We Can Change the World


"That was awful," I groaned, leaning against Joe in the hotel bed. My mom had just left the hotel after making yet another scene about Joe and me sleeping in the same bed. That seemed to be her thing now. First it was that she didn't like that my bunk on the bus was under his. Then she didn't like that my dressing room was so close to his. And then she really went up and away with talking about how she didn't like us sleeping the same room, let alone the same bed. She actually demanded that I get my own room. Thankfully, Denise isn't too fond of my mother and stood up for me, saying that they fully trusted Joe and me to not do anything we weren't ready for. Denise was very – verbal about her feelings toward my mother. Plainly stated, she hated her. It was weird because they used to be really good friends. When my mom started 'experimenting' with drugs when my dad passed away when I was 5, Denise was there for her. It wasn't until about the third time that my mother was carted off to rehab that these hostile feelings came out in the open. She didn't like how my mother wasn't – well much of a mother, and refused to change.

He laughed quietly. "It wasn't that bad." He had his arm around me, lightly rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

"Oh really," sarcasm filled my voice. "Which part wasn't that bad? When she said my bunk was too close to yours? Or how about when she started arguing with your mom over the mistake of trusting teens not to 'have sex'. Or was the icing on the cake when she ordered me to get my own room?"

"Okay so it was bad," Joe sighed. "At least it's over. And you won’t see her till she decides to play mother again."

"If I saw her in a million years, it would be too soon," I said. I knew that I sounded mean and that she was my mother and everything, but I had had enough with her. I was done with letting her in, believing that she had changed, and then being disappointed when she relapsed yet again. I was done with being hurt and disappointed every time.

Probably sensing that I didn't want to talk about this anymore, Joe leaned over and put his lips to my neck, kissing me. I tried not to whimper as his hands trailed my body. This was too much. I felt like I was going to explode and just jump him right there. I had to distract myself.

"So weird about Selena, right?"

"What do you mean," he pulled back a bit to look at me.

"I mean, don't you think she was too forgiving," I asked.

"Too forgiving," he repeated. "What – you think it was fake?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "but it seemed – too easy, you know? And she does spend a lot of time with Miley. The conniving, sneakiness might have rubbed off on her."

"I don't think Selena's that kind of person," Joe said after a few moments.

"Me neither," I said. "But I just – I don't know. You think I'm just being paranoid?"

Joe shrugged. "You're not really a paranoid kind of person."

I giggled. "Thanks Joe."

He smirked and kissed me. "I love you Dani."

"I love you too."

"Yeah, it was great," Nick came in, talking on his phone. He froze as he saw us on our bed. Quickly into the phone, he said, "I'll call you later, okay? Bye." He hung up and turned to us. "Hey guys, you're still up?"

"Don't hey guys us," Joe said.

"Yeah," I chimed in. "Who was that on the phone?"

"Joe – I mean Kevin, I mean – a friend," Nick rambled.

Joe and I exchanged a look. A lady friend, possibly? "What kind of friend," Joe asked.

"Just a friend," he said quickly, getting into bed. "Good night."

"Not so fast," I jumped out of bed and jumped onto Nick so that I was sitting on his stomach. Joe came over too. "Was it a girl?"

"Maybe," nick said nervously.

"Nick has a girlfriend, Nick has a girlfriend," Joe started chanted and dancing around.

"Joe shut up," I rolled my eyes before turning back to Nick and smacking him. "Way to not tell us."

"Ow," he groaned. "It's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal," I gasped.

"Dude this is like your first girlfriend since –"

"Miley," I cut him off. "And you think this isn't a big deal?"

"Aw our little Nickiepooh is growing up," Joe pinched his cheek.

Nick started turning red. "This is why I didn't tell you," Nick mumbled.

"This is so exciting," I shouted. "Oh my gosh, you have to invite her to come with us on tour a few days. And I'll take her shopping, and we'll go on double dates, and we'll—"

"Joe," Nick begged for help.

Joe threw his hands up. "Sorry bro. I can't argue with the girlfriend."

"Completely insane," Nick mumbled as he glared at his brother.

I smacked him again. "Serves you right for not telling us."


"Hey Joe, could you go get my – bag from the car," I said when we were all watching a movie in our hotel room, trying not to go to sleep.

"It's right there," Joe looked at me suspiciously, pointing at my bag beside the bed.

"No, no, my other one," I rolled my eyes, trying to play it off. I kissed his cheek. "Please?"

"Okay," he left.

I turned to Nick and Kevin. "You guys, Joe's birthday is coming up. We should throw him a surprise party."

"That's what we were thinking too," Nick said.

"Great," I grinned. "So, let's talk tonight in Kevin's room. Nick, we'll have to sneak out after Joe goes to sleep."

Nick nodded. "He's a heavy sleeper, so it should be easy."

"Okay, so you guys handle decorations. I'll handle the invitations and food," I said. "That okay with you guys?"

They agreed. Joe came back in, pulling my purse out from under his shirt. We looked at him questioningly. "What would people think if they saw me carrying a purse?"

We laughed. "It wouldn't be different from what they usually think," Nick smirked.

"Be nice," I scolded him, laughing. "Thank you Joey." I kissed him as he sat back down.

"Man, I'm pooped," Kevin stretched, standing.

"Me too," Nick copied him. "Let's all head to bed."

"But I'm not tired," Joe whined.

"Come on Joe," I crooned him.

"Fine," he sighed.

Kevin left and we all got into bed. "Night," I said to Nick.

"You guys, don't make too much noise making out okay," I could hear the smirk in Nick's voice. Joe and I threw stuff at him. "Hey," he said as he ducked away from Joe's pillow and my purse.

Joe's lips found mine as he lightly pushed me onto the bed. "Night," he whispered.

20 minutes later, he was passed out. "Nick," I whispered.

"He's asleep," he asked. "I thought he wasn't tired."

I giggled quietly. "Let's go." I had to climb out from under Joe's arm without waking him. Not as easy a task as it seems sine he was holding me to him pretty tightly. But finally I managed, and Nick and I went to Kevin's room to play the surprise party.

"Hey guys," Kevin greeted us as we entered. Frankie was passed out on the bed, and Kevin was on his laptop. "Ready?"

We agreed and started planning. After much argument, I grudgingly accepted that Miley had to come. Nick made us make so many lists, from the invitation list to the decorations, to the music play list, to the food menu. I swear, he was too organized. Then we had to plan how we were going to pull this off. On August 15, we'd be in Cincinnati, so we decided to talk to their parents on stopping to have his party that day, either on the bus, or in our hotel room.

"How should we get him there," I asked.

"Well since we're going to pretend we forgot all day, let's have you take him shopping or something," Nick suggested. I nodded

"Actually that may not be the best idea," Kevin said.

"Why not," I said defensively.

"No offense or anything Dani, but you're not too good on keeping secrets from him," he said.

"I kept my feelings for him a secret for weeks," I said.

"I don't think she'd slip," Nick agreed.

"Okay," Kevin said. "Then Nick and I will start setting up while –"

My phone started ringing. Danger calling… "Uh-oh," I said. "It's Joe."

"Pick it up," Nick said.

"Hello," I said.

"Dani, where'd you and Nick go?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, this one's not that good. It's kind of a filler. I had this big plan with Dani's mother, but I can't remember what it was anymore, so I had to improvise with that, and finish it quickly, if you couldn't tell XD. And then I couldn't really think of what to do after that -- but yeah. So let me know what you think anyway. Hopefully, I can make the next one way better.Sorry again guys!