We Can Change the World

Butt Surgery

We finished playing golf and Dani and I lost. It was definitely Dani's fault. I was amazing. She sucked. Okay, maybe the first hole was bad, but I kind of got the hang of it. And okay, maybe Dani got like 5 hole in ones and almost always met the par, and I only got one hole in one, but it was still all her fault. Over all, it was fun. Well, except whenever Dani tried to push me and Selena together, which was every five minutes. Even now as we all walked to the car to go out to eat, she kept trying to nudge me to walk with Selena. But I ignored her. I know I said I'd be nice, but I don't like Selena like that, because I love Dani. Of course, I can't tell her that. I promised her that there would be no more awkwardness. So I guess I would just have to endure the annoying match making.

Dani nudged me again to go walk by Selena, who was all the way on the other side of the group. Again, I just ignored her. She sighed in frustration and then jumped on my back. "Joey I'm tired. Give me a piggy back ride," she said. I stumbled a bit, but regained my balance and grabbed her legs. Sighing, I walked ahead of the group. This was the I need to talk to you privately code, and if I ignored this even though I knew what it was about, I'd never hear the end of it.

"What," I said when we were far enough ahead. You know I'm kind of surprised that Nick and Kevin never caught on. Maybe it's cause we're so awesome.

"Talk to Selena," she whispered in my ear, her breath giving me Goosebumps.

"Why," I whined.

"Joe you promised," she reminded me.

"But I don't like her," I answered.

"Just give her a chance," she pouted. "Pretty please? I'll do anything you want. I'll go running with you every morning for a week." She made a face, which made me laugh.

"A month," I said. "And you have to do Kevin's laundry for the whole tour."

"Kevin's laundry," she asked. "Why?"

"Because I promised him I would make someone else do it if he didn't tell . . . Nick I stole his socks," I lied. The other day, I asked Kevin to help me with girl problems. Right away, he knew we were talking about Dani, and I had to offer to do his laundry so that he wouldn't tell. He said he didn't want me to because of the "jeans and shoes" incident. Apparently, you aren't supposed to put jeans and sneakers in the wash at the same time. How was I supposed to know that? But anyways, so he said he wouldn't tell if I got someone else, meaning Dani or Nick, to do his laundry for the whole tour. Right away I agreed. Hey no work for me, and my secret is kept. How could I refuse? Now problem was solved.

"Fine," she sighed. "I'll do Kevin's laundry and run with you for a week." Again, she made a face.

"Okay," I let go of her legs, which caused her to fall on her butt. I started laughing.

"I hate you," she groaned. "Now go work your magic before I kill you."

I sighed and walked slower until I was next to Selena. "Hey," I said.

"Hi," she grinned. "Is Dani okay? That looked like it hurt," she said, referring to me dropping her. I smirked as I looked at Nick who was leaning over a dramatic acting Dani. She was shouting about how much pain she was in now and how she'd need butt surgery because of that "stupid Joe Jonas". I couldn't help but laugh.

"She'll be fine," I said. "After the butt surgery." I started laughing again. Selena giggled, but I could tell that she didn't really get it. I had to stop myself from sighing. Sure Selena was pretty, but she just wasn't Dani. "So uh . . . how do you feel about pranking Kevin with me?" I promised, didn't I? I might as well give it my all.

"Okay," she smiled. Huh, maybe this wouldn't be so bad. "Want to tell the waiter it's his birthday and that his name is something else?"

I rolled my eyes. "Gosh Selena, that is so 7th grade." I smirked until I saw her face fall. "I like it. How about we tell them his name is . . . Seymour Butts?"

Selena giggled as I threw her a half grin, half smirk. Oh yeah, still worked like a charm. I put my arm around her shoulder. "Hey Selena. You're like my library card cause I'm checking you out."

She got deadpan for a second. "Hey Joe. Did you just fart, cause you blew me away." She smiled at me.

I grinned. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I thought. I looked at Dani who was now getting a piggy back ride from Kevin and saying something about her butt hurting too much now. Everyone was laughing and joking around with her about it. I looked back at Selena who was still smiling to herself. Okay, so maybe it might be.
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This was definitely a filler. Well, it ended up being a filler cause my writing sucks right now :[
Stupid writer's block. *sighs* Oh well. Let me know what you guys think. Banner please :]