We Can Change the World

No Fanny and Danger Week

"Humph," I sighed as I jumped onto Kevin's bed. We were leaving for tour in 2 days and I was bored, and missing my best friend. Ever since we went mini golfing, Joe had been spending all his time with Selena. He would call me at all hours of the day and night, telling me about his awesome time with Selena. Sure, this was technically what I wanted, but I didn't mean at the expense of my time with him. The week before every tour was always Fanny and Danger time. And now here I was, Joeless.

"What's wrong," Kevin asked, playing with his guitar. As much as I loved Kevin, it just wasn't the same. Kevin was too about the music all the time, and he . . .okay so maybe I just felt this way because he wasn't Joe.

"Joe is out again," I whined. "Gosh, this is supposed to be our time. Not Joe and Selena time."

"Uh," Kevin said. "Wasn't it your idea to get them together?"

"Yeah," I admitted. "But I didn't mean to stop hanging out with me! This is supposed to be Fanny and Danger week, like before every tour. And now I'm a one woman show." I sighed.

"Uh hello, I'm here," Kevin rolled his eyes.

"No offense Kevin, but it's not the same."

"None taken," he smiled. "You know what you have to do, right?"

"Obviously not," I rolled my eyes. "Tell me please! I'll do anything."

"Tell him how you really feel," Kevin said, deadpan.

"What," I shouted. "Are you crazy? I can't tell him I – I mean . . . I don't know what you're talking about."' Crap. Kevin was too perceptive for his own good.

He smirked at me. "Dani, please. We all know you like Joe. I'm surprised that he doesn't know."

"I do not," I lied.

"Right," he smirked again. "Look, I'm not an idiot. I can tell you do. Even Frankie can tell."

"I think you're crazy," I said.

"That may be true," Kevin grinned. "But I do know a thing or two about these things. And I do know that Joe likes you too. I can tell."

"Right, now I know you're crazy." This time I wasn't lying. Joe didn't like me. If he did, he wouldn't be with Selena all the time. I pointed this out to Kevin.

"Dani, you may remember that it was you that asked him to talk to her for you," Kevin said. "And that's exactly what he's doing. Look, I know my brother. And he likes you."

"He doesn't," I said. "And even if he did, it wouldn't matter. Nothing's going to happen."

"If you told Joe how you felt, he'd drop Selena," Kevin said. "And then something could happen."

"No Kevin," I sighed. "You don't get it. Why do you think I asked him to talk to her in the first place? Because nothing can happen between us."

"Why not," confusion flooded his face. "You like him. He likes you. You guys are so alike. You'd be perfect together."

"Until he got bored and dropped me," I whispered, hugging my knees to my chest.

The confusion on his face turned to understanding. "You think it would be like Mandy and AJ." His voice wasn't accusing or questioning. It was just a statement. I nodded. Kevin sighed and walked over to hug me. "Dani, I know my brother. He's really liked you since our old New Jersey days. I think you were his first crush, actually. It was really funny. He had a picture of you in his drawer and he'd pull it out and just stare at it for a while. Nick and I made so much fun of him." He laughed. I giggled and swatted him. "But anyways, my point is that the way Joe feels about you, the way he is when he's around you, or talking about you, or even sees you . . . let's just say that I've never seen Joe look at anyone the way he looks at you. And that includes Mandy and AJ. So it would never be like that. You and Joe are like . . . made for each other."

I smiled despite myself. I didn't want to believe his words. But they sounded so good. I found myself hoping Kevin was right, hoping that if I told him, we could be together, and it was be okay. I wanted it so bad. But I knew it couldn't be. Joe didn't look at me in any special way. I was his best friend, and that was it. He didn't have some secret crush on me, and he never would.


"Man his face was priceless," Selena laughed as we walked to her stairs.

"Yeah," I laughed too. "Man, never again will pink berry seem the same to me." Okay, hanging with Selena wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. She was actually pretty cool. We'd been spending a lot of time together lately. Actually, we'd been hanging out almost every day. Still, I couldn't help myself from wondering if I'd spend this much time with her if Dani hadn't asked me to. And as cool as Selena was, I knew I couldn't have a really good time because I was always thinking of Dani.

"So," she said, moving closer. "Today was fun."

"Yeah it was a lot of fun," I said, forcing myself not to back away. I knew she was trying to get me to kiss her. But – as fun as it was hanging out, I couldn't kiss her. "So, I have to go. Nick is forcing me to come home early and start packing."

I felt guilty as I watched her face fall a bit. But then she regained her composure. "Oh right, your tour. Aw I'm going to miss you. 6 months feel like forever." I nodded, but didn't say anything. "When your show is around here, maybe I'll stop by," she looked at me expectantly.

"Yeah definitely," I tried not to sound fake. "That would be awesome." I wasn't actually lying. I mean I did want her to come. But only as a friend. And I had a feeling that she didn't mean it like that.

She smiled. I hugged her and left quickly, still feigning the packing thing. Well kind of. I mean, I did have to pack, and Nick was on my case about it. But I just had to stuff my whole closet into my suitcase. But how long could that take? If anything, I'd make Dani help me, though she probably hadn't even started her own yet.

When I got home, I ran up to my room, hoping to pass Nick without contact. When I passed by Kevin's room, I heard Dani. I stopped to listen and peeked in. I saw him standing over his bed, hugging Dani. What was going on? "Uh hey guys," I said. They both turned to look at me.

"Yo bro," Kevin said. Dani didn't say anything. She looked at Kevin. "Joseph, pack," he ordered. Dani followed me to my room.

I looked at her, confused. "What's going on?"

"Everything," she mumbled under her breath. "You'd know if you were ever here anymore."

"What," I asked.

"Um, I need to talk to you," she said quietly. Oh man. Was she going to tell me she and Kevin were together? What the hell man? How could they do this to me? Well I was going to beat her to it.

"Me too," I said.

"You first," she said, smiling at me weakly.

"I really like Selena," I lied. Luckily I was a really good actor cause she seemed to buy it. But I saw shock on her face before she went expressionless like she usually did when she was hurting. I'd seen her give this look to people many times. But it had never been to me. It confused me. "And I wanted to thank you for setting us up."

"No problem," she said. "I uh – have to go."

She walked by me to the door. I grabbed her arm and laughed. "Hold up there speedy. What did you have to tell me?"

"Oh um . . . I uh – I like Kevin," she said. Even though I was expecting this, actually hearing it hurt just as much. I let go of her hand and she quickly ran out.
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I don't really know how I feel about this one. Let me know what you guys think :)

Oh and by the way guys, Kevin's part in this used to be Nick's, but I changed it. Sorry :(
But in case I accidentally left Nick's name anywhere it wasn't supposed to be, please let me know (except for the packing thing). Thanks so much.