The Lost Soul



I can't believe she had done that. I should have told her the secret that was breaking my heart to hide from her. She just wanted to know but I didn't want to be the one to tell her that her brother was Paul and he hated her.

I carried her all the way up to the hospital her limb body in my arms, the blood I could smell I had to stay stronger. I told the boys what was happening. I am going to kill Paul for what had happen, it was his entire fault she was already broken and this was just hurting her more. She felt alone and we had caused that. It was never meant to be like this she was meant to be happy with us. I couldn't change her while she was unhappy with us. I couldn't make it worst. I knew that I had to make her happy before I changed her.

I couldn't take that human side away from her. I had to tell her when she got better. If she got better. That thought hurt me the most, knowing that I had failed her like I had failed Angel. I entered the hospital doors. The doctors rushed over and stuck her on the bed and wheeled her to A and E.

One of the nurses came over to me and saw the blood all down my jacket.

"Are you family?" She asked. She was short with blonde hair that was up and her blue uniform on. I thought about how I was meant to answer that. If I said no then the would contact her father and I knew she would hate me more if I did that.

"Yes. I'm here.. Brother." I said. The nurse nodded and took down a few details like her age and her full name then told me to go and wait in the waiting room. I sat there so worried about her. I can't have failed her I had to do well by her. I loved her so much. The boys came through the front door.

"What happen?" Paul asked. I could tell he was a bit worried. I could see that in his face, no matter how much he tried to hide it.

"What happen? She tried to take her own life! It's your entire fault." I yelled as I stood up and stood right in front of him. He held his hands up in defense.

"Whoa what did I do?" He asked. I laughed coldly at what he had just said.

"She couldn't take it. She felt pushed out because of you and your stupid secret. Why don't you just tell her the truth? She your sister." I said. The boys looked shocked at what I had said.

"I mean it tell her. Or I will. If she doesn't come out of this I will kill you. Ill kill ya." I said. Paul nodded at me and we sat down. We were sat like it felt like forever while they worked on her. We were all worried about her.

"Which one of you is David?" I didn't even notice that the doctor had come out of the room and was now stood in front of us. The boys all pointed to me. The doctor smiled at me.

"I'm happy to tell you that Darcy is ok and she is asking for you." He said. He told me to follow him and I did. Darc look so pale. Her little eyelids open and I saw a smile on her face. I walked towards her and she grabbed my hand.

"You don't ever do that again. You hear me I nearly lost you." I said as I learnt forward and kissed her forehead. I sat with her and the boys came in. Shane told her that she will be ok and that we were worried about her. I looked over at Paul who was in the corner by the door. He walked forward to her and she looked up at him.

"I'm sorry Darcy. Are you ok?" He asked. She nodded at him and then turned her gaze to me. I had to tell her what we were. I asked the doctors when she would be out and they said in the next couple of days. I was so happy that I hadn't fail her and that she was ok but she still needed to know our secrets.

She did mean the world to me and I did love her.


The next night (home)

I had decided I needed to get out of here, I knew David would look after me. I knew they all would.

I was so stupid. I was so happy that I was still here. Second time lucky. David was so worried and even Paul talked to me. I was happy, but I think that David had had a word with him about it or that he saw what he had done. My wrist killed as I packed my bag that Shane had brought up.

I heard the door open be hide me. I turned to see David there.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded at him and he picked my bag up and held out for my hand and we walked out of the hospital to the night time sky. He stuck my bag on the back of his bike and jumped on. I got on behind him and we sped off into the night all the way home.

I was so happy to see the cliff and home as we pulled up and I got off the bike. He pulled on my arm gently and helped me down into the cave. All the boys were there and each one came and gave me a hug even Paul welcomed me home. His behaviour was starting to creep me out but I was so happy that he had started treated me like the rest of my family.

"Darcy sit down we have something to tell you." Shane spoke. I moved and sat down on the sofa. I looked at each of them, each had a worried looked on the face. They each took a deep breath.

"We're vampire." They said.