We Can Change the World

Truth or Dare

"Man that was fun," Joe said as he leaned back on his bed.

"Yeah," I smiled, lying next to him. "I missed our sleepovers." I leaned back on the pillow, closing my eyes and smiling.

"NO," Joe shouted and pulled the pillow from out under me. "You're doing it wrong."


"Dani," he groaned. "Remember? Kevin and Nick go to sleep and you and I stay up the whole night talking and eating. Then Kevin comes in, saying something about a messed up bed, and then Nick comes in because he's hungry. And we go downstairs and eat till we want to puke. Then Kevin and Nick go to sleep again, we prank Kevin, and then stay up watching a movie." He rolled his eyes like I was supposed to have all that memorized.

"How the hell am I supposed to have our whole agenda memorized like that," I smirked. "That's insane."

He shrugged. "Kevin has always called us insane anyway."

"Ha ha yeah," I said. "Even though we're the sanest people around!"

"I know! Now ready for our traditional end of the sleepover agenda," he asked.

"Oh no, not truth or dare. I refuse to play that with you again," I rolled my eyes. Last time, I had to wear my bikini and run around the neighborhood at night while Joe taped it for 'future blackmailing' as he called it, and of course, it was like 30 degrees out since it was winter and we were in Jersey. Of course, California didn't get as cold, but I'd be dammed if I let fans see me doing that. Think of the pictures in the tabloids!

"Don't be such a baby Dani," he rolled his eyes too. I just glared at him. "Fine, fine, it has to be limited to the house only. Even if that's no fun. Okay?"

"Alright," I said.

He did an evil cackle thing and I got scared. This probably meant I was gonna end up regretting that I agreed to the stupid game. "I'll go first. Truth or dare."

"Truth," I said right away.

"Fine," he groaned. "Joy kill. Um let's see.... is it true that you're the baby's butt on the golden suntan lotion bottle?"

"Ugh yes," I groaned, embarrassed that he knew that. I modeled a little when I was younger, and of course, suntan lotion was one of the jobs I had. I couldn't believe he remembered that though. I never told them that -- it was too embarrassing. "But if you tell anyone, I swear I will murder you."

"Hey you know the rules. Everything that happens in truth or dare stays in truth or dare. Okay your turn. Hurry up," he said. "Okay dare."

"Wow thanks for letting me ask."

"Just dare me up baby!"

I laughed. "Okay, um I dare you to go put shaving cream all over Kevin's face, THEN put Nick's finger in a cup of water to make him pee himself."

"Whoa that's evil," he paused. "I like it!" He ran off, giggling like a little schoolgirl. I followed him, trying not to make too much noise and wake Nick and Kevin up. He got Kevin first, giving him a shaving cream mustache, beard, eyebrows, and sideburns. Then for the full effect, he stuck Kevin's hand in the shaving cream too so that when Kevin touches his face, it would get on him even more. I giggled quietly as we made our way to Nick's room. We tiptoe inside and see Nick sprawled out on his bed, fast asleep. Joe handed me the pot and nudged me forward. I shook my head and handed it back. But he again handed it to me. I rolled my eyes and made my way to Nick with the pot in hand. I was just about to put his finger in the pot when Joe dropped something where he was standing, playing with Nick's stuff.

Nick sat up quickly and looked around, half dazed. Then his eyes registered Joe, the water pot, and me. "What are you two doing?" Man I could have killed Joe right then.

"Uh – looking for the um – the kitchen," I said. "Joe wants to make uh --- pancakes."

"The kitchen," Nick repeated skeptically.

"Yeah," I said, and rolled my eyes. "And I mean, who wouldn't want pancakes at uh – 2 in the morning?"

"Joe knows where the kitchen is," Nick stated. "Seeing as this is his house too."

"I uh—forgot," Joe chimed in.

"What's with the pot," Nick asked.

"It's for the pancakes," I explained.

"So let me get this straight," Nick said. "You were going to make pancakes in a pot in my room at 2 in the morning."

Before I could answer, we heard a yelp from Kevin's room. Joe and I exchanged a look before running to his room, with Nick right behind us. We tried not to crack up as Kevin sat up in his bed with shaving scream smeared all over his face and hands. Obviously, he had rubbed his face.

Kevin glared at Joe and me. "You two are completely insane."

We couldn't hold it in any longer. We started cracking up. "But Kevin," I said in between giggles. "We didn't do this. We were making pancakes."

"Yeah it wasn't us," Joe agreed.

"Then how did all this – what is this?"

"Shaving cream," Joe answered. I groaned and stomped on his foot. "Ow!"

"You guys suck," Kevin rolled his eyes.

"Thanks a lot Joe," I snapped. "Way to give our cover. Now we can't even blame it on Nick like usual."

"Hey," Nick said.

"Like he would believe Nick did that anyway," Joe snapped back, completely ignoring Nick.

"We could have convinced him," I said. "I mean, we could have said Nick was sleep walking or something like that one time when the laxatives mysteriously ended up in Kevin's burger."

"Standing right here you know," Nick rolled his eyes.

"That was you guys," Kevin asked, completely surprised.

"No," I said quickly. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I pretended to yawn. "Oh man I'm tired. Come on Joe, bedtime. Night guys." We left Kevin's room with him mumbling something about insanity.
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