All I Ask of You

part 4

He leaned into you, and you leaned into him and finally your lips met. He pushed you onto the couch so that he was positioned on top of you. You wrapped a hand around his neck and the other wrapped itself around his back. You felt his tongue begging for entrance, licking you lips from one side to the other. You opened you mouth and felt his muscle lung into our mouth. You opened your eyes and realized what you were doing. You panicked and pushed Mikey away from you.

"What is it," he asked looking into your eyes, "What's wrong?"

"I can't," you said. "I-I-I...." you looked away from his longing gaze.

"It's alright," he said sitting up and pulling you into a hug, "It's okay," hand held you close as his other smoothed your hair, "I understand."

" what," you pulled away from him.

"You love Frank. That's perfectly fine. He needs to be laid."

"Oh. And you haven't?"

"No." he looked at the floor, "Never." his gaze met yours. "I was hoping that I was tonight, but.... Your too dedicated."

You were the one who looked away this time. Were you to dedicated? You knew that even when Simiri was in a relationship with someone, she would always got a little too far with someone else, and act like it was a mistake. Were you to dedicated?

"Mikey...." you turned to look at him but you realized that your faces were only now inches away, "I...." you didn't finish what you were going to say. You leaned in and fell back onto the couch. Mikey once again in top of you. His tongue once again lunged into your mouth, and yours into his. His hand slid down your chest, cupping your breasts, and then down to the hem of your shirt, sliding back up underneath it, pulling it off.

-~-March 1, 2005-~-
There was a knock on your door. Samiri wasn't home, so you went up to get it.

"Hello," you said opening the door so Frank.

He looked at you with a hurt expression. His breathing was short and deep all at once, his shoulders were heaving, his eyes moved into a glare.

"Sweety what's wrong?" you moved closer to him only to be pushed back.

"Don't call me 'sweety' you little slut," he said stepping into your apartment, "Why?" you looked away, "Why? Why did you.... why would you.... Don't you love me?"

"Frankie...." you said looking into his eyes while yours filled with tears.

"Well? Do you?"

"Yes," your voice became a whisper. You bit your lip as a tear fell from you eye and rolled down your cheek.

"Then why would you sleep with someone else?" you knew he knew. And you knew that he knew that you knew what he was talking about, so there was no way to hide it.

"I....Wasn't thinking." you looked up at him and he looked at you. he raised his hand and moved as if you calm you. You moved forward, but felt a sharp sting against your cheek. You looked at him in shock.

"What the hell do you mean when you say that 'you weren't thinking'? What were you thinking? Were you thinking about hurting me? Knowing that what you did would haunt my dreams? Well you were right."

"No. Frank. I wasn't thinking about that," you said your emotions were all mixed. Tears leaked from your eyes. "I would never hurt you."

" late for that." he slapped you again. Only this time it was a little harder, and it caused you to stumble back to the couch and fall with it tipping over. You couldn't move. the fall knocked the wind out of you and you couldn't think. You felt a hand grip you shoulder and you prepared yourself for another blow when you were pulled aside by someone else.

-~-Gerard's P.O.V-~-
I was sitting on the couch reading over some music I had written. Mikey was in the kitchen cooking dinner in that stupid apron he loves so much. I can't understand anyone who loves to cook, and play the bass. I swear all he ever dose is cook, eat sushi, play the bass, and complain

"Hey, Mikey," I called not taking my eyes off the piece of paper.

"Yeah," he called from the kitchen.

"What do you say about having Charlie and the gang over?"

"What about Samiri?"

"She's our with Ray."

"Oh yeah," there was a pause, "Um.... Sure why not."

"Good. I'll call them as soon as I'm finished reading this." I turned my attention back to the paper when I suddenly heard someone crying and begging from the other side of the wall. "Mikey...." I called.

"What?" he came out of the kitchen.

"Listen." he was silent. The begging sounded like a movie, "What is that?"

"I don't know. But it's coming from Charlie's apartment." we listened some more and I heard a male's voice asking why.

"That's sounds a bit like Frankie," I said.

"Yeah it does. Maybe he's over there."

"But why is Charlie crying?"

"Maybe...." Mikey didn't say anything. Charlie was talking....she said Frankie's name and then there was a sound or skin on skin smacking. I looked at Mikey and he looked at me. Surely our friend wasn't abusive.

"What should we do," asked Mikey. Ever since he slept with her, he's done nothing but care for her. Which I'm not saying is bad....It's just a bit too annoying.

