We Can Change the World

The Hotel

"So why are you so happy," Kevin asked me.

I felt my face fall. Shoot, and here I was thinking we'd actually managed to keep Kevin and Nick from being too suspicious. So much for our slickness. Trying to buy some time, I said, "What do you mean?"

"I mean," Kevin said. "What's with the smile that's been plastered to your face for the last week?"

Shit! So I had been really happy for the last week. What can I say, Joe just had that effect on me. But I hadn't known that my feelings had been displayed on my face so visibly. "Um, I don't know what you're talking about," I lied. "I haven't been any happier than usual."

"Right," Kevin rolled his eyes. "Come on Dani, you know you can tell me anything. I'm your big brother, remember?"

I smiled a little at that. Kevin was my big brother, in almost every sense of the word. "I know Kevo," I said. "And I'd tell you if anything was up, but there honestly isn't."

"Nothing at all," he pressed.


"Not with you or Joe?" Crap, he knew.

"Nope," I lied again. "Why Joe?"

"Oh I don't know," he said. "He seems happier than before too."

I had to fight the urge to smile at that too. He seems happier than before too. I had never realized how in love we were. Hearing that just made me so happy. Ha, at least I knew that I wasn't the only one being affected by the other. "Does he," I asked, trying to keep the curiosity out of my voice.

"Yeah," Kevin stared at my face, reading my expression. "Any reason why? I mean, I know you guys are so close."

I gulped. "Nope, nothing, nada, zilch," I said. "Oh shoot, will you look at the time? If you'll excuse me Kevin, I have to go call Blair."

I got up and quickly ran to my bunk. I pulled the curtain over so that they'd think I was busy or sleeping or something. There was no way that I could survive another interrogation. One more, and I'd probably break.

Quickly, I texted Joe.

Hey, we have to talk.

I know, but where?

The hotel? After Nick goes to sleep?

Okay, sounds good.

Great, talk to you then.

I love you..

I smiled. I love you too.


We got to the hotel around 2 in the morning. Everyone went right to their rooms and went to sleep since they were all so tired. Well – everyone except Joe and me.

"Hey," he kissed me when I got into our bed. We were sharing one again, more cause of familiarity than anything else. Nick was in our room too, but he was passed out.

I smiled when he pulled away. "Hi," I whispered.

"So what's wrong," he asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I leaned against his chest. "Kevin asked me why I was so happy."

"No way," he said. "Nick asked me the same thing."

I rolled my eyes. "Do they think they're lick or something? It's obvious they're working together."

He laughed quietly. "Those are my brothers for you." His thumb started moving back and forth on my shoulder. "What did you tell him?"

"I pretending I didn't know what he was talking about," I whispered. "You?"

"I told him that there was a man on fire outside, and when he looked, I ran away."

I laughed quietly, rolling my eyes. "Do you think we should tell them?"

"I don't know," he said after a few moments. "I know they're my brothers and they wouldn't be mad or anything, but I just – I don't know. What do you think?"

"I was thinking the same thing."

He smirked at me. "Oh, they're your brothers too? Then this is really wrong."

"Shut up," I laughed and rolled my eyes as I lightly smacked him.

He kissed me, his lips meeting mine softly. He was towering over me, so I leaned back, lying on the bed. I put my fingers through his hair, and pulled him closer. He moved down to my neck, his lips never leaving my skin. I sighed as he pressed himself harder against me. "Joe," I managed to choke out.

He sighed and pulled away a bit, concern flooding his face. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

"No," I sighed. Was I being stupid and ungrateful for feeling like this was going a bit fast? Would Joe think I was being stupid? I shook my head to id myself of these thoughts. "Never mind." I kissed him again.

He sighed and pulled away. "Dani, this isn't going to work if you can't tell me what you're thinking."

"It's nothing," I said.

"Dani, you can trust me, you know."

"I know Joe," I sighed. "Seriously, it was nothing."

"Why can't you just tell me," he said, his tone kind of angry. I looked at me, confused and shocked. Joe never got mad at me. His tone kind of surprised me.

"It was nothing," I insisted. "I don't want to ruin the moment."

"It's not much of a moment if you don't trust me," he rolled his eyes.

"Looks like someone has insecurity issues," I rolled my eyes too. I hadn't meant to say that. It kind of just slipped out. It was a disease, an incurable one.

"Looks like someone has trust issues," he snapped. "No wonder all your past relationships were such ship wrecks." My jaw dropped as I stared at him, my eyes wide. "Dani, I –"

"Save it Joe," I said. "You know what? You're right. I have had some pretty bad relationships so far. But none have been as bad as this one. This is my biggest shipwreck."

"Dani, I'm so sorry," he said quickly as he reached for me. I pulled out of his reach. "Please Dani. I didn't mean it."

"Apparently you did Joe," I said, tears brimming in my eyes. "Goodnight," I said as I put my head on my pillow, facing the other way.

"Goodnight." He whispered. I felt him lay down next to me. I moved myself to the very far side of the bed, as far away from Joseph Jonas as I could get.
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ehh -- it was okay. What did you guys think? Let me know. Thanks :)
Oh and ten stars for the story!! :O Thank you so much guys. You guys are awesome!!!