We Can Change the World

Fall For You

"Here, these should fit you," Joe said as he tossed me a pair of his boxers from his overflowing, messy closet. "Let's go raid Nick's closest for a eater or something." He smirked as he grabbed my hand and led me to the other side of the room to where Nick's closet was open, and extremely tidy.

I was sleeping over again, seeing as being in my house alone after the whole Ben situation freaked me out, and Joe had convinced me to have a scary movie night with him. But part of the deal was that I couldn't go home at all, and that included to get my pajamas. So now I was stuck with wearing Joe's boxers and Nick's beater. I giggled as I saw everything was color coded, and initialed NJJ. I knew his middle name was Jerry, but did he really think there would be any confusion with just NJ? Joe found a red beater and tossed it to me. "There, that should fit. If it doesn't, I can probably find something else, though it may be hard to find anything in NJJ's closet."

I laughed. "No these are fine, thanks."

"No problem," he smiled at me. I stared at him, waiting for him to leave or turn around so that I could change. He didn't seem to get it, because he asked, "Why aren't you changing?"

"Turn around," I groaned. He laughed as realization hit his face and turned around. "And no peeking mister." I quickly changed.

"Dude no one wants to see you anyway," he said.

I scoffed jokingly, grabbed the cordless phone, and threw it at him. "Yeah right Joseph Jonas. You know you love me."

"Take that back," he chuckled.

"Close your mouth whore," I smirked at him.

He scoffed. He grabbed me, and threw my on the bed and jumped on top of me. "Take it back!"

"Nope," I said.

He wriggled his fingers. "Is that your final answer?"

"Yup," I replied. Joe started tickling me. "Joe stop! Please Joe. STOP!" He kept tickling me so much I couldn't breathe. "Joe, please stop," I yelled. "I can't breathe. Joe please," I pled. I could barely move because he was so heavy and he was sitting on my stomach. I reached up and grabbed his hair.

"Ow," he screamed. "Get off!" He finally stopped tickling me, and grabbed my hands. "You're going to regret that!"

"Yeah right," I scoffed. He was staring at me, and for some reason, my stomach started doing cartwheels. Joe was sitting on top of me, grinning at me, and I was thinking about how I really wanted Joe to lean over and kiss me. I don't know if it was everything that had happened in the last few days, or if I had any alcohol in me from last night, or what, but right now, I was thinking about kissing my best friend.

We were both still silent as he continued to look into my eyes with his beautiful eyes, a few pieces of his hair over his face. Then, Joe slowly moved his face down, and it was about four inches away from mine. I knew what was about to happen, and though I wanted it to happen, I found myself regretting this. Joe was my best friend. Last time we kissed, I was drunk, and I didn't remember it. But this time, I would, and it could change us. But without thinking, I tucked the hair in his face, behind his ear, and placed my hand on his cheek. He was smiling at me with a loving expression – an expression I hadn't seen him ever give me before. It wasn't the usual best friend smile he gave me. His hands were planted on the bed, on either side of me, keeping himself up. I bit my lip as he moved closer. "Joe," I whispered. He didn't say anything as he moved closer. His lips were barely two inches from mine. I could feel his breath on my face. Shivers went up and down my spine, and then through my whole body. I felt my eyes close as his did, our lips slightly touching. I prepared myself for what I knew was about to come.
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I like this chapter :)
The story's moving a bit faster than I had in mind, but whatever. Let me know what you think! Feedback inspires me :)