We Can Change the World

The Prologue

"Let's go on that one again," Joe said as he grabbed his best friend's hand to lead her to the line.

"Can we go on something not as fast," Dani pleaded as she looked up at the roller coaster.

Dani and her best friends Joe, Nick, and Kevin were at six flags. Nick and Kevin had long since disappeared seeing as they couldn't keep up with the energetic duo. Joe and Dani had been best friends since the age of 3, and there were few that could actually keep up with these two. Right now, they didn't talk about how Dani was leaving in a week to start her singing career in California. Or about how this was probably the last time they'd be here at six flags together, or about how they might not even see each other for a while. They went on as if nothing was wrong. As if they were sure that they would be best friends forever, just like they had promised.

"Fine," Joe rolled his eyes. "How about the Ferris Wheel?" Dani nodded and they got onto the ride.

Joe and Dani say in a comfortable silence. She leaned against Joe, resting her head on his chest. The air had turned cooler, and it made her cold. Feeling her shiver next to him, Joe wrapped his arm around Dani's shoulders, trying to warm her.


"Yeah Dani?"

"I'm scared."

He didn't reply at first. He knew she was talking about going to California. After a few moments, he said, "Danielle Marie Touchstone, you have an amazing voice and you are so unbelievably talented. You have nothing to be scared of. I know they you're going to be awesome. Not as awesome as me, but awesome nonetheless," he smirked at her.

"But you won't be with me." She whispered into his chest, letting his awesome comment slide. "How am I going to follow my dreams without my best friend?"

"Danielle Marie," Joe said. "You are going to be completely fine without me. You'll probably even get a new best friend. You'll go out to California, and before you know it, you'll have guys throwing their boxers at you."

Dani laughed. "Joe, only girls through their underwear at guy singers."

"Oh yeah? Well just wait till I come to one of your concerts," he smirked. "Which would you prefer, smiley faces or Scooby Doo?"

Dani giggled and pretended to think it over. "Scooby Doo definitely."

"I would prefer those too," he nodded solemnly.

"Thanks Joey," she said softly.

"Anytime Fanny," he said, using her nickname. He kissed the top of her head.

After a few minutes, she softly said, "And I'm never going to get a different best friend. You're mine for life Joseph Adam Jonas."

"I wouldn't have it any other way Dani Marie Touchstone."

"You better call me everyday," Dani said as she hugged Nick. Nicholas Jerry Jonas was like her little brother. She was closest to him after Joe, and she was going to miss him terribly.

"I promise," Nick said quietly, not wanting his voice to give him away. This was hard on Nick. He was losing his big sister. The only one who sided with him in arguments, and defended him when Joe teased him. He loved Dani, and now she was leaving.

Dani smiled at him, and then turned to Kevin. " Mr. Jonas," she hugged him. Paul Kevin Jonas was Dani's older brother. He was the only one who argued with her about her crazy theories. Half the time, Dani made them up, saying that she believed Santa Claus was real or Arthur was based on the people from a faraway island. But Kevin always argued with her just the same, going to any length to prove her wrong.

"Ms. Touchstone," Kevin smiled as he hugged her back. "I'm going to miss you kiddo," he sighed.

"Kevin," Dani sighed. "Don't call me kiddo. You're only two years older than me, mister." She stuck her tongue out at him, causing him to laugh.

"Time to go Dani," her sister, Blair, said as she walked over to them. "Our row's boarding."

"One second B," Dani begged. She had yet to say goodbye to her best friend. She walked over to him, and without saying a word, walked into his waiting arms. There didn't seem anything to say. They had already said their goodbyes at Dani's house before they all left for the airport. For right now, they just stood there hugging each other, trying to carve this moment into their memories.

"Dani," Blair said again.

Dani sighed and let go of Joe. "I'm going to miss you Danger."

"I'll miss you too Dani Fanny," he sighed. His voice was weak with sorrow. "Call me when you get there."

"And everyday after that," she promised. Tears were flowing down her cheeks now as she turned and ran to the gate.
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