All I Ask of You

part 7

-~-March 14, 2005-~-
-~-Normal P.O.V-~-
You're out of the hospital! Everyone's taking it easy around you ever since they found out that you were pregnant. To you, it got quite annoying.

You've been trying to decide what to do with the baby. You thought about and abortion. But you hated that idea and couldn't go through with the idea. Then you thought about marring Mikey, but that would leave your true love alone. But you thought about marring Frank then adopting the child, but that would be unfair for Mikey. You just didn't know what to do. Frank and Mikey have respected your time and waited calmly not probing you to choose them.

You've been out of the hospital for 13 days and you still sometimes get dizzy spells. The doctors keep telling you that it's an after effect from the stroke and being pregnant. You weren't quite sure, but you believed them.

Samiri went head over heels trying to make you comfortable.

"Can I get you anything," she would ask.

"No. I'm fine thank you though," you would answer.

"Okay....just call my name and I'll be here in a heart beat."

"Sure thing!" every day, the boys would come over and 'keep you company' - as if you didn't have Samiri already.

"Are you okay," asked Frank one day sticking his head around your door.

"Just peachy. Trying to shake off Samiri, but hey....At least she cares."

"I agree." he pulled up a chair next to your bed and sat in it.

"Why is it that I'm out of the hospital, but I still feel like I'm in one?"

"You'll only be in bed once the dizzy spells die down."

"But that feels like years away. Do you know how it feels to just stay in bed? Nothing to do? Gaining weight."

"Well, some of that weight is from the baby mind you."

"I know," you said. You tore your eyes from his and looked at the floor. They instantly filled with tears.

"Hey, hey, hey....Why are you crying?" Frank left his seat and sat by your side. He embraced you in a hug. "What's wrong?"

"I can't think of anything to do with the baby," you didn't look at him, "I thought about an abortion but I couldn't go through with it. It's almost like murdering someone. Then I thought about marring you and adopting the child, but that wouldn't be fair to Mikey."

"Mikey had his pleasure. Remember?" Frank's tone was hard.


"Sorry. It's just that I love you. And I still can't get over the fact that he slept with you."

"It was a mistake." the tears were now sliding down your face.

"Hey Charlie," called Samiri from the other room, footsteps told you that she was coming to you. "Do you need....Oh my!" she entered the room and saw Frank holding a crying you. "Get away from her," she yanked Frank off the bed.

"Samiri! I didn't-"

"Don't say anything or you'll just make it worse," she turned to you. "Are you okay?" she ran to your side. "Charlie, please tell me....are you hurt?" you shock from your tears, but you didn't say anything. "That's it! I'm calling the police."

"What," exclaimed Frank, "You can't do that! You don't even know the story!"

"I should have called the police when you attacked her! I felt generous and thought better of it. But know I think I was better off with my first idea." she picked up the phone and dialed the police station.

-~-Samiri's P.O.V-~-

I've had enough of him. First he attacks my best friend, and then he hurts her again. I had to do what I think is right.

"Hello Newark Police Station. How may I help you?"

"Yes I'd like to place a restraining order."

"Alright. You will have to come down to the station and fill out some papers."

"I'll be down in a few minutes. My name is Samiri Carter."

"Okay, we'll be waiting for you." I hung up the phone and pulled on my coat.

"Please," called Frank, "You can't do this. I love her too much to stay away from her."

"If you love her so much, then why was she in a coma? If you love her so much, why is she in there crying," I was yelling, I can't believe it. i never yell.

"Samiri, please.....Doesn't love mean anything to you?" Frank was on the floor.

"Yes." I opened the door and walked out.

"Samiri!" Frank ran out after me. He somehow was in front of me blocking my way, Gerard, Mikey, Ray, and Bob were out in the hall watching with puzzled looks.

"Please move Frank," I said, I didn't care if they saw or heard our argument.

"Samiri....I love her."

"I've stated that several times."

"Who would you feel if I filed a restraining order on you? You would have to stay away from Ray fro the rest of your life. How would you react to that?" I stopped trying to pass him. I looked at him, then back a Ray. Everyone else held a scared look on their faces.

"I would be doing exactly as you are now," I said and managed to push past him. As I waited for the elevator, I turned back to his still figure. His head was bent to the floor, "But that doesn't stop me from going to the police." I stepped into the elevator, turned around, and as the doors closed, I saw Frank collapse to the floor.

-~-Frank's P.O.V-~-

"But that doesn't stop me from going to the police," she said as she stepped into the elevator. I collapsed onto the floor. Tears overcame me. I wept. I was hunched over and cried for what felt like the loss of my true love. Which it was. If she got the restraining order, it would mean that I wouldn't ever be able to talk to her, to see her, to hold her, to hear her laughter, to kiss her.....To love her. I wouldn't be able to do anything again.

"Frank...." Gerard, Mikey, Ray, and Bob came down the hall to comfort me. Gerard pulled me up and walked me over to my apartment. Too my key from it's hiding place, and opened the door. He helped me to my room and sat me down on my bed. Then he sat by me. He sat by me and waited for me to calm down.

"Just go away," I said. Gerard looked at me, but nodded. He got up, left the apartment, locked the door, and placed the key back. The apartment was dark. And I sat there. Crying to the darkness.