We Can Change the World

Should've Said No

"Dani wake up," I jumped on her. She groaned and rolled over. "Come on Dani. You know what day it is." Today was August 15th, my birthday. I wanted to spend it with the girl I loved, but she just wouldn't wake up. I kissed her cheek. "Dani baby, please wake up."

She opened her eyes. "Hey Joe," she grinned at me. I waited for her to say anything else, but nothing came. Not even an extra kiss. "Did you go to the gym yet?"

I sighed. Maybe she was just still sleepy. Wait – did she sound like she was trying to get rid of me? As in get rid of me to set up for a surprise for my birthday. I knew Dani wouldn't forget. I shook my head and got off of her. "I'll be back in an hour." That should give her enough time to set up whatever surprise she had.

I worked out, thankfully without Tinsley breathing down my back for the first time since she arrived. That girl had been coming to the gym with me everyday, and she would always try to tell me why she would be better than Dani. Everyday I would tell her to back off and leave Dani alone. And everyday she would ignore that.

When I got back to the room, nothing had changed. There was no balloons, or cake, or a surprise birthday breakfast. And worst of all, there was no awaiting girlfriend to wish me a happy birthday. I heard the shower in the bathroom, and knew it was probably Dani. Nick wasn't in his bed. I decided to go check what he and Kevin were doing. I knew my brothers would never forget.

"Hey Joe," Kevin said as I walked into his room. He didn't even look up from the screen as he played guitar hero 3.

"Yo Joe," Nick's greeting came soon after. His sounded more distant as he focused more on the game to beat Kevin.

I sat down on the sofa with them and waited for them to be done. Finally, they looked towards me. "So did you go to the gym," Kevin asked.

Why was everyone asking me that? Were they planning something too? "Yeah," I said. "But I still have to take a shower."

"We know," Nick smirked. "We can smell you all the way over here."

"Funny," I rolled my eyes. "So anyways, what's the plan for today?"

"Same as usual I guess," Kevin shrugged. "Concert, food, hanging out on the tour bus. Why?"

"So nothing special," I prodded them.

"No," Nick said, confused. "Why? Did you have any plans?"

"No," I said. "I'm free all night."

"Okay," Kevin said, sounding just as confused as Nick.

Then they went back to playing guitar hero. Not even a birthday wish. How had everyone forgotten my birthday?


We were about to start the concert, and no one had wished me a happy birthday as of yet. Not even my parents! Some family they were. Worst though, was Dani. She was acting completely normal – nothing special. I just couldn't believe she had forgotten. Didn't she care enough about me to remember my birthday?

I was still thinking about this as I walked to the green room to get the extra socks Nick asked me to fetch, after warning me not to steal any of them. Like I'd even want to wear that birthday forgetting bad brother's socks anyway. I banged into someone. "Oh sorry." I looked to see Tinsley. Oh great, just what I needed.

She just grinned at me. "Just the guy I was looking for."

"Look Tinsley, if you want to trash talk Dani, I'm not in the mood right now," I said.

She just rolled her eyes. "That's not even close. Come on, I have to show you something." She took my hand and pulled me to the green room. "Happy birthday," she said as she handed me a rectangle shaped gift box. It was blue with a purple ribbon – my favorite colors. Wow, Tinsley had remembered when Dani didn't?

I ripped it open to find a ray ban box. Inside was the pair of bright gold sunglasses I'd been dying to get. It had actually been the next one on my list to get. "Wow thank you Tinsley," I said as I hugged her. This was amazing. But it made me kind of sad that my girlfriend had actually forgotten when this girl who was trying to break us up remembered.

She laughed. "No problem. It's your birthday, remember?"

"I wish they did," I mumbled.

"What," she asked.

"Nevermind," I sighed. "But seriously, thanks."

She laughed again. "No problem Joe. So what are you doing after the conert? Want to go get ice cream or something? Well – unless Dani has plans to celebrate your birthday or something." She made a face.

I started to get angry. Only this time it wasn't at Tinsley. It was at Dani. I just couldn't believe she had forgotten. I couldn't believe she didn't care enough about me to remember something like my birthday. "No, there are no plans. I'd love to get ice cream with you."


