We Can Change the World

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Remedies

"So where are we going," I asked Ben as I flipped through the radio stations.

"It's a surprise," he smirked at me quickly before turning his attention back to the road.

"I hate surprises," I groaned. "God, why is there nothing on the radio?"

Ben laughed and took my hand. "Chill babe. We're almost there and why don't you put Q102? Maybe we'll hear your amazing song."

I rolled my eyes, but smiled at him. He was so corny like that. He always put my songs on when they came on the radio, because he felt it was the 'boyfriend' thing to do. It was sweet though.

Suddenly, Mandy poured through the speakers. Oh my God, I couldn't believe I finally got to hear their song on the radio. It never seemed to come on whenever I tuned in. I turned it up and started singing along. Ben tensed and quickly popped in my CD. Immediately, the boys were cut off and replaced by me. I glared at Ben. "What was that for?"

"I don't like that song," he said simply.

"You don't like the song, or you don't like them," I inquired.

"Dani," he sighed. "Please let's not do this again." By again, he was referring to our constant fights about my best friends. It was a new thing for us. The fighting, I mean. Normally, we never fought. But Ben had a problem with me spending so much time with them and not enough with him. I still said that that was ridiculous. I was seeing my best friends after four years; of course I wanted to catch up with them. But he would always take it to the next level by questioning if I'd stay loyal. That was the main reason for our fights. He didn't trust me.

"No," I said. "Let's do this again Ben. What is your problem?"

"My problem," he started. "Is that you seem so preoccupied by your new best friends, that you've forgotten about everyone else, including your own boyfriend."

"That's not true," I shot back. "You know that I care about you Ben. But like I've told you so many times already, I haven't seen them in four years. We had been best friends since I was 5. I want to catch up."

" Maybe you wouldn't have to if you hadn't forgotten about them when you became a star," he said coldly.

I stared at him, my mouth wide open. He knew that my abandonment of my best friends was a really hard topic for me. He also knew how sorry I had been everyday for those four years. I couldn't believe that he said that. "Take me home."

"Dani, I'm so sorry," he said, quickly realizing his mistake. "I didn't mean that."

"Yes you did Ben," I said, my voice as cold as ice. "Take me home."

"Dani, come on, I'm sorry."

"Either take me home, or stop the car and let me out," I said, not giving in. "I'll call Kevin to come pick me up." I knew that that was a blow below the belt. I immediately felt about terrible it, but not enough to take it back.

"I'll take you home," he said quietly. He made a U-turn and drove me home. The car ride back was extremely quiet. I could tell that he knew I was in no mood for his apologies this time. And there was no way that I was going to talk to him. He pulled into my driveway. I got out of the car without a word, and walked straight to my door. Next door, I could see Joe and Frankie playing ball in their yard. I felt like going to talk to them would be too mean, especially after our fight.

Frankie saw me and waved. Joe looked at Ben's car then at my hasty return. I smiled at them and quickly ran into house. I knew that Joe would expect me to explain later. I didn't know what I was going to say. I couldn't exactly tell my best friend that my boyfriend didn't like him.


Joe's Point of View

"Joey," Frankie said, holding the ball we were tossing back and forth. "Why didn't Dani come say hi?"

I stared at my 9-year-old brother. Why was he so perceptive? Especially when I didn't have an answer. To stall for time, I ran at him, picked him up, and ran around the yard like a crazy person with Frank the Tank on my shoulder. I put him down and said, "Dani had to go to the bathroom. And I mean she really had to go."

Frankie snickered. "You mean like the time you and Dani gave Kevin those laxatives in his burger?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Exactly like the time we gave Kevin those laxatives."

"Joe," Nick called from the door. "Mom is calling you guys to eat. And she said to go call Dani to come over too."

"Okay," I said, and sent Frankie in before walking to Dani's door. "Hey," I said when she opened it. She had already changed into sweats and a beater. "Wow that was fast."

"I guess," she said quietly. She walked away from the door, leaving it open for me. I followed her into her kitchen where I saw a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice scream awaiting her on the counter.

"What happened," I asked immediately. I knew that the cookie dough pint could only mean she was really down. She only pulled it out when she really needed a pick me up.

"Ben and I had another fight," she said simply as she spooned another truckload of ice scream into her mouth.

Oh great, I thought. Ben and Dani seemed to fight everyday. I didn't know why she was still with him if they didn't get along. I didn't state my opinions just yet though. I just walked over to her and took the spoon from her and started eating with her. After knowing Dani since I was 5, I knew that she wasn't one of those girls that were looking for sympathies or pity. She just needed to know someone was there for her. "What was it about this time," I asked after a few bites.

She shrugged. "He honestly thinks that I'm going to cheat on him with you guys or something." She grabbed the spoon back from me and took another bite. "I mean if he knew me at all, he'd know –"

"That you would never cheat on anyone," I finished for her. I knew Dani wasn't the type of person to cheat on someone.

"Exactly," she sighed and scooped another spoon. "You know what. I'm done with him and his not trusting self," she said.

I took the spoon from her and put it down. I knew she'd never forgive me if I let her eat the whole pint. "And you've moved onto the pastime of enlarging your hips," I tried to lighten the mood.

She laughed and smacked me lightly. "I do not get fat Joseph Jonas."

"That's good, because my mom sent me here to invite you over for dinner," I said. "And get ready, cause it's her special turkey recipe."

Dani's eyes lit up at the mention of my mom's food. Eating was one pastime that we both enjoyed. Especially when Denise Jonas made it.
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