All I Ask of You

part 5

(Gerard's P.O.V)

"Shit," I yelled, "Mikey! Call 911! I'll write a message to Samiri in case she gets home and gets worried. Frank! You stay here and call us if she wakes up." Frank nodded. This was all his fault. I'm sure one of his punches did something to her. I watched as he stared down at her horror in his eyes. Maybe he did care about her like he said.

"Gerard," called Mikey, "They'll be here in a few minuets."

"Right." I took a piece of paper and grabbed a pen and started writing.

Charlie and Frank got into a fight and she was seriously bruised. She collapsed on my couch and we called 911. If we are still next door when you get this message, come over. If not then come straight to the hospital.
Thank you,

I looked at the message reading it over and over again and taped it to the door. Bob must have heard all the yelling for he came over.

"What's with all the commotion," he asked. Mikey quickly and quietly explained what happened. There was a yell at the end of the hall and I opened the door to let the paramedics in.

They looked at her, examined her breathing, and put a oxygen mask on her. They placed her on a stretcher and started carrying her out the door. The head of the group came to talk to us.

"It's good you called when you did," he said. He didn't look happy with the news he was about to tell us.

"What's wrong sir," asked Frank. He as white as white could ever get. Even more lighter.

"She has internal bleeding in her head. We have to move quickly or else it could cause a bigger problem. And....There is a chance that she might not be able to see, talk, hear, walk, or if not those, she might not be able to do anything for the rest of her life. What might happen is sometimes called the living dead. They can't move, they can't talk, they can't do anything except breath until the breath doesn't come anymore. And that may only last a few seconds or hours." Frank's color went even whiter.

"So you're saying she might not make it," I asked, my voice not even a whisper.

"I'm sorry. doesn't look possible." He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder as if I were a kid who just lost a puppy. "I'm sorry." he said. He pulled on his coat and headed out the door.

Tears formed in my eyes. I couldn't take it. I loved her so much. I didn't want to loose her. I looked at Mikey. He was looking at the ground. Bob was running his hands through his hair, and Frank....went whiter. It was clear that he was kicking his ass mentally and giving himself a hard time. He looked as if he might faint. I took a deep breath and grabbed my coat. I was followed by every one else. We went down to the parking lot and we got into my red covert with the license plate that read KNIVES and drove off after the ambulance.

(Frank's P.O.V)

We all got into Gerard's car and drove off to the hospital. Everyone shot either glares or looks at me. I knew that this was my fault. I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she died. I looked into the rear-view mirror. Dam was I white. I think I've turned a new shade of white. We made it to the hospital and followed the nurses and doctors to a waiting room out side the emergency room where they were holding Charlie.

"I can't take this any longer," said Gerard after what felt like hours, "I'm gonna go get a coffee. Dose anyone else want one?" every one raised their hand. I needed a coffee. It took Gerard ten minuets to get the coffees and that's when the doctor came out.

"How is she? Will she be okay," I asked getting up. The doctor looked at me, then at the clipboard that he was holding. In his eyes, I could see sorrow, "Well?"

"She's in a coma know...." he paused and took off his mask, "And by some miracle....She'll be okay."

"You mean....nothings wrong," asked Mikey. Gerard came up and clutched his and my shoulders.

"I said she was in a coma and that she was okay....for the moment. If she's not out with in six months....We'll announce her death," A knot formed in my throat, my stomach did flips after flips, my heart split in two, and skipped so many beats that I thought it was going to stop.

"May we see her," asked Bob. The doctor nodded. I ran past him and into her room. Standing in the door way, I could see her lying on her bed. Cords hung everywhere, from machines and off of her. Her head was turned to her left. Some of her hair fell across her neck. I suddenly knew how Edgar Allen Poe felt when he wrote Annabel Lee. How he cursed at the angles for harming something so beautiful. I moved a chair over to her bed side and sat there.

The others were standing in the door way watching me....forgiveness in their eyes. They knew I was being punished enough by watching her go through this alone...not knowing that I'm by her side. A tear fell from my face and rolled down my cheek. I would sit here. Until she woke up. I don't care if it takes forever. I'm never leaving her side. I took her hand in mine and I waited.