We Can Change the World

No Matter How Perfect It Was

"So how did I get here then?" Joe looked at me, waiting for more of an explanation.

"I – um I brought you here," I said. That wasn't a lie. "You were really drunk last night, and I thought it would be better if your mom didn't see you."

He looked like he wanted to argue or something, but then, as my words washed over him, understanding and gratitude filled his face. "Thanks," he said.

"Hey that's what best friends are for," I sighed.

"Best friends also tell each other everything," he said. I stared at him. Did that mean he remembered last night? He rolled his eyes at my confused expression. "Way to not tell me that you liked Kevin till yesterday. We're best friends. You should have told me before."

"Joe," I sighed. Time to tell him the truth about that. As much as I wanted to tell him the whole truth, I couldn't. His not remembering was a sign. A sign that this wasn't meant to be. But after he kissed me – let's just say that there was no way that I could pretend to like Kevin now. "I – don't like Kevin."

"You lied to me," he said. His tone wasn't the same as last night when he told me he lied to me too. It was angry this time. Slowly, I nodded. "Why?"

"I – I don't know," I said. I wouldn't make the same mistake to tell him it was because of Selena – unless he brought it up. I decided that if he brought up Selena, then I could tell him everything. "It just slipped out. I'm sorry."

"So you don't like my brother," he repeated, as if unsure. I shook my head. "Good, " he smirked as he hugged me. "That would have been way too weird." I held the tears back as his arms tightened around me, pulling me closer. He didn't mention her. That had to be a sign. Nothing was meant to happen again.

There was a knock at my door. "Come in," I said.

Nick came in. "Joseph, go pack."

Joe sighed and got up slowly for a dramatic effect on his actions. "See you later Dani," he smirked at me. When he was behind Nick, he turned and made a face at his little brother. I laughed. Nick turned around to look at Joe, which made him run out of the room.

When Joe left, Nick came to sit on my bed. "So – Kevin told me everything," he said, looking at me to continue.

This time, I couldn't hold the tears back. Nick hugged me, and rubbed my back soothingly as he waited for me to stop and explain. I knew he wouldn't directly ask me what was wrong, but I knew I didn't have a choice in whether to tell him or not. I sighed when my sobbing subdued. "Joe kissed me," I whispered into Nick's chest. "And he told me he loved me, and not Selena, and that he'd never hurt me. I told him I was scared to tell him how I felt because I was scared it would be like it was with Mandy or AJ. He promised me it wouldn't. He said it was different. And even though I knew it was wrong and I'd regret it, I kissed him back, and then --," I started sobbing again. He hugged me tighter as I composed myself. I sniffled before continuing. "He passed out. And when he woke up, he didn't remember any of it."

Nick took a deep breath, and I knew that he understood. "You didn't tell him," he said. It was a question. It was just a fact. I shook my head anyway.

"How could I," I asked. " I told him I was lying about liking Kevin and then you came in. But I can't tell him about our conversation. I mean he was drunk. He doesn't remember it, and he could have just been saying those things."

"Dani," he sighed. "Joe wasn't just saying anything. He loves you. He's always loved you. He wouldn't hurt you."

"You don't know that Nick," I told him.

"And you don't know that he wouldn't," he countered. "Dani, you need to tell him. You guys are – you guys are so perfect for each other, but you guys are so blind that you can't see it. But we can. Everyone but you two can see how you guys affect each other; how you guys are around each other. You guys are too scared to trust each other and risk your friendship, or your feelings or whatever it is, but what you guys can't see is that you guys are so in love that you don't even have to worry about that." I looked away. "Dani, listen to me. You need to tell him the truth. He has a right to know, and you have a right to be happy. You both do actually."

Fear filled my eyes. "Nick, I can't." He opened his mouth to protest. "No Nick," I cut him off. "Listen to me. You have no idea. I wanted it so bad. It felt so right. But – I just can't. No matter how amazing everyone thinks we would be. No matter how much I love him, or what he said he feels for me. No matter how perfect it was or how perfect it would be. He's my best friend. And if he hurt me – more than anyone else – Joe just can't know, okay? Please Nick, I'm begging you. Don't tell him."

Nick shook his head, but sighed in resignation. "Fine, I won't."


"Promise. So," he smirked at me. "You guys finally kissed."


"Hey how you feeling," Kevin asked me as he came into my room.

I glared at him. Even though Dani said she was lying about liking him, I still felt betrayed. I mean Kevin, my older brother, had let me believe he had gone behind my back especially when he knew I freaking loved this girl. "Get out," I said.

"Joe," he sighed. "I –"

"Save it Kevin," I snapped. "Dani told me everything. Why didn't you tell me?"

He sighed again. "I thought that you should hear it from her."

"Hear it from my best friend rather than my brother," I said. "Right, cause hearing your brother wasn't going behind you back is something you want to hear from your best friend."

"Joe I – wait, what did Dani tell you?"

"The truth," I said. "Now I have to pack before Mr. President comes back. If you'll excuse me," I said, as I closed the door on him. Whoa, that felt weird. My brothers and I never fought. But this time, I was really mad. I couldn't believe Kevin didn't tell me.


"Dani," Nick shook me awake. I reached up and waved him off. He took a deep breath and shook me again. "Come on, wake up. The tour bus will be here soon,"

My eyes fluttered open and I jumped out of Joe's bed. Since the bus was coming at 4, we had decided it would be easier if I slept here last night. Unfortunately, sleep wasn't something I got a lot of last night. Joe and I were too excited to sleep, so we hung out downstairs, watching movies till about 2 in the morning. Unfortunately, we had to wake up at 3. Now it was finally time. "Bathroom," I said.

"Uh, Kevin's in there now, and Joe's waiting to go next," Nick called after me as I went to the bathroom.

Sure enough, Joe was leaning against the wall, asleep. I saw that Kevin was already out, and the bathroom was empty, but Joe was sleeping. I tiptoed towards him, hoping to get by him without him noticing. Just when I thought I was in the clear, I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I froze as my skin burned where he touched me. "Where do you think you're going," he whispered. Damn it, I thought. Why did he have this effect on me? You weren't going to tell him, and he was still pretending he liked Selena. Get over him already Dani. It'll be better for everyone if you do.

I swallowed, hard. "To the bathroom," I choked out.

"Wait your turn Touchstone," he smirked.

"No way Jonas," I tried to smirk back smoothly. But I hadn't quite regained control of my body yet, so I must have looked like a complete idiot.

He picked me up and put me on the other side of him, heading to the bathroom. I stomped on his foot and ran in there first, sticking my tongue out at him as I closed the door on his face.

"You suck," Joe said as I got out the bathroom.

"Love you too," I smirked as he went in. "See you downstairs."

"Cheater," he mumbled as he closed the bathroom door.

I sighed. All I had been able to think about all day yesterday was the kiss. I tried to forget about it, and about everything Joe said. About how perfect it sounded and felt. And I thought I had succeeded when I didn't let anything accidentally slip all day and all night last night. But when Joe touched me just now -- maybe this was going to be harder than I thought. But no matter what, I was not going to tell Joseph Jonas how we had already told each other how in love we were.
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