Our plan was going great. Joe actually thought we had forgotten his birthday. God, he was so dumb! He actually believed that his family[/]I and me, the girl who loved him more than anything, could ever forget something as important as his birthday. Yet as the day went on, his mood got worse and worse. I could tell he was hurt. Well serves him right for actually thinking we'd forget!

"Hey Joe," I grinned at him as he came back with Nick's socks. I noticed he had a new pair of ray ban sunglasses – just like the pair I had gotten him as part of his birthday present. Great, I thought. I got him something he already had. I was immediately grateful that the sunglasses were only one of many presents.

"Hi Dani," he said, his voice angry. I was surprised. I hadn't known he'd gotten this upset.

"What's wrong," I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He pulled away. "Nothing."

I just stared at him, worriedly. I didn't implore more into it since I knew what it was about and asking would ruin the surprise. "So want to go get some ice cream after the concert?"

"No," he said, point blank. I gaped at him.

"Oh, um okay," I said. "How about we hit up a joke store? I'm running low on pranks for Kevin." I smirked, knowing that had to at least get a smile.

He surprised me as he just stared at me. "I don’t want to do anything." He walked away.

"What was that," Nick asked, coming over.

"I – I don't know," I choked out. "I didn't know he was so mad at me. I don't know if the surprise party is worth causing him this much pain."

"It was your idea," Tinsley said, appearing out of nowhere.

I rolled my eyes at her. I wasn't even in the mood to answer her right now. "What are we going to do," I asked Nick. "He doesn't want to go anywhere after the concert with me. We won't have enough time to set up."

"What if I ask him out," Tinsley suggested.

"No," I said, not even having to think about it.

"Can you please stop being so selfish for just a moment," she snapped. "Why don't you even try thinking about Joe? He's probably really hurt that his family forgot his birthday. But he's probably even more hurt that you did. Obviously he wouldn't want to go anywhere with you right now, not that I can understand why he ever did."

Nick squeezed my shoulder. "I hate to admit it Dani, but Tinsley's right. Maybe we should let Tinsley take him out somewhere and you can help us set up."

I sighed and nodded, their logic working on me. "Fine," I said. "But don't try anything funny."


"A little more to the left Nick," I said as he stood on the bed, hanging the banner. He moved it to the left. "Now a little down – no, no. A little to the right please. Great, now just a little up."

He groaned. "Dani, this is exactly where it was before."

"I know," I grinned.

Zac and Vanessa laughed, as they set up the food table. They, along with a few other friends like Chelsea Staub and Corbin Bleu, had come early to help us set up. "Dani, you're so mean," Vanessa teased me.

"I know," I cackled, raising my eyebrows as they laughed again.

Finally, everything was set up and more guests started arriving. "This is so sweet," Vanessa came up to me. "Joe is so lucky to have finally gotten with you."

I laughed. "Thanks, but I don't know if he'd agree with you right now. He's kind of mad."

"Cause he thinks you forgot about his birthday," Vanessa asked, understanding. I nodded. "Dani, once he sees this party, he'll understand. So anyways, tell me about this Tinsley girl. Selena hasn’t been able to shut up about her, but Selena hasn't seemed herself lately."

I sighed. "That's partly cause of me. And Tinsley's awful. She basically told me she's going to steal Joe and my fans away for what I did to Selena."

"What a – jerk," Vanessa said, shaking her head.

"I guess I kind of deserve it," I shrugged. "I mean, I was pretty awful to Selena."

"No Dani," Vanessa said firmly, her voice sounding a bit aggravated. "Honestly, your modesty sometimes just makes me so mad. You did nothing to deserve that. You are an amazing person. And I don't want to hear you thinking any less of yourself. Got it?"

I giggled. "Got it. Thanks Nessa."

"Hey, that's what best friends are for," she smiled as she hugged me.

"Everyone hide," Nick shouted. "The desk clerk just called up. They're on their way."


"This was nice," I said as we got into the elevator.

"Yeah," Tinsley grinned. "I'm glad you had fun on your birthday."

"I – can't believe you actually remembered," I said. "Everyone else forgot."

We got out of the elevator and walked to the room. Tinsley stopped me right outside my room. "Joe, listen. You are an amazing person. And you don't deserve everything I've done to you. And you don't deserve people forgetting your birthday." She touched my arm, and moved closer.

