We Can Change the World

The Diamond

I knew Nick and Kevin probably knew I liked Dani, but they were just waiting for me to come out and say it. And I knew everything would be so much easier if I just told my brothers how I was in love with my best friend, but I couldn't. I mean, if word got out, not that I'm saying my brothers would tell, well actually I am. I knew my brothers and I knew they'd tell Dani. Of course, they wouldn't tell her straight out, but they'd imply it every chance they got. And they'd be obvious about it. And I didn't want my relationship with her to be messed up. I'd rather have her in my life as my best friend than not have her in my life at all again. So I didn't tell them. I chose the hard way and I was stuck in the closet. Luckily, they forgot about a little thing called technology and I called the first person i could think of who would help me, no questions asked. But they must have heard me talking on the phone because Nick burst into the closet, pulled my hair, and grabbed the phone. After that, I just sat there and waited for her to come.

Now we were all sitting in the game room, playing Halo 3. I was ashamed to say that Dani was kicking all of our butts. "Take that Joey," she smirked as she killed me once again, ending the game at 50 kills for her, 21 for Kevin, 17 for Nick, and 1 for me. Nick was preoccupied killing Kevin when I got him that time. After that, both of their kills mostly involved getting me.

"Whatever," I grumbled, throwing the controller away.

"You're mad that I rock and you suck," she said.

"That's because you cheated," I said, knowing full well she didn't cheat at all.

"Oh man, you're toast," Nick clapped my back.

"Cheated," she repeated as she grabbed my nose. "I do not cheat Jo--" Her phone rang. "Oh shit, you guys," she said as she looked at the I.D. "It's Ben. The evening paper has had time to go out, hasn't it?"

The phone kept ringing as Kevin said, "Yeah, but answer it Dani."

"Yeah maybe he hasn't seen it yet," Nick offered.

Dani noded and picked it up. "Hello," her voice trembled. I reached over and clasped her hand for support, ignoring the knowing looks I got from my brothers.

"Hey Ben," she said. "I'm at -- um I'm at Nick's house." Nick's house didn't escape any of our attentions as I felt her hand trembling in mine. She was really scared of having this conversation with Ben. "No we were just having breakfast, i swear.... No, it wasn't a date.... Joe's not here," she lied. "I don't know. He went out before I came.... Miley told you what? Why would you believe her?" Uh oh, this didn't sound good. Kevin, Nick, and I exchanged a look. "No. Why would you? He has nothing to do with any of this.... No.... Fine, here Nick."

Dani handed the phone to Nick. Apparently, Ben wanted to talk to him. "Hey Ben, what's up," Nick said into the phone. "Uh no I haven't seen the papers. Why? Oh yeah they went to breakfast this morning cause my mom was out and Dani really wanted pancakes. Joe offered to take her.... Well -- Kevin and I had already eaten since we woke up so early.... Uh huh.... Well we did lock him in the closet, and he did call her. But we let him out, cause Frankie had a doctor's appointment and Joe told our mom he'd take him... No there isn't anything going on between your girlfriend and my brother.... Okay sure thing buddy." He handed the phone back to Dani and smiled at her.

She smiled back before taking the phone. "Ben... okay I understand.... okay. Goodbye Ben." She hung up. Immediately, she looked as if she would burst into tears any moment. "He -- he broke up with me."

"I'm so sorry Dani," I said as I wrapped an arm around her. That wasn't completely true. I mean, I was sorry that she was hurting, but I wasn't sorry that they broke up. Ben was an untrusting asshole who didn't deserve Dani. Then again, no one deserved Dani.

"Whatever," she shrugged. "Um -- can we not talk about it?"

"Sure," Nick said.

"Anything you want," Kevin added.

"Good," she smiled weakly at me. "Let's um -- let's go to a party or something. I want to -- dance."

"Are you sure that's the best idea," Nick's rational voice came through. It was addressed to me, though he was looking at Dani.

"Joey please," she begged me to agree with her.

"Yeah let's go," I obliged. My best friend was hurting and she needed to have some fun. What better way than a party?

We ended up going to The Diamond, which was an exclusive club a lot of celebrities went to. Nick couldn't come since he was only 15, so he stayed home to watch Frankie. Kevin felt he would be intruding, and he too bailed on us. So it was just me and Dani.

"Dani, Joe," Vanessa Hudgens greeted us as she and Zac Efron came over to us. She hugged us both and Zac hugged Dani, and shook my hand.

"Hey man," he said.

"Hey Nessa," Dani smiled. "Hey Zac."

