We Can Change the World

It's My Turn Now

"Dani," Kevin whispered as he caught me running to the front door. "How did it go?"

"Oh great," I lied. "Amazing. Fantastic."

"What happened?" Concern flooded his face.

"Oh nothing," I said, sarcastically. "We talked. He said he really likes Selena and he's glad I set them up." I wanted to puke even as I said the words. So much for Kevin's theory on Joe's feelings. And as much as I knew that Joe didn't like me, I couldn't help but hope. And now that was crushed, and it really hurt.

"What," Kevin said, shocked.

"Yup," I tried to smile to show Kevin I was okay. He was staring at me as if he was waiting for me to explode. "Thanks anyways Kevo."

He hugged me. "You okay?"

I buried my head into his chest and shook my head. "But it's okay. Nothing could happen anyways, right?"

Kevin didn't say anything. He just soothingly ran his hand over my hair. I figured now was the time to tell him my little piece of news too, before Joe got to him and asked him about it. "Oh and I told him I liked you," I whispered into his chest.

He pulled me back and stared at me, shock on his face. "What?"

"I'm sorry Kevin," I said. "I just – I was going to tell him, but then he said he liked Selena a lot. I couldn't just tell him I liked him. And he asked me what I had to tell him, and I – I don't know. I'm an idiot, I know, but I couldn't help it. I'm so sorry," I knew I was rambling. But I couldn't help it.

Kevin hugged me again. "Shh, it's okay Dani. I understand. What exactly did you tell him?"

"Nothing," I said. He looked at me, an incredulous expression on his face. "I mean besides the liking you part," I rolled my eyes. "You're not going to tell him the truth are you Kevin?"

"No," he said. I sighed in relief. "You are."

"What . . . huh . . . you . . . and he . . . and I . . . and no way," I spat out, speechless. I know I told Joe I liked Kevin when I didn't, but Kevin had another thing coming if he thought I'd actually tell Joe the truth now.

"I don't mean now Dani," Kevin rolled his eyes. "I mean when you're ready." He sighed. "Until then, I guess I'll just have to play along with your charade."

I grinned and hugged him again. "Thanks Kevo."


After Dani ran out of my room, I closed the door and sat on my bed. I couldn't believe she liked Kevin. Sure Kevin was okay, I guess. I mean he was awesome just in the fact that he was related to me, but still. My best friend, the girl I had had a crush on for years, liked my older brother. Ew gross, I shuddered. Whatever, I didn't need either of them.

"Joe did you pack yet," Nick said as he came into our room.

"No now leave me alone," I said, my voice bitter. I wasn't in the mood to do anything right now.

Nick looked at me for a moment, confused by my tone. But I guess he decided not to push it . . for now. If I knew Nick, I knew that I'd have to explain myself to him sooner or later. He left the room. I pulled out my phone and dialed a number. "Zac, my man. Want to hit a club tonight?"


Vanessa called me at 6, asking me if I was coming with Joe to the club tonight. Not even aware that he was going, I said no. He was probably taking Selena and it was probably a couples only thing if Vanessa and Zac were going to and he didn't tell me. Even though I knew that he like Selena and it probably was a couples thing, it still hurt that Joe hadn't asked me. I was supposed to be his partner in crime. We were the dynamic duo. I guess were was the important word here. And no way was I going to be a fifth wheel.

"Zac said that Joe told him that Selena's not coming," Vanessa said. "Come Dani. It'll be fun."

"I don't know," I said. Why hadn't Joe asked me himself? "It'll be weird."

"Dani," Vanessa sighed. "This whole Joe and Selena thing is ridiculous. We all know it's you and Joe who are supposed to be together. You guys so like each other."

"Right," I rolled my eyes, even though I knew she couldn't see me. "That's why he told me he really likes her."

"Don't roll your eyes," Vanessa said. Damn, how'd she know. "Look, Dani, I love you, but you and Joe and both so dense. You guys can't even see how perfect you guys, and how in love you guys are."

"Vanessa," I sighed. "It's not even like that. I like Kevin."

"Oh yeah Zac told me about that. Joe may have believed it, but no way in hell do I think you like the oldest Jonas. As amazing as he is, you're all about Joe." I was about to protest when she said, "But if you want to keep this charade up, bring Kevin along. Just come, okay?" I groaned. "I'll take that as a yes. See you guys at 8." I could hear smugness in her voice.

"I hate you," I said.

