We Can Change the World

For Everyone's Sake

Tonight was our first show. Everyone was really excited. We had to go over every melody and move, and part of the concert about 10 times. But we really wanted to get it right, so we didn't complain. There was this really cool part where Joe just fell through the stage. It was awesome. Then of course, there were the ramps and levels and stuff. Overall, the stage was awesome. We were literally jumping out of our skins waiting for the show to start. The boys were in wardrobe right now. Well – Joe had run around in different garments a few times.

Kevin came out of wardrobes earlier than his brothers, looking pretty nice. He came over to where I was getting my make-up done. "Hey Fanny," he said.

"Hey Kevo. How's it hanging?"

"We have to talk," he got right to the point. "You need to tell Joe."

"Kevin," I groaned. "Look, I got through today without telling him. I can get through this crush."

"It's not just a crush," he insisted. "And it's not only about you. Joe hates me right now." He looked really sad.

Guilt washed over me. "I'm really sorry Kevin. Maybe I can talk to him… but I can't talk to him about that."

Kevin sighed. "I understand. If there's anything you could do though, it would mean so much. I hate him hating me."

"I promise," I hugged him.

"What's crackin," Joe came up to us, fully dressed.

"Nothing," Kevin and I both replied. Joe looked at me suspiciously. I noticed that his look towards Kevin was more of a glare. So maybe Kevin wasn't overreacting. "Okay, time to go," I said quickly, taking Joe's hand to lead him towards our platform that would take us onto the stage.

"This is going to be amazing," Joe picked me up and spun me around. I laughed. "I can't believe we're actually on tour together."

"I know," I exclaimed. "This is so exciting."

"Please welcome Dani Touchstone and The Jonas Brothers," the announcement came.

We yelled one more time as the platform was lowered onto the stage. The audience was so loud. Luckily, we all had ear plugs, so the noise was somewhat bearable. We ran to our mics.

"What's up Arizona," I screamed into mine. More applause. "Get ready for a new song right here called Missing You. Ready guys."

"Whoo," Joe yelled. Nick and Kevin agreed.

Joe and I started singing.
"Oh baby, I'm missing you
We used the love so strong
Tell me where do we go
Oh baby Im missing you
They said I'd to forget but it sure ain't happen yet."

Joe and I started dancing around the stage and doing crazy tricks. We had already decided to have a best trick contest.

Joe started singing his part.

"Been checkin' all the places that we used to go
Been lookin' for your face inside the crowd
I've been talkin' to the people what we used to know
Nobody wants to say where you're right now "

He did a split with his microphone and came back up. I stared at him, my mouth wide open. Damn, I hated him. I almost missed my part. But then I started singing it.

"And when I call your phone
Seems like you're never home
And you dont return my call
It tears me apart
This is breakin' up my heart"

Then came both our part.
"Oh baby, I'm missing you
We used the love so strong
Tell me where do we go
Oh baby Im missing you
They said I'd to forget but it sure ain't happen yet."

"I still have your pictures hung around my home
That's the only thing that is left of you with me
Girl what can I do to make you come back soon," Nick sang.

"Oh, this is someone new
Can never go on without you
Girl I don't want to think about it
I can't sleep at night
I know that can't be right
Come back into my life," I sang.

"Come back baby come back," Nick sang.

"Oh baby, I'm missing you
We used the love so strong
Tell me where do we go
Oh baby Im missing you
They said I'd to forget but it sure ain't happen yet," Nick and I sang together.

I sang my last solo part. While singing, I did a flip. Eat that Joseph Jonas.
"I know there's a change for you and I
And I believe there's no way our love could die
So no matter how long it takes I'll wait for you
And what ever it takes I'll be there for you
I'll be there, I'll be there."

Then Joe and I finished it off.

"Oh baby, I'm missing you
We used the love so strong
Tell me where do we go
Oh baby Im missing you
They said I'd to forget but it sure ain't happen yet.
Oh baby, I'm missing you
We used the love so strong
Tell me where do we go
Oh baby Im missing you
They said I'd to forget but it sure ain't happen yet."

"Thank you guys," we said as we finished. "I will be right back. But until then, get ready for Take On Me by The Jonas Brothers!" I almost went deaf even with the earplugs as I made my way off the stage.

"We're talking away
I don't know what
I'm to say I'll say it anyway
Today's another day to find you
Hiding away
I'll be coming for your love, OK?
Take on me, take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two
So needless to say
I'm odds and ends
But that's me stumbling away
Slowly learning that life is OK.
Say after me
It's so much better to be safe than sorry .
Take on me, take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two."

My favorite part of the song was coming up. This was the part that Kevin grabbed Joe's hand and helped him do a flip, like Joe helped Nick with. I smiled as Kevin put out his hand to Joe. But then my face fell. Joe completely ignored it, and skipped that part. Luckily, Kevin found a way to play it off so the audience was still unaware that this wasn't how it was supposed to be. Everyone backstage was confused, but not angry. I figured that they probably thought that Joe just forgot or something. I knew better.

"Oh the things that you say
Is it life or
Just a play my worries away
You're all the things I've got to
You're shying away
I'll be coming for you anyway
Take on me, take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two," they finished.

"Thank you and goodnight," Joe said as they climbed back onto the platform. "Dani Touchstone everybody." I came on as thy came off, giving Joe a meaningful look as I passed him.


"What the hell was that," Kevin screamed as we went into our green room.

"I forgot," I lied. Truth was that I wasn't going to touch Kevin. Nick stayed quiet.

"Don't give us that bull," Kevin rolled his eyes. "That was definitely on purpose. Look whatever your problem is with me; you know better than to let it effect our performance. That's not fair to our fans."

"I forgot Kevin," I snapped. "People do that sometimes. They forget."

"We all know that this has nothing to do with forgetting," Kevin shot back. "This was about your little grudge against me over the whole Dani thing. And I am so sick of it. You are such an idiot, I swear."

"There is no Dani thing," I said. He didn't know what he was talking about. "And I am not an idiot."

"I'd beg to differ," Kevin said. "If you weren't, then you'd know she was lying to you."

"Shut up Kevin," I said. "Dani doesn't lie to me."

"That's true, she usually doesn't," Kevin agreed. "But she is about this. And I know I promised her I wouldn't say anything. But I can't help it. You have to hear this … for everyone's sake."

"What are you talking about," I asked, agitated. Nick just stared off into space, like he didn't want to be in this conversation.

"Joe," Kevin sighed. "Something did happen the night you were drunk."

"Dani said nothing happened," I said.

"I know," Kevin sighed again. "That's what she was lying about. Joe – you told her you loved her, and you didn't like Selena. Then you kissed her. She said she loves you too."

"Yeah right Kevin," I rolled my eyes. Like Dani would ever say that. "Then why did she tell me nothing happened?"

"She's scared you're going to hurt her Joe," Nick finally joined the conversation. "She's scared that you'll get bored with her. She thinks it'll become like Mandy and AJ."

"Oh and she told you too," I said skeptically.

"Actually, she only told me," Nick corrected. "I told Kevin."

Their words started making sense. I remembered that Dani told me she liked Kevin only after I told her I liked Selena. Me and my big mouth, I rolled my eyes. "Dani knows that I would never – could never hurt her. I love her guys. I have never felt this way about anyone before. She makes me feel so – complete. I know it sounds cliché, but whatever. It's true. I love her." I sighed. It felt good to get all that off my chest.

Kevin and Nick were both smirking at me. "Good, now you just have to tell her that," Kevin said.
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Yay. I really liked this chapter. What did you guys think? Let me know please!!