We Can Change the World

The Interview

"And now for our next guest," Ellen said to the camera as Joe, Nick, and Kevin hugged me backstage. It had been 2 weeks since the boys and I were reacquainted, and we had been inseparable since then. Especially Joe and I. It was like we had never been apart. "She's America's sweetheart and a double threat on the big screen and on the charts. Please welcome Miss Danielle Touchstone!"

The audience burst into applause as I walked out and waved as I made my way to where Ellen was standing. "Hi Ellen," I hugged her. "Hey everyone," I said to the audience.

The audience started clapping and yelling again. "Woah ho ho," Ellen laughed. "Miss Danielle Touchstone everybody. So tell me, is it Dani or it is Danielle? Because until today, I've always called you Dani, but when you arrived this morning, your sister said Danielle Touchstone is here. And I'm sitting here thinking am I supposed to call you Danielle or Dani or what."

"Well," I laughed. "A lot of parents and people call me Danielle, but most people just call me Dani. I think my sister Blair is the only one who refers to me as Miss Danielle Touchstone, though she also calls me Danielle Marie. That usually means I'm in trouble though, so I know to just run the other way," I laughed.

"Okay so Dani it is then. So tell me, what is going on with you and those hot Jonas Brothers boys? I mean, they move in next to you not even a month ago, and you guys are already never spotted without each other. They even came down to the studio with you today, if I'm not mistaken?"

I giggled. "Yeah they did come with me today. Um, the Jonas Brothers and I – we're just very good friends. I mean, I knew them from my New Jersey days, and we were extremely close back then too."

"So you guys have been friends for years," Ellen egged me on.

"Many years," I corrected her. "I actually did Broadway with Nick, and from there we all just got really close. But then I moved away, and we sort of lost touch. Then about a month ago, Zac Efron, who is a good friend of ours, reintroduced us at a party, and we all caught up and hung out and stuff, and we got really close again."

"And how does Mr. Ben Barnes feel about your sudden closeness to the boys," she asked me.

Ben was my boyfriend. "Um actually, Ben's just really glad that I've gotten my best friends back," I said. "He and Joe actually get along great."

"That's good," she nodded. "So could you tell us a little about each one?"

"Well they are all so hot, and so sweet. Nick is 15 and he is such a sweetheart. He really is like my little brother, and after Joe, I think I'm closest to him. When I have a problem, I like going to Nick about it because he's a really good listener. Kevin is like my older brother. He is always there for me whenever I need him, and he is always giving me great advice and he's always listening when I complain about what a kid Joe is being and he's really sweet too. Joe is my best friend. He's 18, and well he's crazy. He's the one I especially go to when I have a problem, cause he is always making you laugh, and he's always acting like such a kid," I said. From behind the set, a "NA AH," was heard. I shook my head and laughed. "Yeah as you can see he is really childish at times. But I love him. He's so sweet and he's always there for me. He's like the guys version of me."

"Wait," Ellen said. "That was Joe?" I nodded. "That is cute. You know I was just reading a magazine the other day and there was this one part. Potential bests of 2008, and you and Joe were the number 1 potential best power couple of 2008."

"Imagine that," I laughed. "I think it is cause we're so awesome."

"I'll say," she said. "For those of you in the audience who don't know, Dani's song Could It Be has been number one on the charts for 4 weeks now." The audience erupted in applause again. "Thank you so much for being with us today Dani."

"You're very welcome," I hugged her again.

Ellen turned to the camera. "Stay tuned for Dani's performance of Could It Be right after these messages."

" I Know we've been friends forever
But now I think I'm feeling something totally new
And after all this time I've opened up my eyes
Now I see you we're always with me
Could it be you and I
Never imagined
Could it be suddenly Im fallin' for you
Could it be you were right here beside me and I never knew
Could it be that its true, That it's you
And It's you and it's you
It's kinda funny you were always near
But who would ever thought that we would end up here
And everytime I needed you youve been there to pull me through
Now it's clear I've been waiting for you
Could it be you and I
Never imagined
Could it be suddenly Im fallin' for you
Could it be you were right here beside me and I never knew
Could it be that it's true, That it's you
And It's you and it's you
Cause today is the start of the rest of our lives
I can see it in your eyes
And it's real and its true
And It's just me and you
Could it be, that it's true, that it's you
Could it be you and I
Never imagined
Could it be suddenly Im fallin' for you
Could it be you were right here beside me and I never knew
Could it be that its true, That it's you
And It's you and it's you
Could it be that its true that its you.
That its true, oh its true,"
I sang.

After the performance, I walked into my dressing room but only get as far as closing the door because I was immediately tackled by, you guessed it, Joseph Jonas.

"Ugh get off of my Joe," I groaned. "You're so heavy. God, how much food did you eat while I was on air? You're like a freaking whale."

Joe just laughed. "You know you do wonders for my self esteem Danielle Marie."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. "It's because I care and don't want you to end up as big as a hippo. Now get off!"

"Not until you say I'm not childish, which I'm not," he said, pinning my arms to the ground.

"Right because this isn't childish at all," I laughed. "Please Joe, get off."

"Say it or else." He raised his hands and wiggled his fingers.

"Oh no, please don't," I begged.

He leans in really close. "Last chance." I shook my head and he started tickling me.

"Okay fine you're not childish," I yelled. I heard the door open and close, but I couldn't see who came in.

"Danielle," Ben said.. "What are you two doing?"

"Oh hi Ben," Joe quickly got off of me. I got up and walked over to Ben, quickly kissing him.

"I came in here to get my stuff," I said, getting off the floor. "And somebody, won't say any names, JOE, tackled me onto the ground and wouldn't let me up till I lied."

"Dani," Joe said, looking at me. "Are you trying to imply that I tackled you onto the ground when I was clearly trying to help you up?"

"Help me up? Yeah right. And yeah that's exactly what I'm implying," I poked him in the chest.

"Oh really, maybe we need to handle this then," he said, playfully pushing my shoulder.
"Maybe we d--," I started to say, but Joe cut me off by grabbing me and giving me a noogy. "Oh my god Joe STOP! You're messing up my hair. JOE!"

Ben just stared at us. "Maybe I should go."

"Joe get off," I said quickly. "No Ben, don't go. Let's hang out. I haven't seen you in so long." I didn't mention the reason I hadn't seen him was because I was with Joe 24/7. But I kind of got the feeling that Ben wouldn't like that too much.

"Okay," he said and wrapped his arm around my waist. And so quickly that I'm not even sure it happened, my boyfriend shot daggers at my best friend. Oh no, I really hoped that this wouldn't get awkward.
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For those of you that don't know, Ben Barnes is the guys who please Prince Caspian in Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. I think he's freaking gorgeous =] And I know he's 26 but in my story he's 19!!

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