Ali Amelia Winters: Her Life Skins



We made it to his house. I didn't even know him and I had to leave. But what would it matter if he was a killer, no-one would miss me. I think we were meant to go to mates shed but he had decided to take me back to his to get changed. He was going to lend me some old clothes that he doesn't wear anymore. He opened the door it there was a bed one side. There was a tiny kitchen and there was a door that I think was the bathroom.

'I need to go.' I said in a small voice looking at the floor. I saw as he turned round to me with a confused look on his face. I stepped backwards. What if he had his dad here to get me back and beat me till I was dead? What if it was all a setup? I was shaking like mad and I began to run down the corridor.

'ALI SOP!' I heard as I continued to run. I felt a pair of arms hold me still. I tried to get free of his grip. Tears rolled down my face as I became weaker and weaker.

'Shh. No-one will hurt you. You just stay with cookie and your be safe princess.' I heard him whisper in my ear. I turned to him and he picked me up. I wrapped my hands around his top and tucked my head into the crock of his neck.

'Cook.' I said.

'Yeah.' He said as he looked down at me. I took a deep breath and began to play with the collar of his pole shirt. He was so fit. His blue eyes. His build up body. His brown short hair. I had to know if he would be here for me and not throw me out.

'Will. Will you... Look after me and not throw me away. Please don't leave me. I need someone to help...m..e.' I said as I struggle to fight the tears that we're beginning to fall.

'Listen babe. If I didn't want you here I wouldn't have offered and I would have let you done a runner. But I fucking didn't. Did I? Cookie's here to look after you Ali and I always will. I promise that if you stay with me your have a good life. No-one will hurt you.' He said as he kissed me on the head.

He when through his door and put me down on the bed. I watched as he went into the bathroom and began to run the water. He came out and his eyes met mine. I turned away from him. I knew that some time I would have to tell him. If I stay long enough that is. He walked towards me and got down to my level. I felt his hands go around my face as he turned me to look at him. He pulled a bag from the back of his pocket and when to give it to me.

'Loosen up. Ali take these you'll feel better. He said. I shook my head and tried to move away. I managed to get free and when to the door and tried to open it but it was lock. He wasn't going to make me was he? I felt a hand on my waist and I turned to him.

'Shh. What's up Ali?' he asked.

'M..y dad. He died from them... he died and I miss him so much. I can't. I'm sorry cook. I just can't take them.' I said. I couldn't believe I was telling him everything.

"Shh. You don't say sorry. Not to no-one, you hear kid.' He said and I nodded he brought me to the bathroom and gave me an old blue polo shirt and some grey jeans. He gave me a pair of pumps and a towel. 'I'll get you some clothes. Ali I promise, now have your bath. I'll be right out there babe. And hurry up we got a party to go to.' He said as he left me in the bathroom.


I was getting there bit by bit. I can't believe she would open up like that and tell me her dads dead. I had to help her calm down. She was so jumpy and different. Most girls like her I wouldn't give two fucks about. There just to shag but she is different. I liked her. And I knew she liked me. I just had to make her open up about it.

I left her in the bathroom. She needed to clean up. I text the gang to tell them to get to Fred's shed for a party. I let them know about Ali when I get there and besides I had to get the princess to want to go first I wouldn't make her.
