We Can Change the World

The Consequences

When I woke up the next morning, I was in my bed, and my head was pounding. I looked around for Joe, who had stayed with me all night, but he was nowhere to be seen. I reached for my phone on my nightstand and saw a water bottle, a little plate with two aspirin, and a note. Gratefully, I took the medicine before I turned to the note.

Morning Dani. Hope you're not feeling too horrible right now. I'm really sorry, but I had to leave really early to go shoot our new video. Kevin says he's sorry, but the director won't let us reschedule (trust me, I tried), and Kevo says he hopes you feel better. Nickiepooh sends his love too. Gosh, what a dork (he sends his love, wow. just remember that he made me write that... okay I'm lying) He actually said he hopes you feel better and we're all here for you. But anyways, I'll be back as soon as I can, and we'll do something fun, okay? Just -- please don't do anything stupid while I'm gone.

Love you to the moon Dani Fanny,
Super Joe

I sighed as I tried to remember last night, only to have my head pound. It had been horrible when we came home. Joe had brought me to my house rather than his because he knew I wouldn't want Kevin and Nick to see me like that. And oh God, can you imagine if Denise, Paul, and Frankie saw that? I wouldn't be able to live with myself. So Joe had brought me here. After throwing up for about an hour, I had laid in bed with my best friend and cried my eyes out into his chest as I hugged his waist and he held me close against him. I cried all my woes into his chest, and Joe just rubbed my back over and over again, telling me everything was going to be okay. He kept saying it was going to be okay, and eventually, I started believing it.

"Danielle Marie," Blair said as she stormed into me room.

"AHH," I screamed, clutching my head as a throb of pain went through my temples.

"Are you hungover," she asked.


"We'll deal with that later," she promised. "For now, what the hell is this?" She threw the morning tabloid onto my bed.

I picked it up and scanned the front cover. It was Joe and I from last night, and we were kissing. The caption said: Best Friends or Best Lovers? Joe and I kissed last night? I didn't remember. "I don't know," I said as I racked my brain for any memory of this kiss. Nothing was coming to mind.

"You don't know," she repeated through her teeth. Her anger seems to be radiating from body. "How the hell do you not know? How much did you drink last night? And why were you even drinking? You're underage!"

I couldn't take her screaming. I leaned back in my bed and pulled the pillow over my face. Taking it off, I said, "Ben broke up with me."

"Oh sweetie," Blair sighed and hugged me. Her anger seemed to disappear. "Did he say why?"

I nodded. "He saw a picture of Joe and I eating breakfast at IHOP, and he thought it was a date. He thinks I'm cheating on him with my best friend."

"Not to bring you down even more," Blair said, picking up the paper. "But from this picture, it kind of looks that way."

"Thanks Blair," I groaned. "I don't even remember that kiss."

Blair hugged me once more. "Dani, you have a photo shoot in two hours. Go get ready, and I'll make you something for your hangover, okay?"

I nodded as she left the room. I took a long shower, trying to drown away any memories from last night. but also, I was trying to remember that kiss. I couldn't believe I had kissed my best friend? That's what had happened right? It wasn't that he kissed me, right? I'd have to ask him later -- though that could be kind of awkward.

After my shoot, I walked into the my dressing room to see Joe sitting there, waiting for me. "Hey buddy," he jumped up as he saw me. "How you feeling?" He hugged me.

I gladly wrapped my arms around his waist and breathed in his smell, trying to relax myself. I knew I'd have to deal with the consequences for that kiss both with Joe, and with Ben. I'd be glad to take Joe first though. I'd need my best friend when I faced Ben. "I'm better," I said. "Did you -- uh, see the paper?"

"Uh yeah," he said awkwardly. "Big Rob gave us one on the way back from the video filming. How much do you remember from last night?"

"You mean do I remember the kiss," I asked. Best to just get it out of the way, rather than beat around the bush. "No I don't. Blair showed me the picture, and if it was even a little blurry, I wouldn't think it was me. But the picture was crystal clear, so I know it definitely happened. But what really happened?"

"You were uh -- really drunk," he explained. "And you kissed me, and then you passed out."

Before I could reply, the door opened and Ben walked in. "So it's true?"

"Ben," I said, stepping slightly away from Joe.

"We were broken up for what -- four hours, and you're already going public with your relationship with this."

"No it's not like that Ben, I swear," I tried to reason with him. "I was --"

"Save it, you slut," Ben said.

Then, all of a sudden, Ben was backed up against the wall, and Joe was in his face. "She is not a slut," he said.

"Joe don't," I begged.

He turned to face me, and saw the fear in my face as he got off of Ben. Ben took his freedom, and punched Joe in the stomach. "Ben," I cried. "Please guys don't."

The door burst open and Kevin and Nick ran in. They pulled Ben away and threw him out of the room. I was still crying as Joe got off the floor and took me in his arms, not caring about his wounds. "What happened," Kevin asked.

"Ben called her a slut," Joe explained. "Just do me a favor, and make sure he doesn't come back in here, okay?"

"You got it," Nick said as he and Kevin went outside to guard the door.

"You okay Dani," Joe asked me once we were alone.

I nodded, unable to find my voice as I still have my face buried in his chest. "I'm so sorry Joe."

"Why," he asked, his voice full of confusion.

"Because of me, you've had to get into two fights, and you've been hurt both times," I said.

"Danielle, it wasn't your fault," he said as he pulled me away to look me in the eyes. "Neither time was it your fault. So don't even worry about it. Besides," he smirked. "I'm still the best looking Jonas, even with all the battle scars, which only make me more awesome."
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I thought this chapter was okay... not my best, but I still kinda liked it. What did you guys think? Feedback is greatly appreciated :]