"Love you too babe," she laughed. "Hey think of it this way. It's a club, so no Miley."

"See you at 8," I said automatically. She laughed as she hung up.

"Thank you so much Kevin," I said as we got out of the car. "This really means the world to me."

"No problem," Kevin said. "You know I'd do anything for you. I love you." He wrapped his arm around me as we walked to the door. "Now let's do this."

I laughed as we walked in. Right away, we saw Vanessa, Zac, and Joe at the bar. Vanessa waved when she saw us and we walked over. "Hey guys," I said, hugging them. When I hugged Joe, I noticed he was tensed, like he didn't want to touch me. I also noticed the bitter stench of alcohol that hung around him. I backed away from him quickly and accidentally bumped into Kevin, who was looking at Joe with a concerned look on his face..

"Dani, come dance with me," Vanessa said, pulling my arm.

"Can we come," Zac asked, grinning.

"No way," Vanessa laughed as she stuck her tongue out at her boyfriend. Man, why couldn't Joe and I be like that? Oh yeah – because I liked his brother and he liked Selena. "Girls only. Come on Dani."

I followed her and we started dancing. "Dani, Joe's had a lot to drink already," Vanessa said quietly. "We tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen." We both looked towards the boys. Joe had another glass in his hands, and Zac and Kevin were trying to stop him from drinking it.

I nodded slowly. "I'll watch him."

"You know, if everything was okay with him and Selena, would he really need to drink," she asked.

"Vanessa please," I sighed. "Can we just dance?"

"Look Dani," she threw her hands up. "All I'm saying is that if he didn't like you, why was he mumbling that he was going to punch Kevin in the face when you guys walked in?"

"He said that," I stopped.

"Yeah," Vanessa said. She knew she had me. "I don't think he meant for us to hear – but you know how it is with alcohol. Sometimes, the things we say are crazy and sometimes they're true."

I sighed. "Ness, he doesn't like me, okay? Now I'm begging you, please stop."

"Fine," she pouted. "I won't tell you. But that doesn't mean I still don't think that you guys are completely in love with each other." I groaned as we stopped and made our way back to the boys.


Why the hell were Dani and Kevin here? They were taunting me, weren't they? No Joe, that was stupid. They didn't even know I liked her. Yes Kevin did. He knew I loved her. He was taunting me. I raised my glass to my lips and let the bitter liquid burn my throat.

"Okay Joseph, that's enough," someone said. They took the glass out of my hands.

Furiously, I turned to see Kevin holding my glass. "First you take my girl and now my drink. What the hell is your problem," I slurred.

"Your girl," he repeated. "It's not my problem. It's yours man. You're so blind, it's not even funny."

"Whatever Kevin," I said. "Just give me back my drink."

"No," he said, setting it down on the bar, away from me. "You've had enough. Dani is on her way here right now. But before she comes, let me just say that I didn't take your girl. She is still yours. Think about that next time you decide to drink."

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about," I stood up, and wobbled. Dani caught me, suddenly next to me. "Thanks, you can let go now." I tried to push myself off of her.

She still held me, ignoring me. She turned to Zac. "Did he drive here?"

"Yeah," Zac said.

She nodded. "Kevin, I'll drive him back." Kevin nodded.

"Go home with your boyfriend," I said.

Again, she ignored me. "I'll take him to my house. It's best if Denise and Paul don't see him like this."

"You're right," Kevin agreed. Of course the asshole would agree with her. He betrayed me once this would be no problem. "I think you guys need to talk anyway. Call me if you need anything."

"I will," she said. "See you guys later. Come on Joey."

"I don't need you Dani," I said. "I'm fine. Besides, I'm sure you want to be with Kevin rather than me."

"Shut up Joe," she snapped. "In case you forgot, you are my best friend. You come before anyone. I love you. And I don't care if you think you need me or not. I'm going to help you whether you like it or not, just like you helped me last time. It's my turn to help you now. To save you, just like you saved me. So just shut your mouth and make it easier for both of us, okay?"

I was quiet as she led me to my car. Did she say I saved her? But that didn't even matter. I was too busy thinking about another three words: I love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I kind of liked this chapter... but kind of not. I don't really know how I feel about it actually. What did you guys think? Let me know :)

Oh and by the way, if you didn't read my journal or the author's note in chapter 19, I changed it to Dani telling Joe that she liked Kevin and not Nick. As ClaireSparks--x told me, Nick was a bit too young. But anyways, let me know what you think. Thanks!!