All I Ask of You

part 6

-~-March 8, 2005-~-
-~-Frank's P.O.V-~-

It's been a week since Charlie has been in the coma. The doctors say that she's doing okay, and is regaining her strength. I haven't left the hospital room. The guilt that I've put her in this position still hangs over me like a cape that I cant shrug off. Just knowing that I can do nothing but just sit here and wait is killing me. Gerard, Mikey, Bob, Ray, and Samiri have come to visit every day, always offering food to me. I eat some of it, but not all. I think they're now more worried about me than Charlie.

"You have to eat something," protested Mikey handing me a hamburger from McDonald's.

That bastard knows better than anyone I hate that place.

"I'm not going to eat that Mikey," I said pushing the greasy chunk of meat away from my face, "I hate that place."

"Oh yeah," he said, "I for got." he looked at it and took a huge bite out of it.

"I'll get something from Hardies if you want," offered Samiri.

"No. I'm fine," I said. I wasn't hungry. I haven't been hungry since Charlie passed out on Gerard's couch.

I wanted to go through something too. If she was going through hell, then so be it I will too. But right now, that hamburger looked really good, and my stomach gave a mighty growl that most likely caused an earthquake on the other side of the world.

"God Damn it," yelled Gerard, "You have to fucking eat something or else I'm going to arrange you to be hooked to a machine so we can force feed you." I looked at Gerard. He knew what I was doing and didn't like it.

"Fuck off Gee," I said, "I can do what ever the hell I want." I turned from him to Charlie.

Over the past two days, her face has been twitching, and contorting. She can move, like turn over in her sleep and every thing. The Doctors think she'll be out of it by the end of the month. Very rare case. They say that most people last two months before showing progress like this. That's my little fighter. Charlie looked, sometimes, like she was using all of her strength to keep herself alive. But why?

"May I speak to a mister Mikey Way," asked a doctor from the door.

Mikey stood up and followed the doctor into the hall. They closed the door so no one can hear. After a while, Mikey came back in. His face was pale and he looked scared.

"What's wrong," asked Gerard, "What did the doctor want?"

"I'm...." said Mikey, his voice shallow and soft, barely above a whisper, "I'm....." he tried again. He shook his head as if trying to force something from his mind. Something wrong, weird.

"Well," ask Gerard.

Every one was on the edge of his or her seat.

"I'm....going to be a father," he said.

His gaze which was fixed on the ground looked up and Charlie. Every one looked at him with a puzzled look.

"She's pregnant."

A look of shock and worry formed on every ones face.

"The reason she's in this state is because she was weakened by the baby." his hands covered his face, "Oh my God! I don't want to be a father."

It all made sense now. The reason why her body refused to relax was because of her child.
I looked at Charlie with hurt eyes. She could never be mine. I was almost positive that when she finds out, she'll do what's right and marry Mikey. I took her hand again and gripped it tightly. Every one left. It was only me, Charlie, and the nurse who came in every once in a while asking me for anything. I declined every offer. I still held Charlie's hand. I rested my head gently upon it and closed my eyes.

"Frankie....." came a weak soft almost silent voice. I looked up. Charlie's eyes were open and she was smiling at me.

"Charlie!" I jumped up and kissed her, "Oh my God!" her grip tightened.


"Hey," I answered.

I was totally relieved that she was awake.

The nurse must have head my excitement and came in.

"Is any thing wrong," she asked.

"Not any more," I answered.

She noticed Charlie.

"Oh my! I'll get Doctor Sherman."

The nurse ran down the hall and returned moments later with the doctor. They ran tests on her and decided to unhook some of the things that hung from her arms. When they were finished, she looked more human since she entered the hospital.

"What happened," she asked weakly.

" fainted on Gerard's couch and we brought you hear."

I didn't want to tell her that she had been in a coma for the past week because of something that I had done.

"Where's everyone else?"

"They're all at home. I should call them and tell them to get their asses over here now." I took out my cell phone and dialed a number.

-~-Gerard's P.O.V-~-

I was at home writing a song about a friend who goes into a coma - and it sucked - when I got a phone call from Frank. My face going white and with Mikey, Samiri, Bob, and Ray around me, I answered the phone.



"What? What is it?"

"Charlie's awake!"

"She is!" I jumped up and grabbed my coat. The others followed my actions. "We'll be right there." I ran down the hall with everyone else behind me. We all piled into the elevator.

"Gerard. What the hell's up," asked Mikey.

"Charlie's out of her coma," I said. Everyone's faces lit up.

We piled into my car and drove off to the hospital.

-~-Mikey's P.O.V-~-

Gerard, Bob, Samiri, Ray and I ran into the hospital room. Charlie was sitting up and eating a package of pudding.

"Hey beautiful," I teased.

"Hey handsome," she answered. She was acting like her normal self. We all talked and laughed while she finished her small meal. The nurse came in and cleared her tray.

"Um...guys," I said, "Could I have a moment alone with Charlie. I.....I have to tell her something." every one became serious and nodded. Frank was the last one to leave, his eyes full of sorrow. He closed the door and I cleared my throat.

"What's wrong," she asked.

"Charlie.... There's something that I need to tell you," I began, "I don't know if you'll look at this as a blessing of a curse, but I just think it right that I tell you." I paused, her eyes were full of puzzlement, "Charlie....You are caring my child."

Her eyes widened and a look of shock care to her face.

I looked away from her.

This wasn't Frank's fault....

It was mine.