We Can Change the World


"Hey Kevo," I jumped onto the couch next to him. Nick and Joe followed me too.

Kevin looked up from his laptop. He looked kind of sad. "Hey guys."

Yup, he was definitely sad. Sadness flooded his voice. "What's wrong," I asked.

He shrugged. "The label is adding an upcoming singer to our next few concerts."

"Yeah, mom told us," Nick said. "Some chick named Tinsley Carmichael. Why is that bad?"

"It's not," Kevin sighed.

"What is it Kevin," Joe asked.

"Ashley has a boyfriend," Kevin admitted.

Joe, Nick, and I all exchanged a look, not really knowing what to say. Kevin had been obsessed with Ashley since forever. But he'd never told her he liked her. "Aww Kevin," I hugged him. "Sorry. If it makes you feel any better, Blair is going to be coming up to travel with us for a few weeks."

"Blair," Kevin's eyes automatically brightened. Blair and Kevin had been best friends as long as Joe and I had been. They had kept in touch when Blair and I had moved out to California. Joe and I had a bet going on how long before they started going out too.

"Yeah," I said. "She called yesterday. My mom's – well she's back in rehab. Surprise, surprise."

"I'm sorry Dani," Kevin hugged me. Joe wrapped his arm around me.

I shrugged. "I knew it was going to happen. But anyways, now that my mom's back in rehab, she doesn't need to baby sit her anymore, and she said she misses us."

"When is she coming," Kevin asked.

"In a few days," I said. "She wasn't specific."

"So who's this Tinsley Carmichael," Joe asked.

"I looked her up," Kevin said. "Apparently, she's from Texas. She's 18, so she's your guys age."

"We got that when you said she's 18 Kevin," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, we're not dumb," Joe rolled his eyes too.

"No, but you guys are insane," Kevin smirked. "But anyways, I listened to a few songs on her myspace. She's pretty good. The label wants to get her out there as soon as possible, and they think the quickest way is by sending her to a few of our shows. The Jonas Brothers and Danielle Touchstone, as they said, would give her a huge fan base right away."

My phone started ringing. Selena. I picked it up suspiciously, my paranoia not having gone away yet. "Hello?"

"Dani," Selena exclaimed. "What's up?"

"Nothing really. We're on our way to the next show. You?"

"I was just calling to tell you about my friend," she said.

"Who's your friend?"

"Tinsley Carmichael," Selena answered. "I don't know if you've heard. But she's coming on tour with you."

I froze. This had to be Selena's plan. "Oh, yeah, Kevin just told us about her. She's your friend?" I felt Joe fidget next to me. Obviously, he made the connection too.

"Yeah," Selena said. "Dani, you're going to love her. She's amazing. She's just like you!"

"Like me," I repeated. In what way?

"Yeah," she said. "I'm sure you guys will get along beautifully. Just don't forget about me, okay?" She laughed.

"Never," I laughed nervously. "Hey Selena, we're stopping to go get food. I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Okay, bye," she hung up.

"What was that about," Nick asked.

"Tinsley is Selena's friend," I answered them.

Joe and I exchanged a look. "Dani thinks Selena has a plan against us," Joe answered them.

"When is she coming," Nick asked, suddenly cautious.

"She's going to meet us at the concert tomorrow," Kevin said. His voice, too, was wary.

"She must be good though," Kevin said after a long moment.

"Yeah, they haven't added anyone like that since," Nick stopped, trying to think of the last time the label had thought anyone good enough to get them out there with the biggest bands right away.

"Dani," Joe said. "When she toured with The Backstreet Boys."

"She must be good," Kevin said.

"Dani's better," Joe said defensively.

Nick and Kevin quickly agreed. I smiled slightly, though that was the least of my worries.

"Food's here," Frankie yelled as he jumped onto Kevin's lap.


"I'm worried," I said into Joe's chest as we lay in his bunk. It was just he and I up, since everyone but the driver had gone to sleep.

