The Lost Soul

chapter four


I awoke at 5pm. David was still sleeping. I looked at him. I loved him so much. But I didn't know if he care like that for me. My dream had scared me last night.

It was dark I was in the middle of the forest I was so scared and felt so real.

"Darcy." some one had called I turned to find David. He was trying to kill himself with tears in his eyes. I had to help.

"I could save her." He said as he got out a wooden stake and shoved it through his heart. I ran to him and held his hand. " I love you David." I said before I had woken up. I dreamt the same dream over and over. I didn't get it why a stake? Who was he meant to save?

I was sat up thinking about it, when something cold touch my back. I jumped suddenly and turned to him David.

"Darc. How did you sleep?" He asked, I thought about how to answer that. I couldn't lie he'd see through me.

"I .. I had a bad dream. The same one over and over." I said. He touched my neck with his hand and pulled me to him

"Tell me about it." He said, so I did I mentioned everything.

"So, who is she? " I asked curious at the answer.

"She... she was my sister. She always managed to help me, until went she turned elven, things went down hill. Dad had died and mum turned cold. Our family was a nightmare. She couldn't cope anymore. She took her own life when she was thirteen. It was all my fault... I never believed her." He said as a single tear fell from his face.

I hugged him, I felt him push me away. I flow across the floor with force as I hit the wall. I began to shake. David got up and walked to me. He crouched down in front of me.

"I'm sorry Darc. I didn't mean to." He said his arms open. Tears streaming down my face. I went to him, I knew that he didn't mean it.

"You forgive me Darc?" He asked. I nodded at him and he smiled. He took my hand and took me to the bed. He craddle me in his arms.

"I love you Darc." He said, I looked at him with a grin spread across my face.

"Come on, we're going to the boardwalk. Get your things." He said to me. I got up and stuck my boots, jacket and scarf on and David got himself up and dressed ready to go out.

"David. I... um need some clothes."I said. He thought about that.

"That's alright, I'll get Marko to get them and bring it all here." He said as he held his hand out, I took it and we walked to the lobby. The guys were all there.

"Ok boys, let's go." David said as he picked me up and carried me outside to the bikes outside. He put me down and got on his bike. He put his hands out to me and I jumped on. We drove down to the town, to the boardwalk. Paul and Marko began to laugh and yell as we drove towards there.

I rested my head on his shoulder. I could see the lights up ahead we were close. David and the rest pulled up and we got off.

"I want you to meet someone." David said and he pulled me over to a tall guy with blonde wavy hair which come down to his shoulders. He wore a white shirt with a long black jacket and grey jeans. He had piercing green eyes and a kind face. He wore a necklace with something green hanging from it. He smiled warmly at me as I stood behind David.

" Don't be afraid Darcy. Shane won't hurt you, he's my brother." David said.

I looked at Shane and i could see the relation. The blonde hair, the same face shape.

"Hello Darcy." He said, I came out from behind David and walked forward until I was standing i front of Shane.

"Hi" I said. Then I saw him the green eyes behind Shane and I moved away not taking my eyes off his as he began to walk towards us.

"What's up Darc?" David asked as he got in front of me.

"My dad." I said as I pointed to him. All the boys looked in his direction. But they couldn't see him he wasn't there, he had gone. I could of swore that he was there.

"There's nothing there Darc." He said . He didn't believe me.

"He was there David. I'm not making up." I said he hugged me.

"It's ok. shhh." He said. Tears escaped my eyes.

"No! You dont believe me." I yelled and David looked at me. I pulled out of his hug. He went to touch my face but I moved back.

"Darc." He said softly.

"No" I said firmly as I took another step backwards and began to run.

"Darcy!" I heard Marko yell but I carried on running. I knew it was stupid but he didnt believe me. I hated him. I ran until I was at a bench. I sat down and pulled my legs up and began to cry.

"He didn't mean it you know. He loves you." I heard a filmilar voice say to me. I looked up to see Shane. He took a seat next to me.

"You dont know that." I said.

"Yes I do. I believe you saw him Darcy. The fear in your beautiful eyes was so real." He said and I smiled.

"Shane, why didnt you help your sister?" I asked. He took a deep breath.

