We Can Change the World

Pancake Battles

Dinner at the Jonas house was amazing, as always. Joe and I had about three servings each. Denise's cooking was just that good. After that, Frankie went to sleep, and Nick, Joe Kevin, and I hung out in the game room, playing guitar hero 3. Well it was more Nick and Kevin playing, and Joe and me were betting who'd win. The boys tried to convince me to sleep over, but I just wasn't in the mood, so I had gone home afterwards. That was when Ben had called, which resulted in me getting a total of 20 minutes of sleep last night. We had had a long talk, and I think we were okay now. But after everything that was said, I wasn't exactly sure if I wanted to be. I really needed to vent and rant to Joe about my problems, so I went next door.

"Hey – whoa Dani, you're a mess," Nick said as he opened the door.

"Thanks Nickie," I smirked at him as he let me in. "You do wonders to my self-esteem."

"Are you okay," he asked, his voice laced with concern.

I smiled at him. It was so cute how he was worried. And normally, I would have talked to him, but right now, I didn't need a good listener. I needed someone to make me feel happy. "Yeah I'm fine," I said. "Where's Joe?"

"Sleeping," he said. "But my mom said to wake him up. You could do the honors if you want."

I grinned. "I'd be happy to." I stopped in the bathroom on my way to his room to get a glass of water.

Kevin spotted me right outside Joe's door. I opened my mouth to explain but he put his hand up to stop me. "I don't even want to know," he laughed.

I stuck my tongue out at him before I walked into Joe's room. I giggled as I saw he was fast asleep. Slowly, I crept to his bed. I dipped my hand into the water and sprayed some on him. I got no response. "Forget this," I said as I poured the whole cup on his face. He sat up quickly this time. I barely had enough time to throw the cup away from me. "Oh hello there Joseph," I said innocently. "I see that you're up."

"Did you just pour water on him," he glared at me.

"No," I said quickly as I tried not to laugh.

"You're so dead," he smirked at me and went to grab me. Before I could even run, he had pulled me onto his bed and changed his position so that I was lying on my back, and he was sitting on my stomach. He smirked again as he shook his head, and the water from his hair sprayed all over me.

"Joe," I screamed. "Oh my God, stop!"

"Nope," he said as he shook his head again.

"Joseph Adam Jonas," I yelled. "It wasn't even me! It was – Nick!"

"Hey," we heard Nick scream from the hallway. "Don't blame this one on me."

"Thanks a lot Nick," I rolled my eyes as Joe stuck his tongue out at me.

Still on top of me, Joe said, "So what brings you to my humble abode so early in the morning?"

I sighed as I remembered the reason for this particular visit. "Ben."

Joe's eyes narrowed. "What about him?"

"He called me last night when I got home," I said.

Joe got off of me. "Did you eat yet," he asked as he headed to the door.

"No. Where are you going?"

"I want to go get ready real fast. We're going to go talk over breakfast at IHOP," he declared.


"So what did he want," Joe asked as he smothered his pancakes with syrup.

"He apologized," I said.


"And what? I took him back," I admitted. "I mean, it's not his fault that he's jealous."

Joe looked as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't. He just stared at his pancakes. After a few moments, he said, "I bet I can eat all of these before you."

I smiled. That's what I loved about Joe. He always knew when the subject needed to be changed. And he always had these random thoughts that always lightened the mood, and just made you smile. I looked at my own huge stack of pancakes smothered in syrup, and knew I couldn't resist an eating challenge. I smirked as I said, "You're so on. Go!" We dug into our stacks. I was so beating him. Trying to cheat, he said, "CHEW!" I merely replied I was, but because my mouth was so full, it came out as "ugn-aaahn." Needless to say, I out ate him by a landslide.

I sat there all smiles, rubbing my imaginary Buddha belly. Apparently I had syrup and crumbs all over my face because Joe reached over and wiped my face with a napkin. I felt like a little girl who was being cleaned off for being a slob. Afterwards, Joe said, "You cheated!"

"Na ah! You're just mad cause I'm the eating champion and you suck."

"Na ah!"

"Ya ha!"

"Na ah!"

"Ya ha!"

"Hey Dani, Joe, over here," we heard from a different table before camera clicks went off. Oh crap, how many pictures had they gotten? Ben was going to kill me.
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