All I Ask of You

part 2

"Sorry love did I scare you?"

"No, but 'tis okay," you closed the door leaving Mikey, Gerard, Bob, and Ray to stand outside of your new home. You went into the kitchen to start unpacking the items you bought. Samiri came in to help you.
"Hey! I have an idea," she said suddenly breaking the unwelcome silence that had so hardly settled around you, "Let's invite our neighbors over for like a house warming party. Then we can meet everyone and maybe make some friends in this hell hole!"

"Sure! But when?"

"Um..... Well it'll have to be soon. Like before school starts up again."

"The day after tomorrow?"

"If we can get everything ready by then, then sure. The day after tomorrow," You continued to unpack, "Did you unpack the radio yet?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well plug it in. Maybe we can find a good station," Samiri left the kitchen for a moment and came back with a radio/jute box. She plugged it into the wall and found a station that you both agreed on. As you unpacked you both sang to the songs you knew.

"Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine
Gotta, gotta be down because I want it all
Started out as a kiss how did it end up like this.
It was only a kiss,
It was only a kiss...."

You both sang as you straitened up you apartment. There was a knock on your door and you both feared that you had been singing to loud, and that someone was going to tell you to unplug the radio. You answered the door to find Mikey and Gerard standing behind it.

"Can I help you," you asked.

"Yeah. We're here to help you pick a good station," said Gerard, Mikey gave laughed.

"What's wrong with the station?"

"Um.... Well the fact that Mr. Brightside is on it could most likely be a reason," said Mikey leaning against Gerard. Gerard eyed him for a moment and then lifted his foot and kicked Mikey.

"Anyway," continued Gerard as if nothing happened, "We may be of help to you to pick a station. I have a pretty good idea what you two might be in to."

"Come on in," you said opening the door a little wider, "Sorry about the mess. We're not quite settled in yet." You led Gerard and Mikey into the kitchen to where Samiri and the radio were.

"What the hell," asked Samiri, "What are they doing here."

"Um... Samiri... this is Gerard Way and his brother Mikey. They've come to uh... help us find a good station," Gerard and Mikey both waved.

"I'll find the station," said Gerard moving over to the radio.

"Um... So about before," started Mikey trying to keep the silence away for as long as possible, "I'm really sorry about Frank. I have no clue what's gotten into him. Usually he tries to show off when around women."

"That's okay," said Samiri, "We're use to that kind of stuff."

"Really," asked Gerard not taking his eye off the radio.

"Yeah," you said.

"Where we came from," said Samiri, "We lived in families full of jerks. We were beaten on, picked on, struck down, out-casted...." her voice trailed off.

"Then in our school there were several people who were like that too," you explained taking over, "We couldn't go anywhere with out boys grabbing us. We were practically the only girls left in our school at that time. Everyone else was either pregnant, in the hospital, or killed because they were raped. We were the only clean ones I should say."

"Um-hem," said Samiri.

"Okay. Well I'm the only clean one. Samiri has had a few goes with some of the boys at our old school. I've never been anywhere near a bed and a guy at the same time. Never really wanted to take the chance."

"Well sure. Most good girls are like that," said Gerard still looking for that station.

"It would help if you moved the antenna thingy," said Mikey folding his arms across his chest.
Gerard did as he was told and found the station he was looking for.

"You're really lovely under neath it all, I'm really lovely under neath it all..." came a voice from the speaker. Samiri lunged forward and turned the radio off.

"Sorry," she said straitening her self, "I hate that song," Samiri changed the radio back the the original station and kept it there.

"You're the first girl that I've met that hates Gwen Steffani," said Mikey amazed.

"Then you must have met some really preppy girls," I answered.

"Hey," said Samiri, "We're thinking of having a Housewarming party. Everyone on the floor is invited."

"When is it," asked Gerard.

"The day after tomorrow," you answered.

"I like that movie," mumbled Mikey under his breath, randomly, making you laugh inside.

"I do too," you agreed, a smile spread on both of your faces.

