We Can Change the World

Hello Beautiful

Something was going on behind our backs. Nick and I could tell. It was pretty obvious. Joe and Dani weren't telling us the whole story. Looking for the bathroom? Ha, like we'd believe that. But we'd believe to buy it for now, until they told us, or we figured it out, whichever came first.

"Good luck guys," Dani hugged us as we walked towards the stage for our last song. I looked at Nick when Dani hugged Joe -- a little longer than necessary. I almost laughed when I saw that Nick was looking at me too. Obviously he saw it too.

"Thankd Dani," we said as went onto the stage.

"What's up Boston," Joe said into the mic. "We're going to sing a very special song for you. A song we wrote back when we were still living in New Jersey for someone really special to us." Joe looked backstage where Dani was standing, smiling, and dazed. "We hope you like it. One, two, three, four."

"Hello Beautiful
How's it going
I hear it's wonderful in California
I've been missing you
It's true.

But tonight
I'm gonna fly
Yeah tonight
I'm gonna fly
'Cause I could comb across the world
And See everything
And never be satisfied
If I couldn't see those eyes."

I looked at Joe. He was still looking at Dani, like he was singing to her. I saw that Dani was smiling to herself, in her own world. Nothing going on, my butt.

Nick walked up to Joe for his part. Joe seemed to be pulled out of a trance, but he continued to stare at Dani.

"Hello beautiful
It's been a long time
Since my phone's rung
And you've been on that line
I've been missing you
It's true.

But tonight
I'm gonna fly
Yeah tonight
I'm gonna fly (Oh Yeah)
'Cause I could comb across the world,
And See everything
And never be satisfied
If I couldn't see those eyes."

The audience started clapping and screaming loudly. Joe was still looking at Dani as he went to the mic and said, "Thank you. I love you."

I love you Nick and I basically broke our necks as we quickly looked at each other. What the hell was going on and why didn't we know about it?

We got off stage and Joe started walking towards Dani, who was looking really happy. Nick nodded to me. I nodded back and we each grabbed Joe's hand and led him to the green room, closing the door behind us.

"Hey what's going on," Joe said. "What are you guys doing?"

"We're having a brotherly meeting," Nick said.

"About what," Joe said. "Is this about the fact that you Diet Coke is missing, cause that wasn't me. Frankly, I think it was Frankie. He seemed very diet coked, if you know what I mean."

"Do you even know what that means," I smirked at him.

"Of course," he rolled his eyes.

"Uh huh," I said. "It's not about the Diet Coke Joe. We didn't even know any were missing."

"Though now I'm thinking you owe me more Diet Coke," Nick added.

"Nick, concentrate here please," I rolled my eyes.

"Right sorry," Nick said. "Anyways, no Joe this isn't about the Diet Coke, even if I expect a whole case of it tomorrow."

"Nick," I warned. "Moving on, please."

"What is this about guys," Joe said. "Dani probably is waiting for me."

"That's exactly why we wanted to talk to you," Nick said, getting to the point. "What is going on with you and Dani?"

Joe gulped. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Nick and I simultaneously rolled our eyes at that one. "We're not retarded Joe," I said. "Just tell us."

"Don't make us lock you in the closet again," Nick added.

"Nick threatening him isn't going to work," I rolled my eyes again. "It didn't work last time either."

"It was worth a try," he shrugged. "Just tell us Joe."

"Nothing is going on," Joe said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go call Selena. She left like four voice mails while we were onstage." His tone didn't go unnoticed. He sounded kind of – sad and pained. We let him go while we discussed strategies to get the truth out of them.

When we got back to the tour bus, Joe and Nick had to go help Frankie and our parents with something. Dani sat on the couch, watching TV. I noticed that she looked genuinely happy – happier than she's looked in weeks. I decided that this was the best time to find out some information. I sat down next to her.

"Hey Dani," I said.

She smiled at me. "Hey Kevin."

"So, what's up," I asked.

"Nothing really," she smiled again, as if she was enjoying some private secret – a secret I intended to find out. "Just watching Friends."

"Cool," I said. "So the show was good today."

"Yeah," she smiled yet again.

"I think my favorite performance all night was Hello Beautiful," I hinted.

The smile on her face grew, as she seemed to remember this. "Yeah it was," she looked at me. But then she quickly said, "But – uh – my favorite was uh – Australia."

"We didn't do Australia tonight," I said. Aha, I got you now.

Her eyes widened. "Oh yeah, I know that. But what I meant was that Australia is my favorite song by you guys."

"Uh huh," I smirked. "So why have you been so happy," I asked, getting right to the point.
♠ ♠ ♠
ehh -- it was okay....
let me know what you guys think please!!