‹ Prequel: Stronger Than Oceans

Restoring Force

A kiss = feelings

I was walking into the rehearsal room and Adam and I wanted to tour together for some reason. We were doing a lot of meetings for the tour and feelings were coming back from both of us. I was sucked into my whole married life and Criss’s work I never got time to be myself. I had to be in front of the cameras twenty four seven it seemed like.

I was in rehearsals and Adam and I were having fun being ourselves. I was waiting for the day tour came and was going to rock the stage.

Day before Tour

I was watching everyone put everything in flight cases and start loading up the stuff. Criss was not going on tour or either was Adam’s wife. SO we were going to be alone the whole year on tour and it was going to be amazing. We were heading to London for our first portion of the tour and everyone was cheering when the final case was loaded.

Adam and I were heading to the airport and he wrapped his arm around me to protect me from people. We got on the private plane and I broke down.

“Are you okay?” Adam asked.

I shook my head.

“What’s wrong” He asked.

“Have you ever felt like you’ve lived your life in front of cameras almost the whole time being married or just in general” I said while wiping the tears away that were coming down my face.

“Did that happen to you?” He asked.

I shook my head yes and he hugged me. I started crying and he was rubbing my back.

“I feel like I can never get a moment’s peace anymore without someone taking a picture or video” I said breaking down.

“Denise, you are a strong woman” He said.

He leaned in and kissed me. I kept kissing back and the passion and lust was there. I didn’t want it to end but it did.

“we’ll never speak of this again” I said.

“Did you feel something?” Adam asked.

“Yeah, the love both of us desire” I said.

“I felt it to” He said.

We arrived at the arena and went to my dressing room. I can’t believe my feelings came back and Adam was probably thinking the same thing. I started to cry again and slid down the wall. I heard someone walk in and it was Mama Royal my mother.

“Honey what’s wrong” She asked concerned.

“Adam kissed me and the feelings came back” I said wiping my tears away getting up.

“Honey, if you love him that bad go for it” She said.

Maybe my mom was right I needed Adam and I loved him all along.