We Can Change the World

Need To Forget

"Thank you guys and good night," I said to the audience after finishing my last song. "Now please welcome The Jonas Brothers!" The boys ran on stage as I got off.

"Danielle," someone tackled me.

I looked to see Vanessa lying on top of me. I screamed with excitement. "Oh my gosh Nessa, what are you doing here?" We got off the floor and I flung myself on her, hugging her. I had missed her so much. Being with just guys for the last 2 months was fun and all, but it was extremely unclean and gross. Well – except Nick. With him, it was too. They were lucky I loved them so much.

"I missed you," she said. "I wanted to come see you. And I was free tonight, so I thought I'd come surprise you. Ashley was going to come too, but she then couldn't last minute. She said to tell you she was sorry."

"Aww," I smiled. "When you talk to her, tell her it's fine and I still love her." Unfortunately, the four-letter word reminded me of another person. I felt my face fall.

Apparently, Vanessa noticed it because she said, "So Ms. Touchstone, how goes everything on tour?" She linked her arm through mine and led me to some chairs. "The guys treating you okay? You still sane?"

I laughed weakly. "They're great. Everything's great," I lied. "I've always been sane."

"Right," she laughed and rolled her eyes. "A sane Dani would not have told Selena that she could have Joe."

I groaned. Of course Vanessa would bring up the one person I couldn't talk about. If I told her I was mad at him, I'd have to tell her why. And I couldn't tell her why. "Not again Vanessa."

"Just listen to me Dani," she touched my shoulder. "You're my best friend. I know you so well. And I know that you love him."

"I do not."

"Just listen, okay? I know you do. And I know you're probably miserable right now because you let Selena have him, even if it's obvious that he loves you too."

She didn't even know the half of it, I thought. "I'm not miserable," I said defensively.

"Right," Vanessa rolled her eyes. "Because your face is radiating so much happiness right now. Look Dani. You know I love you, which is why I'm not going to pretend that I buy your 'Joe is just my best friend' routine. I can see right through it. And I can see that you aren't happy."

"What am I supposed to do Vanessa," I sighed in resignation. "I already told Selena that she could have him. I can't go back on that." Might as well let her think that's the thing that's bothering me. It was partly true, and I didn't think that Vanessa needed all the gory details.

Vanessa opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off as the boys ran off the stage. "Vanessa," they shouted. They hugged her. Joe glanced at me. Unfortunately, I was looking at him, and as I met his gaze, I found that I couldn't look away.

"Hey guys," she smiled. She raised an eyebrow at me when I snapped out of my trance. I knew my face would reveal my feelings to her. Great, I thought. I knew she would ask me about that later. "Great job."

"Thanks," Kevin said. "So is Ashley here?"

Vanessa laughed. "Sorry Romeo, but no. She couldn't come." Kevin pouted slightly. "But anyways, I was actually thinking of taking Dani here on a little girl's night out." She swung her arm around my neck. I stared at her, confused. "If that's okay with you. I promise to have her at the hotel by . . . the time you wake up."

"Cool," Kevin and Nick said. Joe just nodded, and looked off somewhere.

"Great," Vanessa grabbed my arm. "Let's go Ms. Rock star."

She led me to my changing room to get my clothes. "So why are we going out," I asked.

She shrugged. "Looks like you need a night out, just us. We'll go to a club or something. It'll be fun."

"Thanks," I smiled as I quickly changed.


When we got to the club, I realized that this was exactly what I needed. I needed to have fun without thinking about Joe, or Selena, or love, or anything else. I needed to let loose. "Let's go," I laughed as I took Vanessa's hand and led her to the dance floor.

While we were dancing, I saw the familiar straight dark brown hair. I started to panic until I saw the person's face, and saw that it wasn't him. Was I going to see his face everywhere? Why couldn't I just get away from it all for one night? I needed to forget. I looked around the club, looking for something to make me forget, until my eyes landed on the bar.

I knew that I shouldn't. Joe would be so disappointed with me, especially after last time. But then I saw some guy with skinny jeans. Why did everything remind me of him? I turned to Vanessa and said, "Bathroom." I left quickly before she could ask if she should come. I knew she wouldn't let me. But I really needed to forget.

"Hey guys," I said as I approached the bar.

"Hey there pretty lady," the one guys slurred. I grimaced as his alcoholic breath blew in my face.

"What can I get you," the bartender asked.

"Vodka," I answered. The harder the better.
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Okay, so I think this is at least better than before, but it's not that great. It's kind of a filler. What do you guys think?