"She hated me. We never got on . David and I was close and she hated it. That's why went she told David he didn't believe her. He thought she was trying to get attention because she felt left out. She never came to me. But i always loved her. " He said.

"Come on. Let's go." He said as I stood. He put his arm around me protectively.

"Besides. I can make up for it. I have you now. My little sister. Darcy." He said as he kissed my head. I loved the way he thought of me like a sister. I could grow to love him as a brother. We walked along the board walk.

"Do you think David will be mad?" I asked. Shane looked down at me.

"He loves you Darcy. I dont think so." He said. We walked to the bikes and I saw David. I broke down again. I walked towards him, Shane had released me.

I was stood in front of David.

"I'm so...sorry." I said.

"Come here. It's my fault I should have believed you. I should be sorry. Now come on." He said as he had hold of my hand. He pulled me to a hot dog stand.

"I got to go, but i'll see you later. Darcy. David." Shane said as he hugged me and walked away. I sat down and ate my hotdog. Once i was finshed we walked back to the bikes and the guys.

David got on his bike and put his arm out to me.

"Come on." He said. I looked at him into his blue eyes.

"What's up Darc?" David said. I shock my head and moved backwards.

"Darc?" David said in a worried voice as he got off the bike and walked to me, tears began to fall again. Dvid was in front of me now his arms out but I took another step back.

His expression changed. " Fine be like that." He said as he turned around. I needed to tell him what I was thinking, he was just worried. These boys were like family to me I couldn't let them walk away and out of my life.

" David." I yelled he turned back to me with the same expression on his face.

"What" he said.

"I'm sorry. I'm scared David. If my dad found me..." I broke down before I could finish. I was so scared to loss David, I loved him.

" Hey, Darc. Look nothing is going to hurt you i'm here for you. I promise your be fine." David said as he walked over to me and hugged me. I felt so protected in his arms like nothing would ever hurt me again.

"Come on." He said as he he gently tugged my arm and took me to the bike. I climbed on and David kissed me on the head.

"Hurry up guys." Paul said, he was annoyed at the fact we were still here, he wanted to go home.

David wrapped my arms around his body.

"Hold on." He said as he laughed with the boys. We raced down the road under the pier abd through the forrest until we came to the cave. I jumped off the bike and like always David got off ad picked me up.

"Don't want you falling over and breaking anything else." He said before smiling at me and I grin back.

"That's beter." He said as he began to walked towards the cave with me in his arms. I closed my eyes and fell into darkness.


Darcy had fallen asleep before we had even made it into the cave. I walked to her bed and placed her down. I would be back later to sleep with her. I walked out and sat down on my wheel chair, I was so worried about her. Could I make her like me or would it hurt her more.

I loved her so much I wanted her to be mine forever. Dwanye and Marko had gone to get Darcy things and Shane would be here soon, he was staying with us for a bit. Paul had told me that he had to tell me something alone. So now would be the perfect time to tell me. He was sat across from me on the fountain.

"What's up?" I asked.

"David. You know when you met me my family had split because my mum had a kid by the name of Chris." He began to tell me.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well Darcy's her kid, my half sister ." He said. It took me a minute to take it all in.

"So" I said.

"I hate her! She the reason my family split." He said. I was so cross.

"What she been through enough. She likes us a lost soul. A lost girl." I yelled.

"Look just try. Don't hate her for who she is. She been through enough." I said.

"Why do you keep saying ' she been through enough', Nothing worse than us." He said. I laughed at that.

" She was abused, that's why she so scared of her dad." I yelled.

"I'll try to like her." Paul said.

"You better." I repiled as I walked over to the curtain and into where Darcy was. She was tossing and turning. I walked over to her.

"Darc." I said as I shock her. Her eyes flung open and she put her arms around my neck and buried herself in my jacket.

"Hey. We got you clothes for you." I said as I held onto her. I pulled away to take my jacket off and my boots and climb next to her.

"You ok Darc?" I asked and she clung tightly to my top.

"Promise you won't ever leave me. I love you so much. I'll do anything." She said a tear rolled down her face.

"I promise. Darc." I said as I kissed her on the head.