We Can Change the World

Old Time's Sake

"So uh, how's New Jersey been," I asked Joe awkwardly. Kevin, Nick, and Zac had long since abandoned us, not that I minded. Despite the lack of calls, it felt good to be with my Joey again – yet it felt weird at the same time. There was a gap there, and I knew we both could feel it, no matter how much we wished it wasn't there.

"Boring since you left," he admitted.

"Well California hasn't been that exciting without you either," I said.

"Couldn't find a new best friend," he smirked at me. I sighed. There was his famous you know you love me smirk, and I really did. Here was my best friend, in the flesh after 4 years. I just wanted to run into his arms and never let go.

"I didn't need a new one," I looked him right in the eyes as I said that.

He sighed and hugged me. I could already feel the gap between us coming together. "I missed you Fanny."

"I missed you too Joey," I said into his chest as I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm sorry for not calling."

"It doesn't matter anymore. We're together again," he said. "Best friends?"

"Until the very end," I sighed in relief.

"Great," he pulled away. "Now let's go tell Kevin that the weird security guard has a crush on him," he smirked.

"Same old Joey," I laughed.

"You know you love me," he winked at me.

"Too true," I sighed. "Let's go," I grabbed his hand to lead him to Kevin.

[Joe's Point of View]

"We aren't lying Kevin," Dani said innocently. "Joe and I were catching up and we heard the security guard say into her walkie talkie, and I quote here 'That oldest Jonas is one hot piece of meat'. Honest!"

"Yeah bro," I added. "I think she likes you."

"Ya think," Dani laughed. "Uh oh, we see you Kevin. Check you out," she winked at him.

Nick and I started cracking up. Man it felt good to have my partner in crime back. Kevin rolled his eyes. "I swear. Four years and you two are still completely insane."

"We're not insane," she said, pretending to be hurt. "Only Joe is."

"Exact – hey! I am not insane," I shot back.

"Yeah you are."

"Na ah!"

"Ya ha!"

"Na ah!"

"Ya ha!"

"Dani," Vanessa Hudgens hugged Dani as she and Ashley Tisdale walked over to us. I could feel Kevin freak out next to me. He had a huge crush on Ashley Tisdale. "I'm so glad you came. Watch, it'll be fun. You'll be glad we forced you."

"I already am," Dani smiled as she hugged Ashley in turn. "Oh by the way, these are my best friends from New Jersey. This is Kevin, Nick, and Joe," she introduced us.

Ashley and Vanessa hugged us. "You guys are the Jonas Brothers right," Ashley asked.

I started to answer her when Kevin practically pushed me out of the way. "Yes," he said quickly. "You've heard of us?"

"Yeah Miley mentioned you guys were on her show a few days ago," Ashley explained and smiled at Kevin.

"And then we looked you up and heard your song Mandy," Vanessa added. "It's really good. We absolutely loved it."

"Wait, Mandy as in Amanda VanDuyne, your friend Mandy," Dani asked.

"Yeah, Joe was going out with her when we wrote the song," Nick looked at Dani.

"O-o-oh," Dani stammered. "You guys went out?"

"Yeah," I said quietly. This was getting awkward. "We broke up recently, but we're still really good friends."

"It seems like I missed more than I thought in Jersey," Dani said quietly. I could tell that she could feel the awkwardness sinking in too.

"So how long are you guys here for," Vanessa asked, obviously changing the subject.

"We moved here actually," Nick said.

"Oh really, where," Ashley asked.

"1918 Sunset Drive," Kevin said quickly. Nick and I exchanged a look and tried very hard not to roll our eyes.

"1918 Sunset Drive," Dani repeated. "That's right next to me!"


"Mom look what we brought home," Joe said as we entered their house after the party. I thought it was so amazing that my best friends were moving in next to me. Now only if our conversations weren't so awkward sometimes.

Denise Jonas walked down the stairs and stopped dead when she saw me. "Dani," she smiled and walked over to me to hug me. "It's been a long time."

"So can we keep her Mommy," Joe jumped up and down. He sounded as if he had just brought home a dog and wanted to now keep it. "Huh can we please mommy? I promise I'll take care of her and remember to feed her every – once in awhile."

Mrs. Jonas rolled her eyes as Nick and Kevin cracked up. I just sighed and smiled. I really had missed Joe's sense of humor. There weren't many Joe Jonas's in Hollywood. "Hi Mrs. J," I smiled at her. "Your house is so beautiful, I can't believe you live here. I live right next door."

"Thank you Dani. And how wonderful! Hopefully we'll be seeing you often then," Mrs. Jonas laughed.

"Of course you will," Joe draped his arm around my shoulders. "She just can't stay away from me."

We all rolled our eyes at that one. "Hey I have an idea," Nick said. We all looked at him surprised. It was usually Joe that had the good ideas, though his usually involved someone doing something really dumb. Nick's were usually safe and boring, but we loved him for them. "Why don't we have a sleepover?"

Kevin, Joe, and I exchanged surprised looks. After making sure it was Nick that had actually spoken, we solemnly agreed. After all, it was for old time's sake.
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