The Lost Soul



I awoke to find David had gone and I was left alone. I crawled out from the bed and made it to the cave area. I found David there with Shane. Deep in conversation. I didn't know what they were talking about.

"David." I said lightly.

He turned to me. His face was calm as he walked over to wear I was standing.

"Darcy. Me and Shane have been talking and well... while you were asleep. We went out and got someone for you." He said. I knew what was happening now. I shoock my head and moved away from him.

"No. David you said you wouldn't make me... You said David. I can't." I said, I was shaking as I backed away from him. Would he really make me do this. I couldn't. I was so scared of that monster that made my life hell for years. How could I face him now.

"Darcy. Wouldn't you like for him to be gone forever. So you never had to know that fear. Sweetheart when your one of us, your be stronger. Please Darcy. For me. You can do this. I know you can." David said.

"David, I can't I'm not ready." I said, he grabbed for my wrist and began pulling me to the boys area. His grip round my wrist got tighter as he pulled me.

"David. Please... let go..David you hurting me." I said. Tears rolling down my face.

"DAVID SNAP OUT OF IT ! LET HER GO... NOW." Shane yelled and began fighting with David. David face return to normal and he looked at me. He looked gulity. I can't believe he had done that. I couldn't let David not talk to me anymore. But this wasn't right.

"Darc. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I dont know what came over me. I just wanted you to be like me." He said. I saw Shane watching David's every move.

"If I go see him. Will you be with me?" I asked him.

"All the way Sweetheart. We all will." He said. His hand out to me. I took it and he walked into the area he was dragging me. My heart began to beat faster as my grip on David's hand got tighter.

We walked in and I saw all the boys there. They stop whatever they were doing. And looked up at me.

"Darcy... Darcy ... Help... me." I heard from the darkness in front of me. I saw him. Sat in a chair tied up. He looked weak. Helpless. I almost wanted to laugh. But then... I reliesed he knew where I was and I hid behind David. I couldn't be here with him. I couldn't do this.

Could I?

I watched as Marko walked towards us with a wine bottle with something red in it... Blood. It was blood. I looked fearfully at David and watched him nod at me. I can do this. I could do this for David. David took the bottle from Marko and took the top off and drunk a bit. I watched as he closed his eyes and then opened them.

He turned to me and held the bottle out to me.

I took it with shakey hands.

"You can do this Darc." I heard him whisper.

"Come one Darc." I heard Shane say.

I brought it up to my lips. I can't. I thought as I droppped it on the floor and it smashed . I turned and back to my room. I could hear the foot steps behind me. I collapsed on the bed and cried .


I followed her back and watched as she cried. I'd done this. I tried to make her do this. I grabbed hold of her and brought her to my wheelchair and stuck on my lap.

"When your ready Darc. When your ready. Shhh. " I said as she calmed her self down on me.