"I don't know I guess we could-"

There was a soft scream and the sound of furniture toppling over. Mikey ran for the door with me at his heels, we looked into Charlie's apartment and saw Charlie lying on the floor behind a toppled couch, and Frankie moving towards her. Mikey ran forward and grabbed a hold of Charlie while I pinned Frankie against the wall.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing," I asked, "What the fuck's wrong with you?" Frankie looked at me in horror.

"She's a fucking whore Gerard," he said I was totally taken aback, "A fucking whore!"

"She's not a whore," I answered.

"She slept with your brother Gerard! Your own brother! She went to him!" tears filled his eyes.

"Why the hell would that matter to you," I asked more calmly. Frankie whispered something that I didn't catch.


"I love her," he was yelling again, "I love her, and I thought she loved me!"

"Frankie...." said Charlie from behind me. I turned to look at her. she was clinging to Mikey, "I do love you. It was a mistake I'm sorry!"

I turned back to Frankie, who's eyes darted around the room. Tears leaked from his eyes as he collapsed into a fit of sobs.

-~-Normal P.O.V-~-
-~-after Gerard and Mikey entered your apartment-~-

"What the fuck do you think your doing," yelled a voice, "What the fuck's wrong with you!" you opened your eyes to see Gerard yelling at Frank and Mikey hold you. You snuggled closer to him felling safer knowing that they were here.

"She's a fucking whore Gerard! A fucking whore!"

"She's not a whore," he said in your defense.

"She slept with your brother! Your own brother! She went to him!" tears were filling his eyes.

"Why the hell would that matter to you," Gerard said a little more quieter.

"I love her," Frank said, his voice barely even a whisper.


"I love her," he yelled, "I love her, and I thought that she loved me!"

"Frankie.... I do love you," you sobbed, "It was a mistake! I'm sorry."

Frank just looked at you, stunned and then looked at Gerard, then at Mikey, at you, and them back to Gerard. His breathing was short. Tears flew down from his eyes. He went to his knees and sobbed.

"Frankie...." Gerard helped him up and moved him over to the door, "Come one....Lets all go over to our apartment. That way when Samiri comes home, she doesn't see two people crying." Mikey helped you up, all the drying left a feeling of lethargy over you and you had trouble walking.

"Are you okay," asked Mikey.

"Yeah. I'm fine," you answered with a forced smile, "I'm just tired." you all went over to Gerard's and Mikey's apartment and sat down anything you could.

Frankie sat in a chair, Mikey in one next to him. Gerard told you to sit on the couch and went to fetch you some ice. On of the blows that Frankie landed on you, was causing your eye to swell. Gerard came back and sat next to you on the couch. He held you close and like a child, held the ice pack on your eye.

"See what you did to her," he demanded.

"Gerard...please...." you said but he paid no attention to you.

"Why must you act like this? It's really got to stop," he continued.

Frankie looked at you. His eyes full of hurt and sorrow. In the back of his mind, he knew you were probably were never going to forgive him.

"Gerard. We're not running a police investigation," said Mikey.

"So. What he did was still wrong," Gerard protested, "You should never hit a woman. Especially when they're weaker than you. That's called abuse Frank. Do you know that I could call the police right now and they could put a restraining order on you! You would have to move to at least a lower floor to get far enough away from her. Did you know you could go to jail because of what you could have done!"

Frankie looked at the floor. His head bent in shame.

"I'm sorry Charlie," he whispered, "I'm so, so, so sorry." he looked up at you. You hooked onto Gerard in fear that he would hurt you again, "When Mikey first told me, I didn't want to believe it. I Couldn't believe it. Then.... When I saw the way you to were always together.... It drove me insane," he was on his knees now in front of you, "I love you...Charlie. I always will and have. I've loved you ever since I fist laid eyes on you at your housewarming party. Where we kissed. I never wanted to pull away from that. I love you.... I know you too well to stay away from you. If I have to I'll struggle to keep you save. I only want what's best for you." you looked at him and he at you. You smiled and gave a tiny nod. He gave a sigh of relief and took you hand in his. He gave it a small squeeze and kissed your knuckle.

"Gerard," you said. Your voice sounded distant and you felt dizzy. The hand that held onto Gerard's arm tightened.

"Are you okay," Gerard looked down at you with a worried look on his face. Then you completely blacked out.
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yeah, note: I wrote this a long time ago... please don't mind the randomness of this story. ha.