"We'll come," said Gerard, smiling, "Um... do you mind if we tell the guys?"

"Sure. Go a head," said Samiri.

Gerard and Mikey started for the door, and you and Samiri followed. As Gerard and Mikey were about to enter their apartment, they turned to you, "And um... by the way. We're the only ones on this floor," said Gerard before closing your door.

-~-January 3 2005-~-
You and Samiri never left the apartment at all yesterday. You wanted to get everything organized for the party. You went through each room to make sure every thing was in place.
You looked at the clock and you both flopped down on the bed. Only an hour to go.
You had made the food already getting up an extra hour to start cooking. You had coffee, caffeine drinks, beer, and water. All you had to do was wait. You popped in a movie (Edward Sissorhands) and watched that until there was a knock on your door. You got up to answer it while Samiri turned off the T.V and straitened the couch.

"Hello," you said as you opened the door to Gerard, Bob, Mikey, Ray, and Frank. They filed in and greeted you. You noticed that Frank was a lot nicer than he was a few days ago. You lead them into you living room where you introduced Ray, Bob, and Frank to Samiri.

"You have a nice place here," said Ray looking around, "I like the paint." you looked at your walls that you painted yesterday. You had driven all around town to look for paint that would dry over night. You had painted each room a different style or color. This room happened to be blood red/crimson.

"Thank you," you said smiling. You noticed that Gerard, Mikey, and Frank were holding packages.

"You can set those anywhere you like," you said. They placed them on the counter in the kitchen.

"I'll be right back," said Samiri going to her room.

Coming back, she held a binder that was full of Cd's. She placed eight in the CD player, then pressed shuffled.

'Billie Joe! It certainly is exciting to met you here in the studio right after you just made your very first record. How does it feel? Hm.... Wonderful!'

Maria began to play.

"You guys like Green Day," asked Frank nodding his head to the tune.

"Yeah. We're kind of obsessed," you answered, "Anyone want anything to drink?" you asked.

"I would," answered Frank following you to the kitchen.

"Hey. I'm sorry for how I acted the other day. I was wasted I swear."

You laughed.

"It's okay. All is forgiven."

"Mikey told me what I said to you guys. I'm really sorry.... I didn't mean it," he said shyly, "So, are you guys...."

"No we aren't. We're just living together."

"Oh," you could tell he was having trouble hiding his relief, "So. How long have you lived in New Jersey?"

"This our third day," you said.

"Wow. And I guess I gave you a cold welcome. Shit."

"What would you like to drink," you asked opening the fridge.

"Do you have Root Beer?"

"Sure do," you said grabbing a small can. You handed it to him and he opened it.

"So why are you two here?"

"We're going to an art collage in New York. I know it's a long drive there but this was the cheapest we could find. We have no problem getting up at 12 in the morning."

Frank laughed.

"What are you vampires?"

"Maybe," you smiled.

"Wow," he smiled, "I've always wanted to meet a vampire," he placed his can on the counter, "And how do I know you're not?"

"Well there are two ways that I can think of," you leaned against the counter as Frank moved closer to you.

"And what would that be," he asked speaking softly.

"Well," you replied, your voice reaching the softness that Frank had, only your's had a touch seductiveness, "You could bring me out into the light and see if I shrivel up and die our... you could hold up a crucifix."

Frank had you pinned up against the counter.

"I have a way," he said wrapping his arm around you, "But you have to promise not to bite me," you smiled as he leaned in closer to you: you leaned in to him. In what felt like forever, your lips finally touched.

He moved you into action opening and closing your mouth. Moving your lips this way and that. You felt his tongue move this way and that looking for a way in. You opened you moth to allow it entrance. His tongue explored the far corners of your mouth. It played with your tongue until it was in action, which earned you an almost happy sigh from Frank. As you placed your tongue in his mouth, you felt his hand slip lower and lower down your back until it reached you waist. He pulled you in for more serious action and then kissed more fiercely.
Pulling away after what seemed like hours. You opened your eyes and gazed into his hazel eyes.

