The Lost Soul

Chapter Three


The night I had met her. Darcy. She seem to be afraid of everything. I tried so hard to get the truth out of her, she reminded me so much of my sister Angel.

She overdose on drugs and we failed to save her. The night she done it I was seventeen . We had been fighting after after she told me mum had been hitting her. I didn't believe her. I heard her sobbing all that night. Until the early hours of the morning when I finally when into tell her I was sorry.

It was to late, she was gone. When the doctors came they told me that she had been abuse.

I hate my mother for what she had done. Angel had been telling the truth. She felt so alone and she come to me for help.

When i was eighteen, i turned to a vampire and took me revenge for my sister, by making my mother my first. I never told anyone about Angel. We were all sat down and i could smell that Darcy blood was sour, she didn't have that sweet smell that drew me towards her. She needed to eat.

"Right Darc. You want some food?" I asked her and she nodded.

Paul went to get the food. I sat there holding on to Darcy nice and tight. Her heartbeat was loud and fast. I could her it drumming in my ear now she was so quiet.

"Calm down. Darc. Relax." I said and i watched her take a deep breath. She was so frighten of something but I couldn't work out what.

"Right. I've got to pop out." I said as I went to get up. Darcy grip on my top was so tight now.

"Darc. I'll be back. I promise." I said as I kissed her softly on her head. She shock her head a tear went down her face. Marko walked up to her and bent down near her face.

"Hey. Come on Darling. Let him go. He'll be back." He said to her as he smiled and stuck his hand out, but she shock her head burying it in my coat trying to hide.

"Come on, you have us will look after you." He said. She looked up at me and then back to Marko. She nodded at Marko and took his hand and got up.

I walked to the exit and went to hunt for my dinner.


Darcy. What can i say about her she amazing. I can see that she loves David. He was the one she had seen first. She is like a sister ti me. But i'm not really sure what David makes of her. She brings that caring side out of him. The side he barely shows around us.

David had just left her and she sat on his wheelchair. I don't think he would mind to much. Darcy reminded me off my first person I had killed. She to feared everything. I wished so much that I didn't have to kill Casey. She just needed some love and care like Darcy was getting from David.

Paul seem a bit cold toward her which wasn't like hm normally he would take her in as if she was actually family. He was still out getting the food.

Darcy was still sitting there crying.

"Don't worry. Darcy. He'll be back soon." Dwayne said to her.

She nodded at him. Then we heard footsteps by the entrance getting louder and louder.

In walk both Paul and David. He looked at Darcy and an amazing grin hit her face. He didn't look happy though.

"Darcy move, sweetheart." I said. She looked at me but quickly moved to the sofa next to Dwayne. I sat the other side of her. She was shaking. I pulled her towards me and she rested her head on my shoulder. David didn't look bothered that he had scared her. He throw some rice to her and I caught it for her and gave it to her then got some for myself and we all began to eat.


I didn't hate her. I couldn't push her away like I had Angel. I couldn't hurt her. I wanted her to tell me the truth. I didn't want to talk to her until she told me what was happening.


I had just finished my meal and I looked over at David. I had to tell him now.

"David" I said in a timid voice just bearable to hear, he looked at me.

"I'm ready to tell you." I said. He got up and told the boys he needed to talk to me alone. All three boys of them got ip and David moved to sit next to me I moved over a bit away.

"I'm sorry." He said breaking the silence I looked at him confused.

"I scared you."He said I moved back to him, my brown hair covering one side of my face.

I took a deep breath and told him everything. How my dad killed my mum when i was six. That I had been abused ever since.

"And that's how you got the broken arm" He asked and I nodded.


I never knew how close she was to me than now. She had been through a similar experienced to Angel. Only difference was that she had no-one to turn to like Angel did.

I cradled Darcy in my arms as she cried.

"You don't ever have to be near him again." I said. I grabbed her hand and gently dragged her to a place behind a curtain. It was a little room which we normally brought out victims. There was a bed in the center of the room.

"You get some sleep. Darc. I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I kissed her and began to walk away.

I felt her warm hand tough my cold ice arm. I turned to her.

"Don't leave me, please stay. " She asked as her head was bowed. I took her face and cupped it in my hand.

"I'll be just over there. "I said.

"Please I don't want to be on my own." She said as a tear fell. I couldn't leave her like this, it brought back so many bad memories, but I knew I had to make this one a happy memorize.

She took her shoes off and her scarf and jacket. I did the same, she climbed into the bed and I laid down next to her. Her head was resting on my chest as she held on tight to my top.

She feel asleep. She began to talk in her dream.

"I love.. You David. " She said.