Joe was lightly massaging my shoulder. "Dani, don't be worried. Nothing's going to happen to you." His tone held no doubt.

I sighed again and buried my head even more in his chest. "That's not what I'm worried about. I know she won't steal away my fans, or anything. I'm worried – that this Tinsley girl's going to come between us. That that's Selena's plans."

I heard Joe take in a deep breath before he reached down and pulled my face up to meet his. "Dani, no one is going to come between us. Not Selena, not her plan, not this chick who's going to sing at a few of our concerts."

I smiled and kissed him. "I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he kissed me lightly again. "Now go to sleep. And don't worry."

I smiled as I put my head on his chest. "I can't sleep," I whined.

"Would you like me to sing to you," he asked. I nodded into his chest.

"Hello Beautiful," his voice was low and in my ear as to not wake up his brothers. He still sounded so sexy, even now as his voice was barely over a whisper. "How's it going? I hear it's wonderful in California. I've been missing you, it's true." No matter how much I wanted to stay awake, Joe's beautiful voice made sleep drift over me.


"God you are so hot," Joe groaned in my ear as we left the green room after a pre–show make out session.

"Joe, sh," I giggled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the back of my neck. "Someone will hear you."

"And," I could feel him smirk as his hands trailed my waist.

"Oh my gosh," someone squealed. Joe and I jumped apart. "You're Dani, and you're Joe," a blonde girl a little shorter than me ran up to us.

"Hi, can we help you," I smiled at her. We had already had our meet and greet. I wasn't aware of any more before the concert.

"Um, yeah," she said. "I'm –"

"Tinsley," Denise smiled as she walked over to us. "We're so glad to have you aboard with us."

Tinsley. Joe and I exchanged a look.

"Thanks," she smiled. "It's an honor to be able to open for the Danielle Touchstone, and The Jonas Brothers."

"We're happy to have you," Joe smiled his famous smile at her. I wanted to stomp on his foot as she giggled. I was horrified as I felt jealousy run through my body. I knew I had no reason to be jealous. That Joe loved me, and that this girl was some insignificant girl who'd be out of here in a few days without Selena's plan having been completed. Maybe it was because of my fear of that plan that I didn't want my boyfriend anywhere near this girl.

"You'll be going on in half an hour dear," Denise said.

"Great," Tinsley grinned at her. "Thanks. So uh – is there a dressing room where I can change?"

"If it's okay, we set you up in Dani's for this show," Denise said. "There weren't any available ones on such short notice. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not," Tinsley smiled. "I'd love to share one with Dani. That is, if she doesn't mind." She looked at me expectantly.

"Of course not," I smiled at her. "Come on, I'll show you where it is."

I took Joe's hand and dragged him with me as I led Tinsley to my dressing room. "Wow," she said as we entered. "This is amazing. I can't believe I'm actually seeing your dressing room!"

I laughed. Maybe I was wrong. She seemed genuinely syked to see me. "Thanks. So, I'm all ready, so I'll leave you to get –"

She cut me off. "Um actually, would you mind staying with me, and helping me? I'm really nervous and I could really use someone to talk to."

Joe squeezed my hand. "Sure," I smiled at her. I turned and kissed Joe. "I'll see you in a bit."

He smiled at me. "Okay. I love you."

"I love you too." I sighed as he quickly kissed me again before leaving me alone with Tinsley. Timidly I turned around to see her glaring at me.

"Better enjoy it while you can," she seethed. "Cause he'll be mine soon enough."
♠ ♠ ♠
Soooo.... yeah. I kind of liked this one.
But more importantly, let me know what you guys think please!
I had to literally write this chapter like 4 times today till I actually liked it. Haha. But yeah, so feedback please. =]

I'm thinking that this story will have maybe 5 to possibly 10 more chapters XD
BUT my dilemma is that I don't know if I should have a sequel. *sighs*
if i DO have a sequel, i have the perfect ending planned out for this one. if not, then i'll have to think of something else.

My question to you guys is that what do you guys think? yes sequel, or no?
please please let me know what you think =]