"Well," was all you could say.

"Nope. Not a vampire," he answered.

You laughed.

"Charlie! Where are you," called Samiri from the other room. You unhooked Frank from your waist and went into the living room., "Come on! We're playing twister. Mikey's won the first three games. He wants to play you."

You smiled and took off your shoes.

"Alright. Players start on your sides. Lets play," Samiri spun the arrow, "Gerard.... Right hand Green," Gerard bent down and placed his hand on a green circle, "Mikey.... left foot blue," Mikey placed his foot on a circle, "Ray.... Right foot yellow," Ray placed his foot on a circle, "Charlie.... Right hand red," you bent down and placed your hand on a red circle. The game had begun.

Gerard got out on his third command, Ray on his tenth. So now it was just you and Mikey. Mikey was spread out in an arch his back up.

"Charlie.... Right hand red," Your left hand was already over there. You twisted your body making sure your feet stay on the right colors as you twisted over, and placed you right hand on red. You were looking up into Mikey's chocolate brown eyes and smiled.

"Hello," you laughed.

"Good evening," he answered, "Damn you're flexible."

"A few years of dance and gymnastics will do that to you," you replied.

Mikey started to laugh and loose his balance. His hand slipped but he regain his balance quick enough to catch himself.

"Mikey....Right hand.... Green," Mikey lifted his hand and brought it over you, brushing against your chest. You couldn't tell if he meant to do it, or if it was carelessness. Either way he didn't say anything about it.

After a while, you finally figured out that Samiri was no longer spinning the arrow. She was calling out spots to try and put you in awkward positions. You didn't mind. You did this to her all the time. Frank on the other hand tried to make her stop.

"Charlie.... Left hand.... blue," as you moved, your noticed the position that you were going into and tried to find a way to change it. There was not way out of it.

After you moved, Gerard, Ray, Bob, and Samiri burst out laughing.

"What are you guys laughing at," asked Mikey.

"Look at the position," you answered.

"Fuck," he said and smiled.

"Mikey....Left foot... Red," Mikey moved his foot but started to fall. He tried to regain his balance, but ended up falling on top of you.

His lips touched yours and your stayed there in shock. You had no clue if this was planed to happen of if it was just a fall. When Mikey wouldn't move, Frank came up and pulled him off of you.

"Stop harassing her," he said.

"I wasn't," Mikey yelled in defense, fixing his shirt. He looked at you and smiled.

"Right. You just happened to fall when you are a step away from your next circle. That's pathetic. Mikey I knew what you were doing," he let go of Mikey and helped you up.

"I'm gonna get something to drink," you said walking to the kitchen.

Mikey followed you. Frank stayed behind for Gerard was talking to him. You opened the fridge and bent down. As soon as you did, you felt Mikey brush against your bottom. You stood up.

"What are you doing," you asked him.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Well. You brushed against my chest and kissed me during the game, you just brushed my lower side. What's up. These can't all just be accidents."

"I'm sorry. I'm really, really clumsy," he said shyly smiling. You eyed him suspiciously and got your drink.

"Ha! Ha! Ha," you heard come from the living room. You reentered it to find Frank and Gerard pined against the wall. Frank was frightened by Gerard obviously losing.

"Come on," laughed Bob, "It's only for a second."

"But, it's not right dude," yelled Frank. Gerard laughed and pinned him again against the wall.

Leaning in, he kissed Frank. He pulled away and mouthed something. Frank smiled and pulled Gerard in for another kiss. This time it was more passionate. This grossed everyone out. They stopped and laughed.

"Wow! Is that really the time," asked Bob looking at his watch, "It's 11 o'clock."

"Yikes," said Gerard, "We better go. You two look like you need some rest." Gerard went over to the door and waited for Bob, and Ray. "Hope you enjoy our gifts!" he and the three of them went into the hall.

Mikey was next to leave. He turned around and winked at you. You shyly smiled back.
Frank was last. He came over and kissed you. Pulling away, his hazel eyes showed love and passion. He left and the apartment was quiet.