The Lost Soul

chapter two

As I stood there with them, I knew that this would be for the best. They were willing on helping me and I felt like I had finally had some thing to live for. When I was 12 I attempted to kill myself. With all the hurt and the pain I felt like there was no point in this life and that I had nothing worth living for.

Dad had hit me and forced himself upon me that night and I cry that night and finally pulled myself together and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I pulled a knife from the side and began to cut my wrist...


The blood began to flow down my arms and hit the floor.

"Darcy" A soft voice said to me as I came back to reality. A tear fell down my face as I saw those beautiful blue eyes. He looked worried, as he took my hand that didn't hurt and he pulled me to the outside dark night. I followed him to his bikes, there was four of them.

"Where are we going? " I asked. He looked down at me.

"Home. Our home now." He said. I looked at him as he climbed on his bike and put his and out towards me, I took it and forgot that my arm was hurt. I hissed i pain and he looked worried.

" You ok?" He asked.

I shock my head

"I think my arms broken." I said.

" OK get on and were take you to the hospital." I got on and held on tight to him, I hated these things. When I was younger I had a friend called Matti, he was older than me but we got on so well, until that day that we had a fight he got on his bike and drove off, next thing I hear was that he had been killed after falling off.

I had hold of David so tight now , I was so afraid of meeting the same fate. We drove outside of Santa Carla to the cliff. I got off and looked at the cave.

"You live here?" I asked.

David turned to me and held my hand and looked into my eyes.

"We live here. All of us"He said. I smiled uncontrollable, he pulled me towards the cave. We walked up the stairs until we come to an opening, there was a bit of a drop, David jumped down.

"Come on." He said with his arms up to me. I jumped down and he caught me.

"Thanks" I said, he smiled as he pulled me towards the main part of the cave. This place used to be a hotel. There was an old fountain that wasn't working as the center piece. Some old sofas and a wheelchair that David was sat on.

There was two barrels that Dwayne had lit with fire.

"You like it?" Marko asked with a grin that would put the cat from Alice and wonderland to shame. I nodded at him, David got up and took me hand and pulled me back towards the wheelchair. He sat down and sat e on his lap.

Dwayne came up to me with his bandages and took my arm and wrapped it up.

"should be fine in six weeks." He said. I looked down at my arm. David took it gently.

"How did you do it?" He asked. Here it was i could tell him and he could help me but I couldn't.

"Um..I need to go, now." I said. He looked at me, I could feel the stare of his lovely eyes. He took my face.

"Your not leaving. You belong here. We can make you happy. Darcy. Stay with us ." He said, I removed his hand and got up and began to walk. Suddenly David was in front of me.

"Look, we don't are you scared of Darcy" He said as he yet again had hold of my face.
"'s not you." I said. I looked down at the floor, a tear fell from my eye. Dad is going to be so mad, I thought.

"Come here." He said as he pulled me into ah hug.

"You don't have to be afraid no more. Nothing will hurt you. You have us. " He said I buried my face within his coat.

He cared for me. I was so tried now. I had to tell them somehow. David took my hand like before and pulled me to the wheelchair, I sat on his lap and had my head resting on his chest.

This was my home now.