We Can Change the World

Only One

It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be to get Joe to the car. He was actually quiet, like he was thinking hard about something. Oh well, I thought. At least this would be that much easier. The real problem started when actually got to the car. Joe refused to stay in. Every time I put him in the front seat, locked the door, and got to the driver's seat, Joe would jump out and run around, pretending to be superman or batman, leaving me to chase him. Let me remind you how much I hate running. I was going to kill Joseph Jonas when he got sober again.

After like half an hour, I finally got him in the car and headed to my house. I knew he wouldn't want his mom to see him like this. She'd probably kill him. And as his best friend, I had to try to prevent any accidental murders that might occur.

He was half knocked out by the time we got there. I heaved him up the stairs and put him in my bed. "Night Danger." I put my head on my pillow and closed my eyes.

All of a sudden, another pillow hits my face. "Dani," Joe yelled. "I can't sleep."

I sighed. "Okay Joe. What do you want to do?"

He thought about this. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," I said.

"Why do you like Kevin," he asked quietly. I sighed but didn’t say anything. "Come on Dani tell me. We're best friends, remember? You can tell me. Please?"

"I don't like him," I said quietly.

"But you said you – wait, did you lie to me," he gasped. "Me? Joseph Jonas? Your best friend?"

"I'm sorry," I rolled my eyes. "I just – I don't know. You said you liked Selena," I admitted. I couldn't lie to Joe anymore. I was going to take Kevin's advice, like I had from the beginning. "Joe I --," I stopped. "What?" He was smiling at me weirdly.

"I don't like Selena," he smirked.


"I only told you that because I thought you liked Kevin," he said.

"Why," I asked. I didn't get why he felt like he had to lie just because he thought I liked someone.

"Kevin's right," Joe rolled his eyes. "You're blind."

"You lost me."

Joe leaned over, his lips meeting mine softly at first, then more passionately. His touch burned as his hands found the nape of my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair. Shocks flowed through me as his lips traced my jaw line and then my neck. I knew that this was right. It felt perfect; better than I thought it would. In that moment, I knew that Joe was all mine. But then I remembered that he couldn't be all mine. He couldn't be because I didn't trust him not to hurt me. His lips found mine again, but I untangled my fingers from his hair, and put my hands on his chest to push him off. As much as I didn't want to, I pressed my hands against him, letting him know I wanted him to stop. Right away, he stopped and moved his face back, not moving his body from its close proximity to mine.

Concern filled his face as he said, "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

"Joe, we can't," I said quietly. Quietly because I was scared the trembling in my voice would give me away. "I – I can't."

Pain flooded his face. "Dani," he whispered my name, sending shivers down my spine. "I – I love you."

I kissed him softly, despite the warning signals going off in my head. "I love you too Joe. But – I can't do this. I can't be with you. You'll just –" I looked him in the eyes, tears brimming in my eyes. "What if you get bored with me like Mandy and AJ?"

He looked at me like what I said really hurt him. "Dani, I've never felt this way before. The way I feel about you. How I felt for any other girl is nothing compared to this. You – and only you – have always had my heart. You've always been my only one. I love you."

"Joe I," I choked out. "I love you too." I kissed him, not caring about the consequences. I didn't let myself think about a month, 2 months, a year, or even a day from now. I just wanted to be with Joe now. I needed to be with him. He was the light in my darkness. He was the rock I leaned on. He was the one I loved.

I felt him smile into the kiss as he pressed his body closer to mine. But then the pressure was gone. Confused, I looked at him, and saw that he had passed out. Stupid alcohol. I sighed as I leaned my head against his cheat. I closed my eyes, knowing I'd probably regret this.


"Oh, my head," Joe grumbled as he woke up the next morning. His movements woke me up too. I smiled up at him from his arms. "Dani," he said, looking down at me, clearly confused. "Why am I sleeping at your house? Won't Kevin be jealous?" The bitterness in his voice scared me.

"W-w-what," I said. "Don't you remember?"

"Obviously not," he rolled his eyes, his voice still hostile. "So what happened?"

"Nothing," I lied. This had to be a sign. It was best that he didn't know. "Absolutely nothing."
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This one was a lot more intense. =] What did you guys think? I kind of liked this one a lot. I have an awesome idea for the next few chapter :) Yay... comments please!!