We Can Change the World

Let Me Be The One

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Stop dragging yourself around
Thinking everybody has let you down
We all need a little help to get through
Don't you know I'll be there for you
Let me be the one
To make it right
When you're all by yourself
Let me be the one
In this crazy life
When you've got nobody else
I'll be your sunshine
When it rains
I'll give you my time
Just call my name
When all is said and done
Let me be the one
Deep down in your heart you know
You can't give up
Never let go
Gotta hold on whatever you do
Always got you-know-who
Let me be the one
To make it right
When you're all by yourself
Let me be the one
In this crazy life
When you've got nobody else
I'll be your sunshine
When it rains
I'll give you my time
Just call my name
When all is said and done
Let me be the one
I'll be your sunshine
When it rains
I'll give you my time
Just call my name
When all is said and done
Let me be the one
To warm your soul
When you are lost and confused
Let me be the one
To make you whole
I know just what to do
When you lose your way
Come to me
I'll be here always
I guarantee
When all is said and done
Let me be the one
Let me be the one
These are the promises I want to make
Change the tears in your eyes
To a smile on your face
At least let me try
Till I find a way
Let me be the one
I'll be there in a hurry
Let me be the one
There's no need to worry
Let me be the one

I finished, and took a bow. "Thank you guys. You guys have been so amazing tonight. Please help me welcome back The Jonas Brothers."

The boys came back on and we went crazy. We bowed and jumped around, saying bye to the audience. I was jumping when I felt Joe's arms wrap around my waist from behind me. I froze as he touched me. I heard him laugh as picked me up and swung me around over his shoulder. "Ah Joe put me down," I screamed.

"No way," he held me tighter as he ran around the stage. He didn't put me down the whole time. He just held me in his arms when he got the mic. "Goodnight everybody." He ran with me off stage.

When he finally put me down, I noticed we were in the green room, the place we hung out for a bit after the concert while all our instruments were packed up. I smacked him. "Ow," he said.

"I hate you," I glared at him.

"No you don't," he smirked at me. Only, it wasn't just a smirk. It was a knowing smirk. Like a Kevin told him smirk. I was going to murder Kevin Jonas. "You []love me."

I was about to open my mouth to protest when all of a sudden, his lips were against mine, and he had my back pressed against the door. Forgetting everything, I put my arms around his neck, and pulled him closer to me, our lips never parting. I didn't know why he had this effect on me; why he made me forget everything but me and him, why I couldn't see how much I'd regret this later. Everything was so perfect in this moment. Everything was about him and me, and nothing else. Finally, he pulled his face away from mine. But his hands remained on my waist, and his hard chest remained pressed against me.

He smiled at me as he took one hand and pushed my bangs out of my face. He lightly kissed my lips again before saying, "Dani, I love you. Only you. And I know you love me too. I know you're scared I'm going to hurt you, but please believe me when I say that I could never hurt you. It's not possible. I've never felt this way before. I really want – no I need for you to see that."

I don't know if it was his tone, or his expression, or the way he was looking at me, or just that I loved him so much that made me believe him. I believed every word he said. I kissed him softly, and this time, I felt no regret or fear. All that was there was love.

I pulled away and smiled at him. "Joe, I love you."

"I love you," he said back. "Dani, I can't believe this. I've waited so long for this. And now that it's happening – I don't know, it feels like a dream."

I laughed. "I know," I said. "Wait – how long have you been waiting?" He looked away. "Joe! Tell me."

"I realized I loved you when I found out you were going to leave," he said quietly.

I gasped. "That was more than four years ago!"

He shrugged. "I guess."

I kissed him again. "We have a lot of time to make up for then," I smirked.

"Can you imagine what people are going to say when they find out," he laughed.

I froze, suddenly remembering something, or rather someone. "Selena," I whispered.

Realization flooded his face. He opened his mouth to say something when his phone rang. He looked at the ID, and his face went blank. "Pick it up," I whispered. It was Selena. I could tell by his face. God, I was such a slut. My friend was in love with Joe, and here I was kissing him.

He shook his head. I put my hand on his cheek. "Please Joe."

He sighed and picked it up. "Hello," he said, looking me in the eyes. "Hey Selena. No, we just finished the show. Yeah, I know. I miss you too. Hey, um, I have to go help them pack up. I'll talk to you later, okay? Okay bye."

We just stared at each other, neither of us really knowing what to say. I sighed. "I have to go get all my clothes." I lightly pushed against his chest, since I was still pinned between him and the wall. He didn't move. He just stared at me.

"Dani, please," he began.

"Joe, I can't do this okay," I said. "Selena really likes you. And I told her I didn't. Now I have to live with this. God, I'm such a slut." Tears poured out of my eyes.

Joe tightened his grip around me. "Dani, you're not a slut. Don't ever think that. This is all my fault."

"It doesn't matter," I said. "We can't do this. You're practically with Selena. I just can't do that to Selena. You have to stay with her Joe. Please, for me?"

He sighed. "Dani – fine. If that's what you really want," he said. I could hear the pain in his voice. I buried my head in his chest.

"Thank you," I whispered.

He raised my face, and kissed me. I could feel the pain, passion, lust, love. I wanted so badly for everything to be okay. For it to be as perfect as it felt. But it wasn't. "I love you," he said, pulling away.

"I love you too." I smiled weakly at him, then turned and left the green room.


I helped Kevin and Nick pack up their guitars. Nick had a special way he did it, and he didn't let anyone else do it. It was kind of funny. We were all quiet as we worked. They knew something had happened, but I could tell that they took my quietness as a sign to not ask. Joe was nowhere to be seen.

When we finished, we headed back to the tour bus. Kevin took his laptop and sat on the couch. Nick and Frankie started playing wii. Joe was still nowhere to be found. No one else seemed concerned, so I figured they knew where he was. Feigning exhaustion, I excused myself to my bunk. And just my luck, there was Joe, on his bunk, watching Hannah Montana.

"Hey," he said when he saw me.

"Hi," I said back. "See you later." I turned to go back outside to where everyone else was.

"Dani," he said quietly. I froze. He turned me to face him, and wrapped his arms around me, his lips meeting mine.

"Joe I can't," I pulled away.

"Dani," he said. "I'll stay with Selena. But I need you. I don't care if we don't tell anyone. I just – I need you." His voice broke at the end. He sounded so sad, and his eyes pierced me, seeing through my pretense. No matter how much I could pretend I didn't, I needed him too. His lips met mine again, and this time, I didn't pull away. Instead, I put my arms around him, pulling him closer.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what did you guys think?
I kind of like this chapter.
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