"Dani sweetie," Vanessa said, concern filling her voice. "We heard about the Ben thing. Are you okay?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be," Dani said, her voice unconvincing. "Come on Joe, I want to dance. We'll see you guys later, okay?"

I look around at the faces as we move deeper into the crowd. Guys star in awe at Dani, like usual, and like usual, she just ignores them. She's so used to guys staring at her and hitting on her. She's just too beautiful. She lets go of my hand when we get to the middle of the dance floor. She throws her hands up as she begins to dance and lowers them to rest them on my shoulders. I gently place my hands on her waist and start swaying to the music. I look down at her and I think about how much I love this girl. She's beautiful, and energetic, and fun, and perfect. She's my other half, my everything. And she's completely oblivious.

After a few songs, Dani told me she had to go to the bathroom and left me. I made my way over to the bar and got two cokes for us. Vanessa and Zac saw me and came over again. "How is she really," Vanessa asked me.

"Not good," I replied. "She's trying to pretend she's okay. But if you look at her long enough, you can see the mask slip away."

"Have you been looking at her long enough Joe," Vanessa asked, a knowing tone to her voice.

"What does that mean," I asked.

"It's pretty obvious you like her man," Zac said.

Before I could answer, Dani came back. She was wobbling a bit. Oh no. "Hey guys," she yelled as she hugged Zac and Vanessa. "When did you get here?"

"Uh we've been here Dani," Vanessa said, kindly. "You saw us when you came in."

"Oh yeah oops," Dani giggled and leaned on me. "Come on Joey, let's dance." I nodded once at Vanessa and Zac's concerned expressions to let them know I'd watch her.

"Dani, did you drink anything while you were in the bathroom," I asked her as soon as we were far enough away from Zac and Vanessa.

"No," she replied quickly, her face serious for all of two seconds before she broke out into a giggling frenzy. "Okay maybe a little."

"Dani," I sighed. "Why?"

"Because it hurts Joe," she indicated her heart, her face immediately sad. "And I just wanted it to go away."

I pulled her close to me. "Dani," I said into her hair.

"Let's dance," she said, giggling again.

I sighed again as we started to dance. She was completely drunk, but I knew that arguing with her would be bad. For now, I'd let her stay and have fun.

After 4 songs, Dani said, "I have to pee."

This time, I walked her to the bathroom, not trusting her not to have anymore. I waited outside the door until she came back out. "All done," she declared before bursting out into another fit of giggles.

I led her through the crowd again. The club was really crowded, and I turned back to say, "Dani, hold my han --" She was gone. I turned around, my eyes scanning the club furiously for her. Finally, I saw her by the bar, taking another shot. There was already three empty shot glasses on the bar next to her. Guys stood around her, chanting, "Chug, chug, chug!" I wanted to punch them.

"Joe," Vanessa said, both her and Zac suddenly next to me. "We have to stop her."

"I know Vanessa, I know," I said as we walked to the bar. "Dani, come on. We're going home." I went to grab her hand.

"She's not ready to go home yet man," one of the guys said, putting his hands up to stop me.

"Don't freaking touch me," I said, as I punch past his hands.

"Rock star bitch," the guy said as he swung at me, his fist meeting my face.

I punched him back in the face, and grabbed him by the shirt and threw him on the ground. Zac got ready to jump in if the guy's friends did. Vanessa walked to Dani and guided her away from the drinks. "Come on sweetie, we're leaving okay? Zac, Joe, let's go."

We followed the girls out. "Dude you're bleeding," Zac said when we got outside.

I noticed that Vanessa was practically carrying Dani's weight as they walked. "I'll fix it up when I get home," I said. "Here Vanessa, I can get her."

She nodded and leaned Dani onto me. "Where's your car," she asked. Dani's eyes were closed as she leaned her whole body onto mine.

"Over there," I pointed. "I can take her. But thanks so much." We walked to my car.

"Joey," Dani giggled, her eyes suddenly open. "Why aren't we dancing anymore?"

"The club closed," I replied as I opened her door. "Time to go home."

"It closed," she repeated, not getting in yet. "But I was having so much fun." She turned to face me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Man I don't even -- remember what's his name."

"Come on Dani, get in the car," I begged. "We have to go home."

"I don't want to," she said. "I want to stay here, in your arms." She leaned towards me.

"What are you doing Dani," I asked.

"Shh," she said as she closed her eyes and pushed her lips against mine.

Normally, I would have welcomed this, but not right now. Not while she was drunk. Not while she was drunk because of another guy. I pulled away and turned my head slightly. When I did, I saw that she had already passed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Personally, I loved this chapter. But let me know what you think :] It's longer than usual.

Feedback is amazing!!