We Can Change the World

Am I Mean?

"Okay let's see," I said as I tore up Joe's closet looking for an outfit for him to wear. If we were going mini golfing with the Disney pack, Joe was going to be prepared to get to know Selena, even if I had to force him. "No, no, no," I said, throwing clothes around.

"Dani, why are you trying to dress me," Joe asked as he sat on his bed and watched me.

"Because Selena is going to be there tonight," I rolled my eyes. Duh. Joe really needed to get on board here. "Here," I said, throwing him some skinny jeans, a blue button up, and a white tie. "Wear these."

"Yes mommy," he smirked at me. "Now tell me again why I have to dress up to see Selena."

"Oh, well, you're going to get to know her," I said, turning back to his closet so he wouldn't see my face as I choked out those words.

"What," he half yelled. "Why would I want to do that? I don't like her like that Dani."

"That's because you don't know her," I answered quietly. "Look Joe, as your best friend, it is my job to not let you turn down a pretty girl that said she likes you. And part of my fulfilling my job is making sure you look extra good when you talk to her."

Joe rolled his eyes. "What if I already like someone else?"

"You don't," I said. "You would have told me already, stressing the best friend part. So please Joe, be nice and give it a chance, okay? For me?" I gave him the puppy eyes.

"You know I hate you right," he groaned, falling for the eyes just as I had known he would.

"Love you too," I blew him a kiss. "Now hurry up and finish getting ready while I go home and get ready myself. I'll be back here in half an hour, and so help me Joseph Adam, if you're anything but perfect, I'll kill you."

"Okay, okay, sheesh," he ushered me out of his room. "I'll be ready. There's no need to go hostile." He closed the door. I heard him talking to himself and caught the words "unbelievable," "insane," and "lucky I love her."

I sighed and stared at his door for a second. I really wished that I could trust him enough not to throw me away like his old girlfriends, and I really wished that it was me I was dressing him up for. Oh well,, I thought. At least Selena will be happy. I turned to find a certain curly haired Jonas smirking at me with his infamous all knowing smirk.

"Oh uh hi Nick," I said.

"Dani," he smirked again, looking from me to the door.

"Okay, got to go," I said, quickly leaving before he could say anything, no matter how true it would be. "See you in a bit."


"Okay so the teams are as follows," Vanessa read off her paper. "Zac and I, Demi and Cody, Kevin and Ashley, Nick and Miley, Joe and Dani, and Selena and Chelsea. Anyone have any problems?"

I was about to open my mouth to object by deviously saying that I didn't want to be on Joe's team because we were fighting so that Selena could be Joe's partner, but Joe covered my mouth. I hated that he always seemed to know what I was thinking. And even though I was trying to match up Selena and Joe, despite Joe's willing cooperation, I couldn't go against him right now. He was still my best friend. And it may have been jealousy, but hey, who really needs to pay any attention to that one. We'll just go with saying that I couldn't go against my best friend, which is totally true. I bit his hand and he quickly removed it, but I kept my mouth shut.

"Um, I have a problem," Nick looked at me timidly. I smirked. Time for plan b. Oh yeah, there is always a plan b. If Joe somehow managed to thwart my first idea, Nick, however unwilling, was supposed to come to the rescue. When I say unwilling, I mean I sat on him and pulled his hair until he agreed. Everyone looked at him expectantly. "I want to be on uh . . . Dani's team."

"What," Joe and Miley said at the exact same time. I just smirked.

"No way man," Joe put his arm around my neck. "She's my partner." I looked apologetically at Selena before I pushed Joe off.

"And what about me," Miley demanded.

"Yeah Nick," Kevin added. "You'll be messing up the whole order." Damn him! He knew about the plan. He was supposed to help if Nick got stuck. I threatened to make Kevin's bandanas mysteriously disappear if he didn't help me. Ugh, that boy is so dead. "Besides, we can't break up the dynamic duo," Kevin smirked at me.

"Exactly," Joe nodded and put his hand around my neck again.

I groaned and pushed him off again and got ready for a long night.


"Dude how could you miss that," I yelled at Joe.

"It was hard," Joe yelled back.

"For a two year old," I rolled my eyes. "The par is 1. You're supposed to get a hole in one. It's a straight line. How did you miss?"

"Because your fatness was blocking my view," Joe stuck out his tongue at me.

"Look who's talking chunk," I poked his chest.

"I am Ms. Chubby," he poked me back.

"Well you shouldn't Slim Fast," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Yes I should."

"Na ah."

"Ya ha."

"Na ah."

"Shut up," Nick groaned. "Can we please move onto hole 2 now?"

"If Weight Watchers could walk all the way over there," I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that," Joe asked me.

"Nothing," I smiled at him sweetly. "Love you."

"That's what I thought," he smirked. "DUCKIES!" He ran to the pond to look at the ducks.

I laughed and sat on the bench waiting for my turn. Selena came to sit next to me. Oh shit. "Hey," she said.

"Hey having fun," I asked.

"Yeah," she said. "Hey listen, are you absolutely positively sure that it's okay if I like Joe?"

"Selena please," I laughed. "He's all yours. Believe me, Joe and I are . . . just best friends."

"Okay," she smiled. "Because I don't want anything to come between us. And I really like Joe."

"I'm glad you do," I said. "And hey listen, I'm not suppose to say anything, but he said he thinks you're cute," I lied. Okay so Joe didn't necessarily mean it the same way I was saying he did, but he did say that Selena was pretty. So technically I wasn't lying, right?

"What, no way," she squealed. "What did he say?"

"He just said that he thinks you're really pretty," I said.

"Oh my gosh," she hugged me. "This is so awesome. Thanks for telling me."

I just smiled as she sat there, looking happy as she watched Joe. See, I was doing a good thing right? I mean, Selena was happy, and I wasn't lying. Then why did what I was doing feel kind of mean?
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not so great. Oh well *sighs* I'm kinda going through a writer's block. Let me know what you think...