The Lost Soul



I put her to bed and walked to the main cave.

"Right boys. When Darcy turns I want her first kill to be here dad. She wants to turn if I want it. But I.. can't take that away from her. Not yet. As soon as we are ready. We're going to kill him." I said. They all nodded and I went into Darcy's room. She was wide awake. She looked up at me tears rolling down her face. She must have heard.

"You really want me to do that. Kill him? " She asked in a timid voice.

" when you're ready Darc. I know you can do this. He deserves it. He needs to be hurt back. After what he did to your mother and what he has been doing to you. I know you can do this. We will all be here with you ok." I said. She shook her head.

"No No. I can't." She said.

"YES YOU CAN AND YOU WILL ANOTHERWISE ILL KILL Y..." I trailed off. I can't believe I almost said that. I moved towards her and wrapped my arms around her. She tried to move away.

"Shh. I'm sorry. It's ok. I won't make you Darc. We'll kill him if you can't ok." I said.

I sat with her on that bed until she fell asleep. I knew she was scared but all that kept running through my head was if she was strong enough to be one of us. What if she didn't want to feed. She says she might be ready but I'm not sure.

All I know is that I can't loss her and maybe her being a vampire would help her to be stronger and maybe she wouldn't need so much looking after. I loved her to bits and I didn't want my innocent broken Darcy to leave me ever.

I couldn't keep her human. She died if I did. She'd get older. But she would always be innocent. If I changed her. We would have forever but she wouldn't be so innocent. Tomorrow I can go out and get her dad. Keep him her. I would turn her and I would see what she would do. I can't lose her. If she didn't feed I would have to make her. I just hope that she wouldn't hate me for it.