For once, I didn't stop her advances. I just stood there, motionless, thinking about how Tinsley had remembered when Dani didn't. She moved closer still until her face was just inches from mine. She leaned up and her lips met mine. I don't know what made me wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer to me, my lips still on hers. She reached behind her and opened the door.


"Surprise," everyone shouted as the door opened. I jumped away from Tinsley, shocked. They hadn't forgotten my birthday? Realization flowed through me. Dani hadn't forgotten my birthday.

"Dani," I said, walking towards her, not even noticing everyone around me. I watched as Vanessa wrapped her arm around Dani's shoulder. Dani stood there, as if numb from shock. "Dani, I am so sorry." I reached for her. I didn't know what to do. I – wanted to hold her and fix everything. But she jerked away.

"Just stay away from me Joe," she said before she towards the door. Unfortunately, Tinsley was still standing there. Dani stopped a second. Tinsley recoiled as if she thought Dani would slap her. "You won," she said quietly before running out of the room.

Vanessa walked over to Tinsley and slapped her across the face. "Dani may not be the kind of person to slap you for your little performance," she said. "But I am. You might want to get the hell out of here slut."


I cannot believe that just happened. I trusted him, and he was kissing her. He actually kissed her. I couldn't believe it. After that, there was no way I could face the people in that room – no way I could even look at Joe. I don't care how mad he was at me – he should've said no. He should have come home. He should have thought twice. I should have been in his mind. He shouldn't have kissed her.

Without thinking, I called my manager Liz. "Hello," she said.

"Hey Liz," I said. "It's me. Listen, I kind of need to ask you for a favor."


"Hey guys," I said as I sat on the couch with my brothers. They didn't say anything. They didn't even look up from their game of guitar hero. I sighed. I knew I deserved this. I had been such a jerk. Of course Dani wouldn't forget about my birthday. And even if she had, I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have kissed Tinsley. "Look, I know you guys are mad. But I'm sorry. I really am. And I need your help to get Dani back."

Nick and Kevin exchanged a look. "We can't help you," Kevin said. "Not this time." They got up and walked away.

I sighed and got up, trying to think of somehow to do this myself. I wasn't paying attention, and ran into my mom. "Oh hey mom. Sorry."

"No problem Joe," she smiled at me. "Happy birthday by the way." She hugged me. "We hope you're not too mad about us not saying it before. Dani forbade us from wishing you a happy birthday till after the party." My mom laughed. "She wanted everything to be perfect. I swear I have never seen that girl so determined to make anything a certain way. She really wanted to surprise you and make your birthday really special. Did you have fun?"

I looked down. "Yeah, it was -- something."

"She's such a sweet girl," my mom said. "I'm so glad you guys finally got together." She laughed again. "Just in time to. Your father and I were debating if we should strap you guys in the same room till you guys finally admitted you liked each other. No offense or anything sweetheart, but it was kind of obvious how in love you two are."

"I know mom," I sighed. I was feeling worse with every word. "Have you seen her? I want to – thank her."

"She's gone honey. But your brothers were talking to her a little while ago."

"Gone," I panicked, "Gone where mom? Dani wouldn't just leave the tour."

My mother looked at me questioningly. "Didn't she tell you? Liz called a little while ago. Dani asked for a new tour bus and a new room. Wonder why. Liz didn't give much detail. She just said that Dani needed to be alone for a while. I was actually going to ask you. Is she okay?"

"Yeah," I said. No need to worry my mom. This was my problem. And somehow – I would have to be the one to fix it. I needed Dani back. I needed her. And I'd do anything to prove that. Now I just needed to figure out how.
♠ ♠ ♠
you guys have been amazing!
The sequel will be out soon.
BUT before that, I will be having a preview of it here. So look back for that soon!

Also, I've narrowed down the potential titles for the sequel. But I've become indecisive as to which one to actually pick. SO I've decided to implore you lovely people to pick for me! Please let me know which one of the following you want it to be called:

1. Run, Run Like You Do
2. I'm Sorry For The Trouble That's Been Costing Us So Much
3. Did You Forget
4. Anything You Want
5. We Couldn't Change It If We Tried

So let me know.

Also, feedback on this chapter and the series is greatly appreciated! Thanks