We Can Change the World

Suds War

"Mm Denise, these are amazing," I said as I stuffed another bite of the amazing pancakes into my mouth.

"Yeah mommy, you're the best," Joe mumbled out. It didn't come out sounding exactly like that, seeing as Joe had about two whole pancakes stuffed into his mouth. Hey, like I've said, when Denise Jonas cooks, Joe and I can really eat.

Denise laughed. "You're welcome guys. Now, did Kevin and Nick get to tell you the news? Nick said he didn't... get a chance to last night." She looked quite smug, which made Joe and I exchange a look.

"It's not that I didn't get a chance," Nick smirked. "I didn't want to interrupt."

"Yeah, thanks a lot guys," Kevin playfully glared at us. "Thanks to you two, I had to share my bed with Nickiepooh here." Nick glared at Kevin.

"Not that they aren't happy for you guys, right boys," Denise asked her sons, giving them stern looks.

"Mom, we didn't kiss," Joe blurted out. Wow Joe, way to jump right to the point.

"Of course not Joseph," Denise smiled at us. Her smile clearly said that she didn't believe that. "I mean, after that picture in the paper, one could only assume."

"Mom," Joe groaned. "Can we not talk about this?"

"Sorry, sorry," Denise threw her hands up in resignation. "Moving on then, did Nick and Kevin tell you the news yet?"

"About our tour," I asked.

"Yes dear. Well it's not official yet," Denise added. "The label wanted to make sure it was okay with all four of you before they planned it. Nick and Kevin already said yes. So now it's up to you two."

"Definitely," Joe and I screamed at the same time. Only problem was that Joe had pancakes in his mouth, and since Nick was the one sitting right across from Joe, he was the lucky winner to get the contents of Joe's mouth all over him.

"Oops," Joe grinned as I tried not to laugh.

"Joseph Adam," Denise scolded him. "Clean this up. Nick, honey, go take a shower." Nick glared at Joe as he got up and walked towards the door. He stopped by Joe's chair, and pulled his hair, before jetting up the stairs. "Kevin, could you come with Frankie and me to the grocery store? Could you wash the dishes Joseph?" They both nodded.

"We'll leave you two alone," Kevin smirked. Great, they were trying to get us alone. What was it with these people today?

"Come on Joey," I got up when they left, and put my plate in the sink. "I'll help you clean." Joe got up silently and followed me to the sink. I could tell that he didn't want to make me feel weird after last night. "I'll wash and you dry, okay?"

He nodded and followed my lead as I started cleaning. It was awkwardly quiet as we cleaned. I got bored of that really quickly and decided to show Joe that I didn't want it to be awkward. Hell, it was because of the alcohol that i had even thought about kissing him. So I 'accidentally' splashed him with soapy water. "Hey," he shouted, his mouth wide open. He reached into the sink and splashed me back.

"Oh," I laughed and splashed him back. And the war began. Soapy water got everywhere, and soon we were both soaked. But that didn't stop us. Neither one of us was one to quit, so we kept going. But then he grabbed my hands.

"Joe," I whispered as we just stared at each other. And all of a sudden, all my feelings returned. But I didn't get it. All the alcohol was out of my system, yet I still really wanted to kiss Joe. This didn't mean I liked him, right? I mean Joe was my best friend. Maybe Denise put some drugs into the pancakes or something. Yeah that must be it. Silently, and slowly, we leaned towards each other. I couldn't do it. I couldn't kiss him. He was my best friend. And no matter how much I wanted to right now, I couldn't. So I backed away quickly, and said, "I have to go." I ran out of the kitchen and straight to my house. So much for the awkwardness not needing to be there.
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Not my best chapter. Feedback greatly appreciated though :]