We Can Change the World

The Morning After

"Guys, you'll never guess--," Nick yelled, running into the room, which caused Joe to lose the balance he had been keeping with his hands, and come crashing down on me. "Oh oops. My bad. I have to go Carry on." He grinned at us before running out of the room.

I bit my lip and looked around, looked anywhere but into those chocolate eyes. Finally, I settled on staring at his chest. "Joe," I whispered.

He stayed silent as he fell onto his side next to me. Silence fell over us. It wasn't the usual comfortable, though rare cause this is Joseph Jonas we're talking about, silences either. I felt like I should say something, but didn't know what. Joe almost kissed me. And I knew I would have kissed him back. I would have kissed my best friend back. I knew it was wrong, but then why did it feel right? Why did it feel like it would have been so right? "I think I'll go downstairs," I said, started to sit up, only top be stopped by Joe gently pushing me down again.

"No, stay," he said.

"I – I can't do this Joey," I stammered as I tried to get up again.

"Dani please," his eyes bore into mine, pleading with me.

I knew I should go down. I knew I should leave right now. But I didn't. Something about his face, his expression, his eyes kept me from running away, screaming. I stopped struggling against his grip and leaned back onto the pillow.

Scary movie night was obviously cancelled due to – technicalities. Joe reached over and turned the lamp on the nightstand off. Only problem with that was that the nightstand with the lamp was on my side of the bed. I stopped breathing as he reached over me, my thoughts leaning back towards the almost kiss. Finally, after what seemed like forever even if it was only 2 seconds, Joe reached back over onto his side and in the darkness, I heard his head hit the pillow. "Goodnight," he mumbled.

"Night," I choked out. But it only came out as a whisper. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. My stomach had done about 50 back flips in the last 10 minutes. I quickly turned away, facing the opposite wall from Joe. I was scared to even look at him. I was being a coward, I know. But I just couldn't face him right now.

"I'm sorry Dani," he whispered against my back. I felt his breath on the back of my neck.

I didn't answer. I couldn't. I didn't know what to say. I felt like such an idiot, a moron, an imbecile. But I felt so alive. In that fraction of a second when our lips touch, I felt more alive than I ever had before. What was wrong with me? This was my best friend since way back. He was my other half, the flame to my candle, my flashlight in the dark, and the other pea in my pod. He was not my crush. Was he?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"See told you I wasn't lying," I heard as I woke the next morning. I looked towards the door to see Nick, and Kevin smirking at us. I felt something draped around my waist, and on looking down; I saw it was Joe's arm. Not only was his arm around my waist, holding me to him, but also his whole body was angled to fit the shape of mine. I quickly moved, which caused Joe to stir and awaken. He remained groggy for a few moments, which allowed me to time to get out of his arms.

"Wow," Kevin said slowly, staring at us, a huge grin plastered on his face. "Finally."

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes as I threw a pillow at him.

"Hey," he laughed as he ducked out of the way. "It's not my fault you and Joe kissed."

I froze. "We did not kiss," I said slowly.

"Get out," Joe groaned. Obviously he wasn't much of a morning person. Neither was I for that matter, but seeing as last night's events were still fresh in my mind, I tried to control myself.

"Ouch little brother," Kevin pretended to be hurt. "And to think we were just coming in to tell you the news Nick couldn't last night because of – technicalities." I glared at him. Joe threw his shoe at him, barely missing Kevin's head. "Hey – fine we're done with the jokes."

"We're going on tour together," Nick blurted out. Kevin glared at him. "Sorry, but you were taking too long."

"Wait, we're going on tour together," I asked, not believing it.

"Yup," Nick smirked at me.

"But we will be having to share a tour bus, so please no R rated stuff. Frankie will be there too, and nobody wants to see you guys kissing. Nick, unfortunately, learned that the hard way."

Joe and I simultaneously rolled our eyes and each threw a pillow at Kevin. "We didn't kiss," we both said at the same time. We looked at each other and smiled, knowing the awkwardness wouldn't be there between us. We were still going to be Dani and Joey – the dynamic duo. "Jinx."

"Okay, okay jeez," Kevin groaned. "You guys don't have to get hostile."

"Is that all," Joe asked, gesturing for Kevin and Nick to leave.

"No," Nick said. "Mom made pancakes."

Joe and I exchanged a look at the word pancakes, both of our eyes brightening. Joe jumped out of bed and we raced to the bathroom to get ready for breakfast. If Denise Jonas made pancakes, there was no way we were still going to be sitting up here.
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Two updates in one day? Oh man! Anyways, feedback please :]