for Frank.

"Hello," you said smiling, you reached your floor and got out, along with the Way brothers, Frank, Bob, and Ray.

"You live on this floor too?"

"Yeah, weird isn't it," said Frank. His voice dripped with sarcasim.

You walked down the hall with them at your heels. You turned to your door and them their's.
You were neigbors. They totaly surrounded you. Across the hall was Frank, next to him was Ray, to your left was Bob, and to your right, were the Way brothers.

"Now this is scary," said Gerard waiting for Mikey to open the door.
"No shit Sherlock," said Frankie closing his door. Instantly, music blared from his room.

"I'm really sorry about him. I have no clue what's gotten into him," said Mikey opening the door, "He's never like this, honestly," you smiled and opened your door.

Samiri came down the hall and ran into the room before you noticed anything. She flopped down in a couch and laughed.

"Sorry love, did I scare you?"

"No, and 'tis okay," you said and closed the door.